Andreas Bielig (Prof. SGH) is since 2006 member of scientific staff of the German Economy Research Unit. In 2006-2012 he established as first DAAD Fachlektor Wirtschaft with a DAAD scholarship the institution Fachlektorat Wirtschaft of Polish-German Academic Forum at the Warsaw School of Economics. Here he is still active in organization and teaching. He graduated in Economics from the University of Leipzig (Dipl.-Vw.), gained his PhD degree in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Technical University of Ilmenau. Habilitation in Economic Sciences (dr hab.nauk ekonomicznych) was granted him at Warsaw School of Economics.
He has working experience as research fellow in area of environmental economics and sustainability at the Helmholtz Research Institute (UFZ) in Leipzig. He is also senior research fellow of Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich in fields of innovation and intellectual property.
His research interests include: Intellectual Property, Economic Analysis of Law, Institutional Economics, International Economics, Economic Policy, German Economy and German-Polish Economic Relations, Automotive, Sustainability.
His teaching includes among others Finanzwissenschaft, Geld- und Wahrungspolitik, Industrieokonomik, Intellectual Property Management in deutschen Unternehmen, Internationale Finanzen, Makrookonomie I, Makrookonomie II, Medienokonomie.