- ManagementJean Monnet ChairProfessor Ewa Latoszek
Professor Ewa Latoszek is a Full Professor and the Director in the Jean Monnet Chair of European Union , the Socio- Economic Collegium of Warsaw School of Economics. She is also the professor at the Warsaw Polytechnic, Collegium of Economic and Social Sciences. Fields of her teaching and scientific interest are: European integration, the EU policies, Poland in the European Union.
Professor Latoszek is involved in numerous national and international research carried out on: organizations, development policy and financial assistance for less developed countries, international integration process, European integration process in different areas including chosen aspects of Poland’s adaptation to European Union membership and to practice of the Internal Market. In her research works she put a lot of attention to the most important aspects of European integration process with special attention to its international relations and the regional policy, that can be observed in her publications and, among others in the subject of bachelor and master’s thesis which she promoted, both at Warsaw School of Economics, and other state and private universities. The second area of her current research interest focuses on international organizations, including NGOs and their role in the world economy. Her outstanding merits and more than 200 publications are related to European Integration. As an expert she participated in the preparation of Polish accession to EU.
She is a coordinator of many national and international projects. It is worth to indicate that professor Ewa Latoszek was one of the first academics in Poland receiving the Jean Monnet and PHARE grants. In 1994-99 she coordinated three Jean Monnet projects ( including Module and Research Project). In 1997/98 she was the coordinator of Phare Fiesta financed by the European Commission. She also coordinated the EUintegRATIO project under the EU 7 Framework Programme in 2011/12. Professor Latoszek strongly contributed to establishing the cooperation of the Warsaw School of Economics with Ernst & Young in the field of education in Poland. Main functions in the past five years: the Deputy Dean at Warsaw School of Economics, Deputy Rector at Olympus University , the Director of Post diploma Studies conducted by SGH in cooperation with Ernst&Young, the President of PECSA ( Polish European Community Studies Association), the Member of ECSA network, the vice-president of a Steering Committee of the Research Alliance for Development, the World Bank (RAD).
A member of different national and international bodies including the Committee of Economic Sciences of Polish Academy of Science. Since 2012 Professor Ewa Latoszek has been registered as the expert of 7 Framework Programme Projects. She promoted more than 400 BA and MA works and 5 PhD works- most of them on European topics. In 2013 she received Jean Monnet Chair and became an expert in the Advisory Group in Horizont 2020 Programme. Since 2013 Professor Ewa Latoszek has been nominated to Horizont 2020 Advisory Group for SC-6”Europe in a changing world- Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies”. Since May 2014 she has been nominated to Horizont Ad Hoc Advisory Group „Science with and for Society”. In October 2014 she was elected Vice-President of the European Community Studies Association.

Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2017, Head of Postgraduate Studies “Markets in International Trade”, organized at the Warsaw School of Economics.
A member of the Institute of International Economic Relations at the Warsaw School of Economics (1995 - 1998), assistant professor at the Department of European Integration at the Warsaw School of Economics. Jean Monnet at the SGH Collegium of World Economy (1998-2016). She joined the economic practice as an employee of the Ministry of Treasury (1997-2003) and a member of the Supervisory Board of “AWNWIL” S.A. In Wloclawek (2000-2002).
She completed her research internship at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy (one month in 2007), her doctoral dissertation at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland (one semester 1998), and a European law degree at Summer School Alpbach in Austria (one month in 1997), organized in collaboration with the University of Innsbruck. Between 1998 and 2000, she received a scholarship from the European Commission for the implementation of the work entitled “Implications of the Adoption by Poland of the Common Agricultural Policy (ACE Project)”.
She deals with the issues of broadly understood international economic relations, international economics, in particular integration processes on the European continent. The author of the book, “The World Trade System - New Challenges and Reforms”, nominated in 2014 for the Kronenberg Foundation Award for a special contribution to the development of science in the sphere of economics and finance.
Promoter of more than 140 diploma theses. She received the First Degree of the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for her achievements in the year 2014 in the field of scientific activity for her postdoctoral thesis “World Trade System - New Challenges and Reforms”. She also won the Team Award of the Warsaw School of Economics, first in the field of scientific research for her co-authorship of the book “Poland’s Economy in the European Union 2004-2006. Selected Issues “(2008); Individual award of the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics, second degree in the field of scientific research for his doctoral thesis (2003); And the team award of the Minister of Education and Sport, for the joint publication of the Transitional Periods in the Accession Treaty (2004).
- Assistant Professor Magdalena Proczek, PhD
Magdalena Proczek, PhD is an Assistant Professor and graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Trade (in the field of Foreign Trade Policy) at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGPIS). She is also a graduate of the Postgraduate Pedagogical Training at the Warsaw School of Economics and postgraduate studies in the project of the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme „Human Capital” - training of the academic staff to the role of lecturers of the subject Intellectual Property Protection at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.
Proczek’s research interests, systematically and consistently developed since the beginning of her professional activity, focusing on two important areas in the field of international economic relations. The first one covers the issues of intergovernmental activities of international organizations, with the particular emphasis on the United Nations system organizations. The second stream of research are studies on the process of international integration. Magdalena Proczek has supervised over 130 theses in this area.
She is an author, co-author, co-editor of numerous scientific publications, articles and reviews, executor of Jean Monnet Permanent Course (1995–1998), of statutory and her own researches, co-executor and secretary of the Committee for Scientific Research grant, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Science Centre. She received a first degree team award of the Rector of Warsaw School of Economics for teaching in 2002, a team award of the Minister of Education and Sports in 2004, a first degree team award of the Rector of Warsaw School of Economics for teaching in 2004, the second degree individual award of the Rector of Warsaw School of Economics for her doctoral thesis in 2005, a first degree team award of the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for educational activity in 2008.
Magdalena Proczek is the co-founder of the Students’ Scientific Association of the International Organizations, a member of the Scientific Council of the Collegium of World Economy and afterwards a member of the Collegium of Socio-Economics, a member of PECSA (Polish European Community Studies Association), a member of the team involved in the preparation of national and international conferences and seminars. She cooperated with the World Bank, UNDP, UNHCR, Amnesty International, R. Schuman Foundation, Embassy of the United States, National School of Public Administration, Polish National Bank, Institute of Fundamental Technological Problems of Polish Academy of Science.

- MICHAL JASINSKI, Ph.D. Econ. Warsaw School of Economics
His research includes International tourism, Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). His professional experience includes academic and public administration.
- Agnieszka Kłos, PhD
Agnieszka Kłos - PhD in economics, 2012, Socio-Economic Collegium of Warsaw School of Economics. Her research interests include EU regional development policies and budget, public finances (particularly transfer of founds from EU budget) and implementation of EU budget in Poland. She specializes also in implementation of projects financed by EU.
Her professional experience includes public administration and financial sector. In 2001-2013 worked for the BGK as an expert, leading financial management of public funding of technology initiatives utilizig EU/Polish funding as part of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013. In the period 2005-2011 worked at the Department of Paying Authority at the Ministry of Finance and in 2002-2005 worked at the Department of Finance at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. During the 2004-2006, member of the Regional Steering Committee of the Integrated Operational Programme for Regional Development (ZPORR), then a member of the team evaluating applications for the mobilization of the reserves of the state budget for projects under the Cohesion Fund. From 2006 to 2011, acted as a representative of the Ministry of Finance in the Parliamentary Commissions for the budget and public finances. Participated in internships and study visits including Germany’s Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Economy of Germany and France, the relevant departments of finance for investments carried out with the use of structural funds and the management of operational programs and financial control of EU funds and the fight against irregularities. Member member of the Board of the Polish European Community Studies Association and memebr of Polish Economic Society. She is an author, co-author, co-editor of scientific publications. Co-autor of many national and international projects financed e.g. by the European Commission (Jean Monnet Programm), NBP.