Department of Philosophy - didactic offer

The Department of Philosophy is responsible for the courses on philosophy as well as ethics at SGH. In addition to the standard programme the department offers diverse courses of the so-called 'free choice' courses for graduate and undergraduate studies. The staff conducts also lectures and diploma seminars for doctoral students.

Standard offer

  • 110621 Philosophy (undergraduate studies)
  • 222161 Business Ethics (graduate studies)
  • 222164 Wirtschaftsethik (graduate studies)
  • 410001 Philosophy of Science (doctoral studies)
  • 410011 Ethics in Science (doctoral studies)

Free choice

  • 238794 dr hab. Grzegorz Szulczewski, prof. SGH: Soziale Marktwirtschaft (graduate studies)
  • 132114 dr hab. Grzegorz Szulczewski, prof. SGH: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsethik (undergraduate studies)