Summer schools at SGH

Grupa studentów sommerschule w SGH


Sommer Schule

Die SGH Warsaw School of Economics lädt ganz herzlich alle Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen auf der Bachelor- und Masterstufe aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Polen und anderen Ländern  zur 11. deutschsprachigen deutsch-polnischen Sommerschule ein, die mehr über Polen und seine wechselvolle Beziehung zum größten westlichen Nachbarland wissen und dabei seine Kultur, Einwohner und Sprache besser verstehen wollen.

A group of SUW students

Summer University Warsaw

Summer University Warsaw (SUW) offers 2-week-long courses on economics and management at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. All classes are organised as lectures and workshops with numerous case studies, discussions and group projects. Bachelor’s and master’s level students have an opportunity to earn 3 or 6 ECTS credits that are internationally recognised. Our academic team includes experienced teachers from SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

SGH Doctoral Summer School on contemporary challenges in politics, business and economy

The objective of the SGH Doctoral Summer School on contemporary challenges in politics, business, and economy is to offer doctoral students an in-depth insight into key issues, challenges and approaches pertaining to research in politics, business and economy today. Apart from seminars, the SGH Doctoral Summer School will feature also workshops on selected research methods. The participants will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their research proposals too.

The SGH Doctoral Summer School on contemporary challenges in politics, business, and economy, will be held in Warsaw, Poland, on July 8-12, 2024.

SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers

SGH Warsaw School of Economics invites doctoral candidates and early career researchers from 5 Ukrainian universities, partners in CIVICA Alliance, to take part in the CIVICA4Ukraine SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers, summer school aimed at transferrable skills training for early career researchers enabling them to develop their communication, leadership, enterpreneurship ethical skills as well as to provide them with wider context of societal and economic development.