Incoming exchange students
Nomination and application
Nomination and application
Nomination and application
Nomination and application
Information for students planning to apply for a Freemover program at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Students from non-partner universities can study at SGH for 1 semester or full academic year within the Freemover program.
Incoming exchange students
Nomination and application
Courses & Learning Agreement
Orientation week and Buddy programme
Legal matters and other formalities (before and after arrival)
Information for students planning to apply for a Freemover program at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Students from non-partner universities can study at SGH for 1 semester or full academic year within the Freemover program.
SGH Sommerschule
Die SGH Warsaw School of Economics lädt ganz herzlich alle Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen auf der Bachelor- und Masterstufe aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Polen und anderen Ländern zur 10. deutschsprachigen deutsch-polnischen Sommerschule ein