Tax Analysis and Studies Center

Tax Analysis and Studies Center

The faculty members of the Department of Tax Law contribute to the Tax Analysis and Studies Center, an interdisciplinary research unit organized within the Collegium of Socio-Economics at SGH. This center conducts and coordinates analyses and studies on a broad range of tax and customs issues at the Polish, European Union, and global levels.

The mission of the Center is to:

  1. Expand and disseminate both scientific and practical knowledge on taxes and customs from economic, financial, legal, and ethical perspectives;
  2. Provide highly specialized and interdisciplinary knowledge at the highest professional level and promote multidisciplinary research methods in tax analyses and studies;
  3. Offer expert and analytical support as an independent and apolitical unit to government and local administration entities, statutory economic self-governments, civil society organizations, and the media, as well as to business entities closely connected with the State Treasury;
  4. Create a collaborative platform between the academic community, public administration, business, and civil society, aimed at strengthening relationships through transparent and creative cooperation in the field of taxes and customs.

As part of its activities, CASP conducts research and scientific projects, including those commissioned by the National Science Center. It organizes postgraduate studies in collaboration with leading theorists and practitioners in tax law, publishes the scientific journal “CASP Analyses and Studies,” and releases annual reports on key tax issues.

The coordinator of CASP is Dr. Monika Laskowska.




