RIED SGH - IRG SGH Barometer

IRG SGH Barometer. The fourth quarter of 2023

In the 4th quarter of 2023 economic situation in Poland worsened. The IRG SGH barometer (BARIRG), together with confidence indicators for: manufacturing, construction, trade and financial sector, declined in comparison with the previous quarter. The only component of the barometer that increased is the consumer sentiment index. However, on the annual basis, BARIRG and all its components grew. The results of the surveys conducted in the 4th quarter provide clear signs of optimism coming back to the economy.
The barometer decreased by 2.9 pts, comparing to the 3rd quarter, to -8.1 pts. It is now 12.9 pts up from the respective year 2022 figure. The decline is typical at the time of the year (due to negative seasonal factors). Improvement is expected to come in the next quarter.

chart IRG SGH barometer Q4 2024

Elżbieta Adamowicz,  adel@sgh.waw.pl
Joanna Klimkowska,  irg@sgh.waw.pl
