Educational offer

Historyczny medal naszego judoki na AMP

Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Monika Raulinajtys-Grzybek i Barbara Więckowska laureatkami konkursu Kobieta Rynku Zdrowia 2025

Studenci SGH z asem w rękawie na rynku pracy – rozmowa z doradczyniami karier Kingą Strzelecką i Julitą Panufnik

Rektor spotkał się najwybitniejszymi sportowcami
RID SEMINAR “Insurance literacy and insurance knowledge, financial education and modern technologies”
From Libertarian Paternalism to AI-Powered Nudging: New Challenges for Freedom
Polish-German Scientific Conference 2025: The future role of the EU in the global economy – German and Polish perspectives
The third global conference on the History of Risk and Insurance
Executive Education in the Digital Age. Between Performance Pressure and Motivating Experience – 30th anniversary of the CEMBA Program
The life of the university

SustainabiliCITY: CIVICA Students for Sustainable Urban Development

The next cohort of CIVICA Ambassadors programme – 2024/2025

SGH among the highest-rated business universities in Poland according to a ranking by Eduniversal

Visit of student ambassadors from European universities
RID SEMINAR “Insurance literacy and insurance knowledge, financial education and modern technologies”
From Libertarian Paternalism to AI-Powered Nudging: New Challenges for Freedom
Polish-German Scientific Conference 2025: The future role of the EU in the global economy – German and Polish perspectives
The third global conference on the History of Risk and Insurance
Executive Education in the Digital Age. Between Performance Pressure and Motivating Experience – 30th anniversary of the CEMBA Program

Naukowcy z SGH w zespole, który opracował „Leksykon polityki klimatycznej”
Zespół autorski liczący 33 osoby, w tym cztery z SGH, przygotował „Leksykon polityki klimatycznej”.

Raport Think Tanku SGH dla ochrony zdrowia „10 nowych źródeł finansowania NFZ”
10 marca 2025 r. w Centrum Prasowym PAP został zaprezentowany raport Think Tanku SGH dla ochrony zdrowia „10 nowych źródeł finansowania NFZ”.

5. edycja Barometru Społecznej Odpowiedzialności Konsumenta – „Fair Play dla rynku i konsumenta”
Polska prezydencja w Radzie Unii Europejskiej otwiera nowe możliwości w zakresie ochrony konkurencji i praw konsumentów.
To the point

Educational Needs in the Face of Climate Change
Climate change is a process revolutionising contemporary plans and strategies and, above all, the thinking and actions of economic actors, institutions, organisations, and states. It is becoming a reference point for evaluating the viability of projects and the effectiveness of the technologies used, as well as for assessing upcoming legislation.

Report of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Economic Forum 2024 available online
Report of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the Economic Forum 2024 is one of the most comprehensive publications related to the current economic situation in Poland and the CEE region. For the second year in a row, one of the chapters was prepared by European Investment Bank analysts. From 1 October an electronic version of the Report in Polish and English is available.

AI Lab – Intercollegiate Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Platforms
The use of artificial intelligence and digital platforms is one of the most important trends transforming the economy. Our ambition is to ensure that our university is a leading research and application centre in this domain both in Poland and internationally.
in the ranking of Polish economic universities and faculties according to Rzeczpospolita and in the ranking of Polish economic universities according to Perspektywy

was ranked first among economic programmes in the Perspektywy ranking
was ranked second among economic programmes in the Perspektywy ranking
was ranked third among economic programmes in the Perspektywy ranking
Canadian Executive MBA (CEMBA)
in the Perspektywy MBA ranking
Executive SGH-WUM MBA in healthcare
in the Perspektywy MBA ranking
in the Perspektywy MBA ranking

How to get to SGH

Take a tour of SGH Campus and listen to stories