Regional and Local Policy Unit

The Regional and Local Policy Unit deals with theoretical and practical issues of socio-economic development processes on a regional and local scale, including territorial-oriented development processes. These issues include integrated and sectoral development strategies in the areas of social and institutional capital, technical and social infrastructure as well as environmental aspects. The Department’s research also focuses on the issues of participation and involvement of various groups of stakeholders in development processes, including the implementation of sustainable development.

The most important research directions:

  • Regional and local policy.
  • Sustainable development.
  • Integrated development.
  • Regional and local economy.
  • Public participation.
  • Corporate social responsibility (of business and universities) and stakeholder theory.

The most important didactic tasks:

  • Participation in the development and application of territorial approaches to socio-economic processes to didactic programs of various fields of study implemented at the University.
  • Developing and implementing topics in the field of sustainable development, stakeholders of development processes, and organizational social responsibility into didactic programs.

The most important organizational tasks:

  • Expert activities, developed in particular for public entities, in the field of creating and implementing socio-economic and sustainable development policies on various spatial scales and in relation to various stakeholders.
  • Creation and participation in the development of scientific teams implementing research projects in which spatial approaches to the processes of managing socio-economic development are necessary.

The employees of the Regional and Local Policy Unit for many years have been actively cooperating with the Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning at the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Correspondence address
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
al. Niepodległości 162
02-554 Warsaw, Poland

Regional and Local Policy Unit
ul. Wiśniowa 41, room 64
02-520 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: +48 22 564 9113
