Ponad 160 programów studiów podyplomowych i od lat najlepsze studia MBA w Polsce
Szkolenia stacjonarne prowadzone przez czołową kadrę akademicką SGH. Przygotowywane na zlecenia firm
Specjalistyczne programy szkoleniowe dla uczestników indywidualnych

Over 160 postgraduate study programs and the best MBA studies in Poland over years
An offer of unique training programmes addressed to companies – stationary and online trainings delivered by SGH professors and specialists
How to get admitted to SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Applying to university is an exciting time with lots to think about. With this in mind, we have created this short video which explains the whole process in five easy steps. Find out how to apply for English programmes taught at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, including our online application form, entry requirements and refund policies. We look forward to welcoming you to our student community!

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