Znajdź studia podyplomowe
Administration and law
Accounting and finances
Human Resources
Digital transformation

Studia Executive MBA
We współpracy z The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Najwyżej notowany program w języku polskim
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Poszerzaj swoje kompetencje
Każdy program studiów podyplomowych to doskonałe połączenie wiedzy teoretycznej i praktycznych zajęć. Ograniczona liczba miejsc powoduje, że rekrutacja na studia prowadzona jest dwa razy do roku. Uczelnia nie pobiera opłaty rekrutacyjnej, a o przyjęciu na studia decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń kandydatów
Podyplomowe studia w SGH dostępne są dla osób indywidualnych oraz firm. Ogromny potencjał naukowy SGH doceniają podmioty gospodarcze, dla których uczelnia przygotowuje dedykowane programy nauczania. Prestiż uczelni przyciąga słuchaczy z całej Polski. Ogromnym zainteresowaniem cieszą się unikatowe kierunki, niedostępne w konkurencyjnych polskich uczelniach.
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Czesne i dodatkowe
SGH Warsaw School of Economics is the oldest and most prestigious economic university in Poland and one of the best of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Graduating from SGH ensures a well-developed skill set focused on applicable knowledge and competencies required from modern day managers and experts in their fields. For those already working and wishing to build on existing experiences and skills as well as those looking to redirect their careers into a new area, SGH offers Postgraduate Studies in English. The programmes available are Postgraduate Studies in ESG Fundamentals for Business as well as Postgraduate Studies in Corporate Governance, Risk and Compliance Management, in Economic Diplomacy and in International Finance.
Postgraduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics offer an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the best experts invited to deliver the lectures. With a strong academic background and outstanding business achievements, they ensure that participants’ knowledge and skills will benefit from the time spent during studies. Equally importantly, the studies offer a unique chance to network with like-minded professionals, which creates a favourable atmosphere for learning and development through exchanging opinions and experiences and opens endless possibilities for cooperation in the future.
Postgraduate Diploma form SGH Warsaw School of Economics is a quality seal that confirms the most up-to-date knowledge and cutting-edge practical skills obtained during studies. SGH Diploma holders are highly sought after managers and experts in their fields that openly contribute to the success of their organisations.

Development programms
The program has been ranked again as the best MBA program in Poland