Researches in the Institute of Information Systems and Digital Economy

The Institute's research areas include: digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, big data, fintech, automation and robotization.

Institute of Information Systems and Digital Economy conducts research in the field of broadly understood business informatics. The mission of the Institute, as one of the leading centers dealing with business informatics in Poland, is publishing results of research conducted at the Institute and research partner units, teaching at all levels of higher education, cooperation with public administration and economic organizations, as well as conducting postgraduate studies.

Researchers at the Institute are focused around four main pillars and is carried out in the following departments: information technology, IT management, digital economy and e-business. Researchers have a recognized position not only in Poland, but also in the world.

Research conducted at the Institute is related to the essential needs and challenges of the economy. These studies include the use of information technologies (IT) in organizations, the construction and implementation of information systems and the analysis of their impact on functionality of the organization.

Conducted scientific research concern complex problems in the field of methodologies and applications techniques and tools of computer technology in the economics. Thus, the Institute’s research interests lie in two overlapping areas. On the one hand, the area of construction, i.e. the development of new IT systems in organizations, including their analysis, design, implementation, testing, implementation and operation. On the other hand, the sphere of management, i.e. all activities that allow the organization to achieve its goals through the effective use of IT. The Institute’s research areas include among others: digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, big data, fintech, automation and robotization.
