Market Analysis Unit

Market Analysis Unit

The Market Analysis Unit is an inspector of the Institute of Markets and Competition.

As part of the Market Analysis Unit, we develop theoretical aspects of the development of the market and its various segments in a report analyzing institutional and systemic changes observed in geographical, macro and global space.

Our research is focused on safe understanding of devices and devices that control development, taking into account their impact on the competitiveness and market position of the company. An exclusive place for research on sustainable distribution.
Our research studies include:

  • Conditions of selected components - work, housing, commercial real estate, tourist services;
  • Need and limitation of the economy in controlling development;
  • Systemic, institutional and behavioral approaches to the development and competitiveness of enterprises;
  • Selected source of social and economic consumption from the development of innovation and energy consumption;
  • The impact of globalization on economic and enterprise opportunities;

Plant employees:
Professor Jerzy Pietrewicz, Ph.D.

Professor Maria Johann, Ph.D.
Professor Ph.D. Jacek Łaszek, Ph.D.
Professor Stanisław Łobejko, Ph.D.
Sabina Klimek, Ph.D.
Marcin Kołtuniak, Ph.D.
Małgorzata Skrzek-Lubasińska, Ph.D.
Joanna Waszczuk, Ph.D.
Weronika Daniłowska, MSc.
Katarzyna Kacperczyk, MSc.

PhD students and collaborators
Władysław Kulczycki, Ph.D.
Dr. Krzysztof Olszewski, Ph.D.
Ahmed Bostani, MSc.
