Validation of academic degrees

The unit responsible for the performance of activities related to the validation of academic degrees is the Scientific Council Office.

The procedure for validation of an academic degree as equivalent with a relevant Polish academic degree is conducted in the mode specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 28 September 2018 on the validation of academic degrees and degrees in the scope of arts conferred abroad (Journal of Laws item 1877).

Detailed activities and the amount of fees for conducting the procedure at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, including the terms and conditions and the mode of exempting from these fees are regulated by the Rector’s Order no. 110 of 9 December 2020.

The procedure is commenced upon an application of a person applying for validation of an academic degree conferred abroad as equivalent with a relevant Polish academic degree of a doctor or a doctor with a habilitation degree. The application is submitted to the Rector. The Rector forwards the application to the relevant academic council in order to conduct the procedure via the Scientific Council Office.

Scientific Council Office
al. Niepodległości 162,
room 136, 137, 138
02-554 Warsaw, Poland
phone: 22 564 7838, 22 564 9216