About the Department of Economics I

Historically, the Department of Economics I was preceded by the Department of Political Economy, which was established in 1956 and operated within the Faculty of Trade at the Central School of Planning and Statistics (Polish: Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki, SGPiS – the former name of the Warsaw School of Economics). The Department of Political Economy was initially chaired by Professor Aleksy Wakar (1898–1966), a graduate and a long-time faculty member of the School, who is regarded as one of the most important figures in its 100-year history. The team of Professor Wakar initiated a unique strand of research, which applied and developed general equilibrium theory in the study of centrally planned economies (his results were published, among others, in the American Economic Review). Professor Wakar’s approach, work style, and research results have been referred to as “the Wakar school” by many Polish economists.​
​​The Department of Economics I carries out research and teaching in the broad area of economics, including a variety of demographic, institutional, and social determinants. The team of the Department critically refers to diverse historically important schools of economics, but it uses modern tools and concentrates its research on contemporary problems. The Department is also open for discussion and cooperation which transgresses traditional borders of the discipline.

People of the Department of Economics I

prof. Marek Góra, full professor
Zdjęcie Marka Góry

Professor Marek Góra​​ ​​- full professor; lectures in macroeconomics, pension economics, labour economics, population economics, health economics, economic and social policy; previously, also in econometrics and economic forecasting; co-founder of the Polish Pension Group SGH. Research Fellow at IZA; member of Council of Advisors, Population Europe; articles mostly in pension economics, labour economics; visiting professor at the College of Europe (lectures in social policy, political economy); previously (various periods) research at LSE, Erasmus University, Ifo Munich; 1990-1997 Executive Committee member of EALE; 1992-1993 Visiting Partner at the DELSA/OECD; consultancies (World Bank, IMF, European Commission, OECD, UNDP). Co-author of the design of the current Polish pension system introduced in 1999.
Current Google Scholar H=25 (citation >2600)

Profile in databases:

dr Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak, associate professor
Zdjęcie Ewy Gałeckiej-Burdziak

Ewa Gałecka-Burdziak is an Associate Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She is also a Research Affiliate at Life Course Centre (Australia) and Prague University of Economics and Business (Czechia). She served as a Principal Investigator of the projects financed by National Science Centre, NAWA, CERGE-EI Foundation and OECD. She has received the START scholarship founded by Foundation for Polish Science, Minister of Science and Higher Education scholarship for young scientists (2020-2022) and Dekaban-Liddle Senior Fellowship (University of Glasgow). Her research spans labour economics, social policy, economics of crime, with particular focus on unemployment insurance.

ORCiD: 0000-0001-9020-8486

dr Iga Magda, Head of the Department
Zdjęcie Igi Magdy

Associate Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, Vice President of the Institute for Structural Research (IBS) in Warsaw ana IZA Research Fellow (Bonn, Germany). Previously she worked at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, coordinating research projects. She was also a visiting researcher at ISER, University of Essex and CReAM at University College London. Her work is centered on labour economics, in particular wage and income inequality, gender gaps and family policy. She has published among other in Feminist Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Empirical Economics.

dr Anna Ruzik-Sierdzińska, associate professor
Zdjęcie Anny Ruzik-Sierdzińskiej

Graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems, and in 2004 she defended Ph.D. in economics in Collegium of Economic Analysis, WSE. In years 2002-2003, as a Ph.D. student she spent one semester in CentER at the Tilburg University, NL. Since 2008 she is an assistant professor in Department of Economics I.
She worked or cooperated in scientific or advisory projects among others with: CASE- Center for Socio-Economic Research, OECD, World Bank, UNDP, the Jagiellonian University, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

dr Sonia Buchholtz, assistant professor
Zdjęcie Sonii Buchholtz
dr Janusz Jabłonowski, assistant professor
Zdjęcie Janusza Jabłonowskiego

Graduated from Law & Administration faculty in University of Wrocław, then National School of Public Administration (KSAP) in Warsaw, as the civil service member. PhD in Economics in 2018 in Warsaw School of Economics, where he teaches mainly microeconomics and public sector economics. He continues his professional activity in the National Bank of Poland since 2005, following several years in the Ministry of Finance. Member of several EU working groups in the field of government finance statistics. He focuses on analysis and research in the field of fiscal policy, long-term sustainability, households sector and macroeconomics. Recently specializes in a large scale structural models related to the climate change.   

dr Izabela Sobiech Pellegrini, assistant professor
Zdjęcie Izabeli Sobiech Pellegrini

She obtained her PHD in Economics in 2016 from the GSEFM. She has research and teaching experience from Goethe University Frankfurt, Darmstadt University of Technology and from Sao Paulo University. Working at the Department of Economics I and at the Ministry of Finance since 2022. Her research interests include modelling economic growth and migrations (from a macroeconomic perspective).

Mgr Szymon Chudziak

A junior lecturer at Chair of Economics I at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. His research interests are: complexity economics (with the special focus on agent-based methods), macroeconomics and applied economics.


Personal webpage

mgr Klara Dyszyńska-Przystał


zdjęcie Klara Dyszyńska-Przystał

Assistant at the Department of Economics I. She graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with a degree in economics.

Her main research interests include the labor market, health economics (in particular aspects related to mental health and neurodiversity) and the economic costs resulting from negative social phenomena, such as violence or exclusion.


