International programs incoming students

Grupa zagranicznych studentów podczas wykładów

Incoming exchange students

Nomination and application
Nomination and application
Nomination and application
Nomination and application

Information for students planning to apply for a Freemover program at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Students from non-partner universities can study at SGH for 1 semester or full academic year within the Freemover program.

Grupa zagranicznych studentów podczas wykładów

Incoming exchange students

Nomination and application
Courses & Learning Agreement
Orientation week and Buddy programme
Legal matters and other formalities (before and after arrival)

Information for students planning to apply for a Freemover program at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Students from non-partner universities can study at SGH for 1 semester or full academic year within the Freemover program.

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Summer Schools
SGH Sommerschule

Die SGH Warsaw School of Economics lädt ganz herzlich alle Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen auf der Bachelor- und Masterstufe aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Polen und anderen Ländern  zur 10. deutschsprachigen deutsch-polnischen Sommerschule ein

Summer University Warsaw

Summer University Warsaw (SUW) offers 2-week-long courses on economics and management. All classes are organised as lectures and workshops with numerous case studies, discussions and group projects.