SGH Warsaw School of Economics & Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago are very pleased to announce the 22nd MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL MODELING OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS WORKSHOP.
17-18 October 2023 | 15:30-19:30 CET | 8:30-12:30 CST
The event will take place in a HYBRID format. For attendees in person, the location is room 151 G of the SGH main building, Al. Niepodległości 162.
To join the workshop please register:
The participation in the workshop is free of charge for registered participants.
The Workshop is organized within the framework of the research project on “Building Strategic Partnerships for the Centre for Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence” financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA.
SGH & NEIU students, faculty, alumni, and other professionals are encouraged to participate in this workshop. It is designed to provide participants with hands on experience in interdisciplinary quantitative and qualitative analysis.
The workshop agenda can be downloaded here:
- Modeling in Health, Sciences, Business and Economics
- Modeling for Cancer Risk Assessment
- Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative Research
- Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, USA
- SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- Chicago Cancer Health Equity Collaborative, USA
One of the workshop modules will be focused on the Value Based Healthcare concept. It will be held on October 18, 2023 by Prof. Dr. Fred van Eenennaam, Chairman VBHC Center Europe.

Prof. Dr. Fred van Eenennaam, Chairman VBHC Center Europe and Erasmus University Professor
There is hardly anyone who advocates for value-based healthcare as consistently as he does. Prof. Dr. Fred van Eenennaam brought the concept of VBHC from the US to Europe by founding the VBHC Center Europe, a leading platform for visitors and members who want to learn about Value-Based Health Care implementation. He is also a professor and strategy consultant in the healthcare sector. For Prof. Dr. van Eenennaam, value-based healthcare is the only way to focus on what is essential in healthcare – the value for patients.
Organizing committee
- Prof. Marzenna Weresa: mweres@sgh.waw.pl
- Dr. Lidia Filus: l-filus@neiu.edu
- Dr. Christina Ciecierski: c-ciecierski@neiu.edu
- Dr. Nabil Kahouadji: n-kahouadji@neiu.edu
- Dr. Emma Turian: m-turian@neiu.edu
- Ms. Katarzyna Faber: kfaber@sgh.waw.pl
We also invite workshop participants to take part in the World Economy Research Institute’s 18th Annual Conference on Innovation and Competitiveness ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND COMPETITIVENESS: HOW ARE THEY CONNECTED AND WHY DO THEY MATTER?, which is a hybrid event held on October 19, 2023 at 11:15 am- 3:15 pm (CET) .
More information on the Conference
You can register for both events at: