Conferences and seminars organised by the Department of Philosophy:
- 6 December 2022
Prakseologia, etyka, gospodarka (Praxeology, ethics, economics) - 19-20 March 2021
Wykluczenie, partycypacja, inicjatywy. O społecznym i politycznym wymiarze aktywności obywatelskiej (Exclusion, participation, initiatives. On the social and political aspects of civic activities) - 19 April 2018
Etyka - dyskurs - ideologia (Ethics-discourse-ideology) - 4 December 2015
Roman Rudziński. Człowiek i dzieło (Roman Rudziński’s life and works) - 14 June 2013
Etyka i granice komunikacji (Ethics and the boundaries of communication) - 21-22 September 2011
Współczesne koncepcje etycznego działania (Contemporary concepts of ethical actions) - 21 October 2010
Prakseologiczne i etyczne aspekty przywództwa w biznesie (Praxeological and ethical aspects of a business leadership)
- 12 March 2024
Andrzej Leder „Ekonomia to stan umysłu. Ćwiczenie z semantyki języków ekonomicznych” (Economics is a State of Mind. An Exercise in the Semantics of the Language of Economics). The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Department of Economic Theory, Collegium of Socio-Economics SGH. - January-June 2021
Filozofia praktyczna (Practical philosophy), the online seminar organised in cooperation with prof. Wojciech Paprocki, Collegium of Management and Finances SGH - 24 November 2014
Max Weber: czy nadal żyjemy w odczarowanym świecie? (Max Weber: are we still living in a disenchanted world?) - 27-28 August 2010
II International Seminar on Business Ethics Education and Embedded Capitalism: Canada, Poland, Germany
Open meetings
- 13 June 2017
Michał Siermiński, the author of “Dekada przełomu. Polska lewica opozycyjna 1968-1980” (The Decade of a Breakthrough. Polish left-wing opposition 1968-1980). The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Department of Economic History, Collegium of Socio-Economics SGH. - 2 March 2017
Andrzej Leder, the author of “Prześniona rewolucja. Ćwiczenie z logiki historycznej” (Sleepwalking the Revolution. An Exercise in Historical Logic). The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Department of Economic History, Collegium of Socio-Economics SGH.