Bachelor's and Master's Seminars

The Institute's staff conduct Bachelor's and Master's seminars. The proposed topics for the papers can be found in the Virtual Dean's Office.

Thesis Supervisors

  • Dariusz Danilewicz, Ph.D.
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 194521, Master’s studies: 294521
  • Hanna Kinowska​, Ph.D.
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 190001, Master’s studies: 290001
  • Rafał Łabędzki, Ph.D.
    Seminar codes: Master’s studies: 290001-5846
  • Grzegorz Myśliwiec, Ph.D.
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 193331, Master’s studies: 293331
  • Prof. Tomasz Rostkowski
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 195451, Master’s studies: 295451 
  • Prof. A. Wojtczuk-Turek
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 196141, Master’s studies: 296141
  • Michał Zubek, Ph.D.
    Seminar codes: Bachelor’s studies: 190001, Master’s studies: 290001​​

Seminar dates are to be agreed individually with the supervisors.
