- dr hab. Dorota Niedziółka, prof. SGH
Professional interests:
Energy security, energy market, location of economic activity, economic geography, regionalization, globalization.
Research specialization:
location of technical infrastructure, regionalization of energy markets, role of energy resources in the economy.
Publications (selected):
- Energy trade and economic growth in: Global Economy Challenges of the 21st Century ed. S. Bukowski, Technical University of Radom, Radom 2010
Energy market in Poland, Difin, Warsaw 2010
Prospects for the energy market of the Western Balkan, Challenges of Economic European Integration for Western Balkan, Albania 2011
Investment attractiveness of local sectors, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Glocalization, College of Business Administration SGH, Warsaw 2011
Regionalization of energy markets, Publishing House of SGH, Warsaw 2011
Green energy ed. CeDeWu, Warsaw 2012
Evolution of energy powers in the contemporary world in: Dynamics of contemporary international relations, ed. W. Kostecki, Higher School of Customs and Logistics in Warsaw, Warsaw 2013
New trends in energy security in the post-Soviet area, Yearbook of the Institute of Central and Eastern Europe 2013 - Evolution of energy powers in the contemporary world in: Dynamics of contemporary international relations, Higher School of Customs and Logistics; Warsaw 2013
- The role of regionalization in creating conditions for Poland’s energy security in: Energy security of Poland in the autonomous and integrated with the European Union perspective, Vistula Academy of Finance and Business; Warsaw 2013
- Stakeholders of shale gas exploitation in: Considerations on the economy… CeDeWu, Warsaw 2014
- Location risk in the power sector in: Risk of the location of enterprises in Poland, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2014
- The impact of customs policy on energy policy in: Customs policy: economics, law, practice BW Jan Brodziński Publishing House, Warsaw 2014
- Microeconomic aspect of economic security in: Location conditions of economic security of enterprises, CedeWu, Warsaw 2015
- Economic security of enterprises and their location. in: Locational conditions of economic security of enterprises, CedeWu, Warsaw 2015
- Stakeholders of shale gas exploitation in: Considerations about the economy…2015; Warsaw School of Economics Press;
- System of states in: Economic geography, Wolters Kluwer, Cracow 2015
- Risk of wind farm location in: Location of economic activity and its risk, Cedewu, Warsaw 2016
- The economic security of power plants E3S Web of Conferences. Energy and Fuels Paweł Czyżak, Dorota Niedziółka 2017
- Economic security of enterprises and its determinants in: Economically safe location: methodological and practical aspects, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2017
- Investments in district heating in: Investments in sustainable development of cities, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2017
- Functioning of the Polish energy market, Difin, Warsaw 2018
- Self-organization of economic security of power companies Self-organization of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu; Warsaw 2019
- Energy trade and economic growth in: Global Economy Challenges of the 21st Century ed. S. Bukowski, Technical University of Radom, Radom 2010
- dr hab. Jacek Brdulak, prof. SGH
Professional interests:
transport geography, trade geography, infrastructure development, interpersonal communication in business.
Research specialization:
zones of special economic privilege in Poland, structural changes in demand for transport services in Poland, negotiation conditions for conducting international trade.
- J. Brdulak, Technical infrastructure of the economy in the practice of spatial considerations (in:) Considerations on space and economy, ed. D. Niedziółka, SGH, Warsaw 2020.
- J. Sierak, M. Bittner, A. Gałązka, J. Brdulak et al., Investment needs of local government units until 2020 and after 2020 in the scope of selected types of infrastructure and possibilities of their financing with EU funds, Ministry of Investment and Development, Warsaw 2019;
- J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, C. Krysiuk, Investment needs in the scope of provincial roads in Poland: Regional studies, GlobeEdit, 2019;
- J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, C. Krysiuk, P. Pawlak, B. Zakrzewski, Analysis of the impact of constructed road infrastructure on the level of economic activity in the surrounding territorial units, Ministry of Investment and Development, Warsaw 2017;
- J. Brdulak (ed.), Problems of programming infrastructure investments in transport, monograph, Scientific Journal of ITS no. 112, ITS, Warsaw 2016;
- J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, Conditioning of the activity of social enterprises in Poland, Elipsa Publishing House, Warsaw 2016;
- J. Brdulak (ed.), Problems of programming infrastructure investments in transport. Monograph; ITS , Warsaw 2016, pp. 101.
- J. Brdulak, Challenges of regional policy in the aspect of socio-economic development of cross-border areas, edited by K. Świerczewska and M. Pyra, PSzW Publishing House, Biała Podlaska 2015, pp. 39-46;
- J. Brdulak; Cultural factor in shaping e-economy [in:] E-society in Central and Eastern Europe. Present and development prospects, edited by S. Partycki, KUL Publishing House, Lublin 2015, pp. 74-84;
- J. Brdulak, P. Pawlak; Eastern Poland - infrastructural borderland or periphery? Logistics, 2015, no. 3;
- C. Krysiuk, G. Nowacki, J. Brdulak; Analysis of EU projects in the field of public transport - implementation and efficiency, Logistyka, 2015, no. 3.
- J. Brdulak, B. Zakrzewski; Methods for Calculating the Efficiency of Logistics Centres. The Archives of Transport, Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Transport, 2013 (published in 2014), No. 3-4, pp. 25-43.
- J. Brdulak; Technical principles of writing diploma theses on economic topics, Oficyna Wyd. SGH, Warsaw 2014, pp. 36, ed. 4.
- M. Banak, J. Brdulak, C. Krysiuk, P. Pawlak, Directions of development of road transport infrastructure in Poland, ITS, Warsaw 2014, pp. 218;J. Brdulak, B. Zakrzewski, Efficiency of a logistics center in Southern Podlasie, ITS, Warsaw 2013, pp. 231;
- J. Brdulak, The factor of culture in management sciences (chapter 2), [in:] R. Kucęba, W. Jędrzejczyk, K. Smoląg (eds.), Development of management sciences, directions and perspectives, Częstochowa University of Technology, Monograph no. 255, Częstochowa 2013, pp. 140-166;
- J. Brdulak, Trade and services, regional system, global system (chapters XI, XIV, XVI), [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.) Economic geography, ,Oficina a Wolters Kluwer business, Warsaw 2013, ed. 2, pp. 294-326, 419-438, 462-478;
- J. Brdulak, Transformations in transport – transport homeostat (co-author), Zeszyty Naukowe ITS, 2013, no. 110, pp. 13-20;
- J. Brdulak, New EU transport policy in the broadly understood area of transport (co-author), Zeszyty Naukowe ITS, 2013, no. 110, pp. 21-43;
- J. Brdulak, P. Pawlak, C. Krysiuk, Development of transport modes in Europe – priority axes of the TEN-T ITS network, Warsaw 2012, pp. 184;
- J. Brdulak, Cultural conditions (chapter 4), [in:] D. Niedziółka (ed.), Green energy in Poland, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2012, pp. 71-93;
- J. Brdulak, The use of Ashby’s homeostat in describing transport changes in the EU (co-author), Scientific Journal no. 741, Problems of transport and logistics no. 18, University of Szczecin, 2012, pp. 21-34;
- J. Brdulak, Social enterprise in economic theory (co-author), Scientific Journal no. 750, Contemporary economic problems. Globalization, liberalization, ethics no. 4, University of Szczecin, pp. 127-146;
- J. Brdulak, The factor of culture in institutional economy, Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, 2012, no. 1(36), pp. 15-30. J. Brdulak, Transport infrastructure, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Economic geography of the European Union, PWE, Warsaw 2011, 2nd edition revised.
- J. Brdulak, Local cultural conditions of enterprise location, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Glocalization, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- J. Brdulak, P. Jakubik, Institutional and cultural conditions of entrepreneurship, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Entrepreneurship and regional development in Poland, Difin, Warsaw 2010.
- J. Brdulak, Universalism versus uniqueness of the program of the “city management” course of study, [in:] K. Kuciński, Program concept of the course of studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- J. Brdulak, Communication infrastructure of the city, [in:] K. Kuciński, Program concept of the course of studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration SGH, Warsaw 2010.
- J. Brdulak, Negotiations in urban space, [in:] K. Kuciński, Program concept of the course of studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration SGH, Warsaw 2010.
- J. Brdulak, Trade and services, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009.
- J. Brdulak, Regional system, K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009.
- J. Brdulak, Global system, K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009.
- J. Brdulak (ed.), Development of elements of the infrastructure of socio-economic life, Oficyna Wyd. SGH, Warsaw 2005;
- J. Brdulak, H. Godlewska, J. Matłachowski, Tendenzen der Bildungsentwicklung in Poland in the Years 1990-2004, “Aktuelle Ostinformationen”, GESW Vlotho, 2005, No. 3/4.
- J. Brdulak, Innovation as a qualitative challenge for the development policy of higher education, [in:] J. Mujżel, B. Fiedor, E. Mączyńska (eds): Innovation processes in the Polish economy. Council of Social and Economic Strategy at the Council of Ministers 26, Warsaw 2005, Report 26.
J. Brdulak, P. Pawlak, Assessment of the effects of road investments using economic methods, “Transport Samochodowy”, 2016, no. 1;
J. Brdulak, B. Zakrzewski, Theoretical principles of infrastructure management of transport corridors on the example of the Pan-European Transport Corridor no. 2, “Transport Samochodowy”, 2016, no. 2;
J. Brdulak, C. Krysiuk, Humanization of the communication network of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area, “Transport Samochodowy”, 2016, no. 4; J. Brdulak, P. Pawlak, Enterprise in the economic calculation of the effects of road investments, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, 2017, no. 1;
C. Krysiuk, J. Brdulak, G. Nowacki, Cities, unblocking road transport routes in Poland, “Buses. Technology, Operation, Transport Systems”, 2018, no. 10;
J. Brdulak, P. Pawlak, Infrastructure barriers in the development aspect of the problematic regions, “Buses. Technology, Operation, Transport Systems”, 2018, no. 10;
J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, Socialization of capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe, “Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna”, 2019, no. 1; J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, The Socialization of Capitalism through Social Enterprises, “International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Sustainability”, 2019, No. 2; J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, Social enterprise as an element of the contemporary order of capitalist economy, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, 2020, No. 2;
- dr Ewelina Florczak
Professional interests:
include broadly understood social conditions of economic activity, social entrepreneurship, social infrastructure, including their spatial perspective
Research specialization:
sustainable development, social economy and entrepreneurship, social impact of economic activity
- Social enterprise, Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie, 2009, no. 4 (13), pp. 35-41.
- A niche of entrepreneurial activity enabling solving local problems, Kwartalnik Celny, 2009, no. 3 (9), pp. 18-20.
- Social entrepreneurship in the areas of education, Kwartalnik Celny, 2010, no. 2 (11), pp. 11-13.
- The position of a social enterprise in the economy, (co-authored with J. Brdulak), Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, 2011, no. 1-2 (32-33), pp. 15-36.
- A social enterprise in the theory of confirmation, Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie, 2011, no. 3 (20), pp. 40-47.
- A social enterprise in the theory of economy, (co-authored with J. Brdulak), Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego no. 750,
- Contemporary Economic Problems. Globalization. Liberalization. Ethics, 2012, no. 4, pp. 127-146.
- A social enterprise in the local environment, doctoral dissertation, 2014, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Practical theory of social enterprise, Economic and Political Thought, Lazarski University, 2015, issue 4 (51) 2015, pp. 87-107
- Social enterprise in the network, in: Enterprise in network structures. Experiences and development prospects in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. J. Główka, R, Sobiecki, KUL Publishing House, 2016, (co-author. With J. Brdulak).
- Conditions of social enterprise activity in Poland (co-author. With J. Brdulak), Lazarski University Publishing House, Warsaw 2016.
- Social and economic inequalities and the goals of social enterprise, Enterprise Science Quarterly, 2016, no. 4, pp. 27-38.
- Social enterprise in the culture of responsible development, Values and modernity in the strategy of responsible development. New Development Paths in Central and Eastern Europe, (co-authored with J. Brdulak, T. Gardziński), XVIII International Conference in Nałęczów, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Lublin, Department of Social
- Microstructures and Contemporary Sociological Theories, Warsaw School of Economics, College of Business Administration, The Baltic International Academy, Latvia Riga. 2017
- Organizational Culture in a Social Enterprise, HUMANIZATION OF WORK Contemporary Trends in Changes in the Culture of Organizational Management, ed. D. Walczak-Duraj, R. Knap, no. 3(289), Szkoła Wyższa im. Paweł Włodkowica in Płock, Płocka, 2017, pp. 93-108
- Analysis of the impact of the constructed road infrastructure on the level of economic activity in the surrounding territorial units (co-authored with J. Brdulak, C. Krysiuk, P. Pawlak, B. Zakrzewski) within the Technical Assistance Operational Program no.
- OPT.02.01.00-00-0021/15-00, entitled: Support for the institution for strategic coordination of the Partnership Agreement in the years 2015-2016, implemented for the Ministry of Development, Ministry of Development 2017
- Social innovations in the aspect of the social economy (co-authored with T. Gardziński) in: “International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences”, International Institute of Innovation Science-Education-Development in Warsaw, Warsaw 2018, pp. 101 - 116
- Social market economy in the light of sustainable development of the European Union, (co-author with T. Gardziński) “Naukovy Visnyk Chernivetskoho universitetu” : Zbirnyk Naukovyh prats. Vyp. 800., Ekonomika, Chernivtsi 2018
- Synthesis - investment needs of local government units in the scope of selected types of infrastructure until 2020 and after 2020 and possibilities of their financing …, Authors, J. Sierak, M. Bitner, A. Gałązka, J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, Z. Grzymała, M. Dziczek, C. Krysiuk, Ministry of Investment and Development, ISBN: 978-83-7610-686-1, 2019
- Socialization of capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe (co-authored with J. Brdulak, T. Gardzieński), Economic and Political Thought, Lazarski University, 2019, with 1 (64) pp. 74-95
- Social enterprise in the reforming economy of Ukraine in: Poland and Ukraine: Common Neighborhood and Relation, edited by M. Dahl, A. Chojan, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uczelni Łazarski, Warsaw 2019, pp. 85-102.
- The Socialization of Capitalism through Social Enterprises in “International Journal Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Sustability”, Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies, USAKTI, Indonesia 2019, pp. 68-87.
- Socialization through self-organization of economic security of enterprises, in: Self-organization of economic security of enterprises edited by K. Kuciński, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2019, pp. 319-330.
- Social Enterprise in Social Market Economy in: “International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences”, International Institute of Innovation Science-Education-Development in Warsaw, Warsaw 2019 (9) pp. 129 - 148.
- Investment needs in the scope of provincial roads in Poland: Regional studies (Polish Edition) (Polish), J. Brdulak, Ewelina Florczak, C. Krysiuk, November 12, 2019, GlobeEdit, Mauritius 2019.
- J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, Social enterprise as an element of the contemporary order of the capitalist economy, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, Warsaw School of Economics, 2020
- Social enterprise as an opportunity to reduce the costs of tensions in contemporary capitalism, J. Brdulak, E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, (in) Pro-sociality in socio-economic life in the 21st century. ed. E. Florczak, M. Dahl, Oficyna Uczelni Łazarski, Warsaw 2021.
- Social management as an element of organizational culture and quality culture, E. Florczak, (in) Prosociality in socio-economic life in the 21st century. ed. E. Florczak, M. Dahl, Oficyna Uczelni Łazarski, Warsaw 2021.
- E. Florczak, J. Brdulak, Prosociality in the socio-economic life of the 21st century – conference report, Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna no. 2(69)/2020
- E. Florczak, T. Gardziński, Economic Transformation through Social Market Economy and Social Enterprise
- Economic transformation through social market economy and social enterprise, Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, 2020, no. 3 (70), pp. 13-40
- Prosociality in the economy as a factor of change in contemporary economy, E. Florczak, J. Brdulak, T. Gardziński, Volume 17 No. 1 (2021): The role of educational institutions in stimulating the development of entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship-Education , Krakow 2021
- E. Florczak, J. Brdulak, The Share and Role of Motor Transport in the Energy Market, International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Sustainability
http://www.usakti-cisbucs.com/index.php/volume-06-number-02-july-2021/168-the-share-and-role-of-motor-transport-in-the-energy-market - E. Florczak, The Perspective of the Central Communication Port in the Post-Pandemic Reality (in:) Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic, ed. A. Chojan, M. Dahl, E. Florczak, Elipsa, Warsaw 2021.
- Review, E. Mączyńska, P. Pysz (ed.), Social Market Economy and European Integration in Times of Historical Breakthrough, Polish Economic Society – Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Representative Office in Poland, Warsaw 2020 “Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna”, 2021, no. 1 (71), pp. 168-170.
- Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific ed. A. Chojan, M. Dahl, E. Florczak, Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warsaw 2021.
- The perspective of the Central Communication Port in the post-pandemic reality, chapter, (in:)) Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific ed. A. Chojan, M. Dahl, E. Florczak, Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warsaw 2021.
- Readiness for implementing innovations in banking in advanced and emerging economies, “Scientific Papers Journal of International Studies”, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2021 (co-authored by A. Boiko, M. Zwolińska-Ligaj, V. Bozhenko, V. Ovcharenk) The study of investments in the road network for the purpose of German-Polish employment Grenzgebiete, Martin Dahl, Magdalena Lemańczyk, Peter Oliver Loew, Agnieszka Łada-Konefał (Hg.),“ From the Versöhnung to the Overall.
- 30 Years of German-Polish Studies“, Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Polen-Instituts, Herrasowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2022
- The Significance of Main Road Investments for Cooperation of Polish-German Cross-Border Areas, (in:) From Reconciliation to Everyday Life. 30 Years of Polish-German Neighborhood, ed. M. Dahl, M. Lemańczyk, P.O. Loew, A. Łada-Konefał, Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2022.
- The socio-economic policy of the EU for sustainable development of SMEs versus the Indonesian experience, Sustainable Development Program, Policy Discussion Paper Serirs No. 5, March 2022, Indonesia 2022. (co-authored by J. Brdulak. T. Tambunan)
Social enterprise in the context of the Act on social economy versus economic theory and practice, “Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne”, Volume 15, Issue 4, November-December 2022, Biała Podlaska 2022. (co-authored by J. Brdulak) - Municipal government and social economy – organizational structure and cooperation prospects, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uczelni Łazarski, Warsaw 2023. (co-authored by K. Skrobisz). Sustainable development as a trend shaping the contemporary economy, ed. science, Beck Publishing House, Warsaw 2023
- Measures of social added value in the context of sustainable development, (in:) Sustainable development as a trend shaping the contemporary economy, ed. science, Beck Publishing House, Warsaw 2023
- The function of the Ombudsman for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the economic practice of the sector,” Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna, Warsaw 2023. (co-author M. Urban)
- Europe in the face of the war in Ukraine, ed. A. Chojan, E. Florczak, K. Jene, Elipsa Publishing House, Warsaw 2023.
- The role of social enterprises in the economic adaptation of refugees from Ukraine in Poland, (in:) Europe in the face of the war in Ukraine, ed. A. Chojan, E. Florczak, K. Jene, Wydawnictwo Elipsa, Warsaw 2023.
- The value of a social enterprise in the market system of civil society, “Kwartalnik Nauk O Przedsiębiorstwie” 70(4), 19–35.
- dr Marcin Molenda
Professional interests:
Marketing of services, human resources management in an enterprise, economic geography, local development.
Research specialization:
Economic security of enterprises, human resources management, local development factors.
Publications (selected):
- M. Molenda, M. Kruhlaya, Self-organization of economic security of tourism enterprises, [in]: Self-organization of economic security of enterprises, K. Kuciński (ed.), CeDeWu, Warsaw 2019, pp. 216-238.
- M. Molenda, Economic components of economic security of tourism enterprises, [in]: Components of economic security of enterprises, K. Kuciński (ed.), CeDeWu, Warsaw 2018, pp. 217-248.
- M. Molenda, M. Kruhlaya, Terrorism – a threat to the functioning of enterprises in the tourism market, “Gospodarka i Finanse”, No. 9, Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa in Kielce, Kielce 2018, pp. 109-119.
- M. Molenda, M. Kruhlaya, Valuation of the intellectual capital of a transport service enterprise, “Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny”, July–August–September, No. 44/1 (3/2018), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Sciences in Stalowa Wola, Stalowa Wola 2018, pp. 367-377.
- M. Molenda, M. Kruhlaya, Personnel as the most important element in the marketing mix in a tourist enterprise, “Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny”, April - May - June, No. 43 (2/2018), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Social Sciences in Stalowa Wola, Stalowa Wola 2018, pp. 321-333.
- M. Molenda, M. Kruhlaya, Human resources management in the tourism sector, “Przegląd Prawno - Ekonomiczny”, April - May - June, No. 39 (2/2017), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences in Stalowa Wola, Stalowa Wola 2017, pp. 301-312. M. Molenda, Man, [in]: Economic Geography, K. Kuciński (ed.), Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Warsaw 2015, pp. 87-117. W. Rakowski, E. Maciszewska, M. Molenda, Spatial development plan as an element of shaping the socio-economic and ecological order of the urban-rural commune of Mszczonów, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2013, pp. 1-216
- dr Maciej Gurbała
Professional interests:
industrial geography, knowledge-based economy, competitiveness
Research specialization:
technologically advanced industry in Poland and worldwide
- M.Gurbała, Local dimension of social market economy, “MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne”, no. 14/2014.
- M.Gurbała, Przedsiębiorstwo Wdrożeniowo-Produkcyjne NEEL Sp. z o.o., [in:] Innovation implementation practice in successful companies of Mazovia, MSODI Mazovian Innovation Network, Warsaw, January 2013, pp. 117-123.
- M.Gurbała, MARIN’S Central Europe, [in:] Innovation implementation practice in successful companies of Mazovia, MSODI Mazovian Innovation Network, Warsaw, January 2013, pp. 124-130.
- M. Gurbała, B. Szmyt, Book review: “Entrepreneurship and regional development in Poland”, “Gospodarka Narodowa” no. 1 / 2011.
- M. Gurbała, High-tech industry and the level of socio-economic development of countries, [in:] Z. Zioło, T. Rachwał, Processes of transformation of industry and services in selected countries, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP, Warsaw - Cracow 2010.
Document- M. Gurbała, The city as an entrepreneurial organization, [in:] K. Kuciński, The program concept of the field of study: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- M. Gurbała, The city as the location environment of high-tech enterprises, [in:] K. Kuciński, The program concept of the field of study: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- M. Gurbała, High-tech industry in Poland, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, no. 3/2007.
- M. Gurbała, Polish high-tech enterprises in global competition, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Polish enterprises in the face of global competition, “Materials and Works”, Volume XCV, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw 2006.
- M. Gurbała, The constant shock, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Polish enterprises in the face of accession shock, “Materials and Works”, Volume IFGN, Warsaw 2004.
- M. Gurbała, What is the knowledge-based economy today?, “Gazeta SGH” no. 191/2004.
M. Gurbała, The role of the advanced technology industry in regional and local development, Wyższa Szkoła Rozwoju Lokalnego, Żyrardów 2004. - Maciej Gurbała, From the Valley of Heart’s Delight to the Silicon Valley: evolution and factors of development of an innovative region, [in:] W. Jagodziński, W. Rakowski, Trails of economic geography. Space - Institutions - Methodology, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań 2020, pp. 143-156.
- Maciej Gurbała, Od Doliny Rozkoszy Serca do Doliny Krzemowej: ewolucja i czynniki rozwoju regionu innowacyjnego, [w:] W. Jagodziński, W. Rakowski, Szlakami geografii ekonomicznej. Przestrzeń – Instytucje – Metodologia, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań 2020, s. 143-156.
- dr Maciej Mróz
List of publications:
- The impact of the price of crude oil on the eurodollar exchange rate, (in:) W. Przybylska-Kapuścińska,
- G. Mazur (ed.), Economic Debit, no. 16, State and enterprise facing the challenges of the global economy, Publishing House of the Poznań University of Economics, Poznań 2016.
- The impact of the price of crude oil on the revenues of the fuel sector in Poland, (in:)
P. Karpuś, E. Wrońska-Bukalska (ed.), Finance from the perspective of a young researcher. Contemporary problems of corporate finance and financial markets, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Publishing House, Lublin 2016. - Structural component of economic security of fuel industry enterprises (in:) K. Kuciński (ed.), Components of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu Publishing House, Warsaw 2018.
- Self-organization of economic security of oil enterprises (in:)
- K. Kuciński (ed.), Self-organization of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu Publishing House, Warsaw 2019.
- Functioning strategies of selected fuel industry enterprises in the light of changing crude oil prices (in:) T. Pakulska (ed.), Flexibility in business, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw 2019.
- Development of oil infrastructure and Poland’s raw material and energy security (in:) D. Niedziółka (ed.), Reflections on space and economy. Monograph dedicated to Professor Kazimierz Kuciński, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw 2020.
- dr hab. Dariusz Kotlewski
Research interests:
Economic growth at the aggregate and regional levels, international and regional comparisons in this area;
Theory of international trade, new economic geography, regional studies;
Economics of the power sector, energy.
List of publications:
- Krzysztof Księżopolski, Dariusz Kotlewski, Grzegorz Maśloch (2020), Renewable energy – challenges for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, [in:] Report of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Economic Forum 2020
- Dariusz Kotlewski (2020), Settlement network and large metropolises, [in:] D. Niedziółka (ed.), “Considerations on space and economy”, Publishing House of the Warsaw School of Economics
- Dariusz Kotlewski, Mirosław Błażej (2020), Sustainability of the Convergence between Polish and EU Developed Economies in the Light of KLEMS Growth Accounting, Bank i Kredyt 51(2)
- Dariusz Kotlewski, Mirosław Błażej (2020), KLEMS Growth Accounting Implemented in Poland, Statistics in Transition 3/2020
- Dariusz Kotlewski (2019), Factor decompositions of the increase in value added gross by PKD sections and voivodeships, Statistical News 9/2019
- Dariusz Kotlewski, Mirosław Błażej (2018), KLEMS productivity account – Poland 2005-2016, Central Statistical Office, Warsaw, December 2018
- Dariusz Kotlewski (2018), Capacity market and energy market, Quarterly of Business Science 4/2018
- Dariusz Kotlewski (2018), Nuances of location security, Quarterly of Business Science 2/2018
- Dariusz Kotlewski, Mirosław Błażej (2018), Implementation of KLEMS economic productivity accounts in Poland, Folia Oeconomica (University of Lodz Publishing House), 2/2018
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2017), The problem of prices in regional productivity accounts, Statistical News 12/2017
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2017), Agnieszka Dudzińska-Jarmolińska, Artificial islands as a manifestation of glocalization, Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie 1/2017
- Dariusz Kotlewski (2017), Decompositions of gross value added into contributions of labor and capital factor remunerations, Wiadomości Statystyczne 2/2017
- Dariusz Kotlewski, Mirosław Błażej (2016), KLEMS productivity calculation methodology and its implementation in Polish conditions, Wiadomości Statystyczne 9/2016
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2015), Regional integration of the power industry, Difin, Warsaw 2015
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2015), Preparation of a scientific publication, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), “Elements of Doctoral Dissertation Methodology”, Difin, Warsaw 2015
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2013), Impact of International Trade on Economic Growth, Gospodarka Narodowa 1-2/2013
- Dariusz C. Kotlewski (2012), Liberalization of electricity markets in countries undergoing economic transformation – a retrospective approach, [in:] G. Wojtkowska-Łodej (ed.), “The role of energy in contemporary economy”, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw 2012
- Dariusz Cezary Kotlewski (2012), Endogenous and Exogenous Components of Economic Growth, Gospodarka Narodowa 4/2012
- Dariusz C. Kotlewski (2008), Possibilities of reducing Poland’s energy dependence on Russia, Ekonomiczno-Informatyczny Kwartalnik Teoretyczny 15/2008 (currently a journal under a different name)
- Dariusz C. Kotlewski (2008), Possibilities of reducing Poland’s dependence on energy supplies from Russia, [in:] J. Misala (ed.), “Economic cooperation of Poland with the eastern neighboring countries and Estonia, Latvia and Moldova”, Radom University of Technology 2008
- J. Anusz, D. Kotlewski (2004), How to obtain financial resources from EU funds, INGO, Warsaw 2004
- J. Anusz, D. Kotlewski (2004), How to apply the provisions of the new act on public procurement after accession to the European Union, INGO, Warsaw 2004
- J. Anusz, D. Kotlewski (2004), European Union Aid Programs, INGO, Warsaw 2004 – book
- dr Paweł Węgrzyn
Professional interests:
International financial markets, geography of capital, location of financial institutions, corporate finance, foreign direct investment, data storytelling (data presentation).
Research specialization:
Functioning of the banking sector, capital market, bank bond market, sustainable finance
List of selected publications:
- Węgrzyn P., Topczewska A., The relationship between the war in Ukraine and the formation of the deposit-to-credit ratio in banks in Poland, “Bank i Kredyt”, no. 54(2), 2023.
- Węgrzyn P., Assessment of individual investors’ trust in bank bonds in Poland, “Studia i Prace Kollegium Zarządu i Finansów, no. 185, 2023.
- Węgrzyn P., Determinants of bank bond financing in Poland, “Bank i Kredyt” no. 53(4), 2022.
- Fierla A., Węgrzyn P., Wierzbicka E., Sustainable investments: bond financing and hedging, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw 2021.
- Gemra K., Węgrzyn P., The impact of the compulsory restructuring of the Podkarpacki Bank Spółdzielczy in Sanok on the bank bond market in Poland, [in]: A. Nowicka, P. Kaczmarczyk, M. Szewczyk-Jarocka, Z. Klimiuk (eds.), Contemporary problems of economics and finance, Scientific Publishing House of the Mazovian Public University in Płock, 2021.
- Gemra K., Węgrzyn P., Prospects for the development of the non-preferred bank bond market in Poland, [in:] D. Zarzecki (ed.), Financial management: tools and key challenges, University of Szczecin Publishing House, 2021.
- Węgrzyn P., Business strategies and the main directions of development of commercial banks in Poland, “Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas Zarząd”, no. 21(2), 2020.
- Węgrzyn P., Bonds as a source of financing the activities of the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, “Zarządzanie Publiczne” no. 2(50), 2020.
- Węgrzyn P., Increase in the nominal value of a subordinated bond - justification and consequences, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie” no. 51(2), 2019.
- Węgrzyn P., Use of Business Intelligence systems in strategic bank management, “Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowice”, no. 388, 2019.
- Węgrzyn P., Conditions of the development of the bank subordinated bond market in Poland, [in]: A. Fierla (ed.), Financialization: debt, conditions, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, 2019.
- prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Kuciński - cooperating employee
Professional interests:
population geography, industrial geography, tourism geography, regional development, theory of economic geography, spatial economy.
Research specialization:
competitiveness of regions, regional conditions of business activity, world economy.
social sciences.
socio-economic geography and spatial economy.
Scientific interests:
- theory of economic geography
- spatial organization of economy and social life
- location of enterprises
- regional and local development
- globalization and glocalization processes
- methodology and methodology of scientific research of economy and management
Head of research tasks:
- Location-based conditions of economic security of enterprises - 2015;
- Location of economic activity and its risk - 2016;
- Economically safe location - 2017;
- Components of location-determined economic security of enterprises - 2018; Self-organization of location-determined economic security of enterprises – 2019.
- Location-based conditions of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2015 – Introduction; Genesis and essence of economic security; Economic security as an object of knowledge (authorship); Microeconomic aspect of economic security; Economic security of enterprises and their location; Macroeconomic determinants of economic security of enterprises (co-authorship); scientific editing of the volume.
- Elements of the methodology of the doctoral dissertation, Difin, Warsaw 2015 – Introduction; Conclusion; Direct archetypes and stereotypes of thinking about the economy and management (authorship); scientific editing of the volume.
- Glocalization and management, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, no. 3/2015.
Elite or what?, “Gazeta SGH”, no. 12/2015. - Synadrome of Values, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, no. 1/2016.
- Neoliberalization of the Economy and Its Spatial Differentiation,
“Gospodarka Narodowa”, no. 4/2016. - Faculty as the Basic Organizational Unit of an Academic Higher School, “Gazeta SGH”, no. 1/2016.
- Location of Economic Activity and Its Risk, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2016 – Introduction (authorship); scientific editing of the volume.
- Theory versus Practice of Economy and Management, (in:) M. Żemigała, Horizons of Contemporary Management, Scientific Publishing House of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2016.
- Andrzej Herman – Pragmatic Intellectual, “Gazeta SGH”, no. 10/2016.
- Seeker of Values, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, no. 4/2016.
Witold Rakowski – locally specific professor, “Rocznik Mazowiecki”, vol. 27, 2015-2016, Warsaw 2016. - Economically safe location Methodological and practical aspects, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2017 – Introduction; Rationality of economic security; Dilemmas of economic security research; Spatial order and economic security of economic entities (authorship); Conclusion (co-authorship), scientific editing of the volume.
- On intelligent economic growth without details – review of Ralf Fuecks’ book “Green revolution”, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie”, no. 1/2017.
- Components of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2018 – Introduction; Summary (authorship); scientific editing of the volume.
- A lonely meta-economist, “Gazeta SGH”, no. 2 (342)/2018. Academic identity of researchers investigating location of business entities, (in:) Z.Zioło T.Rachwał (ed.), Conditions for Economic Development of Regional and Local Systems, “Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu PTG”, vol. 32(4), Kraków 2018.
- Self-organization of economic security of enterprises, CeDeWu, Warsaw 2019 – Introduction; Conclusion (authorship); scientific editing of the volume.
Mandala of the joy of management, (in:) A.Wojtczuk-Turek (ed.), Art for business. Supporting creativity in the organization, PWN Scientific Publishing House, Warsaw 2019. - Philosophical foundations of economic sciences; and Natural sciences, economic geography and spatial management; (in:) R.Bartkowiak (ed.), Contribution of the Warsaw School of Economics to the development of economic thought, SGH Publishing House, Warsaw 2015; K.Kuciński, Risk of enterprise location in Poland, CeDEWu Warsaw 2014, editor of the volume, Introduction pp. 9-20, Location risk as an economic category, pp. 33-68.
- K.Kuciński, Scientific study of economic phenomena, WoltersKluwer, Krakow 2014, editor of the volume, Introduction pp. 11-15, The essence of scientific knowledge pp. 17-33, Conclusion pp. 387-392.
- K.Kuciński, Economics in scientific thinking about management, in: Philosophy and management, T.Olek
K.Kuciński, Economics in scientific thinking about management, in: Philosophy and management, T.Oleksyn (ed.), WoltersKluwer, Cracow 2013, pp. 114-134 synthesis, in: Green energy in Poland, D.Niedziólka (ed.), CeDeWu, Warsaw 2012, pp. 305-332 - Functional-spatial structure, in: “Development trends of Mazovia - Diagnosis”, Mazovian Office of Regional Planning, Warsaw 2013, pp. 155-184
- K.Kuciński, Glocalization as inigenization of globalization, Rocznik Żyrardowski, vol. IX, pp. 15-40, Higher School of Local Development, Żyrardów 2011
- K.Kuciński (ed.), Glocalization, College of Business Administration SGH, Warsaw 2010.
K. Kuciński (ed.), The concept of the curriculum of the studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration SGH, Warsaw 2010. - K. Kuciński (ed.), Methodology of economic sciences. Dilemmas and challenges, Difin, Warsaw 2010.
- K. Kuciński (ed.), Entrepreneurship and regional development in Poland, Difin, Warsaw 2010.
- K. Kuciński, The scientific identity of economic geography, [in:] T. Kudłacz, J. Wrona (ed.), “Studia i Prace Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie” no. 8, pp. 9-18, Kraków 2010.
K. Kuciński, Czas w gospodarka, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie” no. 2/2010. K. Kuciński, Place as an Epistemological Category in Economics, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie” no. 1/2009 (10). - K. Kuciński, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Economic Sciences, “Ekonomia i Organizacji Przedsiębiorstwo” no. 5 (712) May 2009.
- K. Kuciński, Partition Boundaries in the Contemporary Spatial Structure of the Polish Economy, [in:] E. Kościk, T. Głowiński (eds.), GAJT, Wrocław 2009.
- K. Kuciński, Economics as a Doubtful and Undoubted Science, “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie” no. 3/2009 (12).
- K. Kuciński, Research Priorities and Challenges in Mazovia – Space, Mazovia Regional Studies, no. 3/2009, Mazovia Regional Planning Office in Warsaw. K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic Geography, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009.
- K. Kuciński (ed.), Strategies of Enterprises in the Face of Sustainable Development Requirements, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw 2009.
- K. Kuciński (ed.), Geography - a Compendium in Outline and Tasks, DIFIN, Warsaw 2007.
- K. Kuciński (ed.), Energy in Crisis Times, DIFIN, Warsaw 2007.
- dr Anna Rutkowska-Gurak -cooperating employee
Professional interests:
urban geography
Research specialization:
industrial zones in cities, technology parks
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Researcher’s predispositions [in:] Scientific study of economic phenomena (ed. K. Kuciński), Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2014.
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Location of economic activity in large cities [in:] Enterprise Science Quarterly, Warsaw School of Economics, No. 3/28, 2013
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Socio-spatial changes in Polish cities. The role of technology parks [in:] XXV Seminar on Knowledge about the City, Gentrification processes versus social exclusion processes in Polish cities (ed. J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz), University of Lodz Publishing House, Lodz 2012
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Revitalization of post-industrial areas in Poland as a factor in the location of industrial and technology parks. Innovativeness of technology parks located in post-industrial areas, [in:] M. Bryx (ed.), Revitalization of cities and entrepreneurship, SGH, Warsaw 2012
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Cities as location products, [in:] Glocalization, K. Kuciński (ed.), Difin, Warsaw 2011
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Innovativeness of the curriculum concept of the field of study City management [in:] City as an analogue of an enterprise (ed.) K. Kuciński, SGH, Warsaw 2011.
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Geography of cities, Innovative city [in:] City as an analogue of an enterprise (ed.) K. Kuciński, SGH, Warsaw 2011
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Innovative city [in:] City as an analogue of an enterprise (ed.) K. Kuciński, SGH, Warsaw 2011
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, City as an environment location of enterprises, [in:] City as an analogue of an enterprise (ed.) K. Kuciński, SGH, Warsaw 2011
- A. Rutkowska-Gurak, An innovative city: impact of innovations on city development, [in:] Cities and their growth: sustainability and fractality, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań 2010.
- A. Rutkowska-Gurak, In search of measures of development innovation, [in]: Folia Oeconomica, UŁ, 2010.
- A. Rutkowska-Gurak, Publishing review of the book by P. Dziekański, M. A. Leśniewski “Regional development policy in the conditions of integration processes”, Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, 2010.
- Anna Rutkowska-Gurak, Settlement system [in:] Economic geography (ed. K. Kuciński), Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2013
- A. Rutkowska-Gurak, Globalization and Location (The case of Automotive Industry), [in:] Econ’09, Journal of Economics, Management and Business, Technical University of Ostrava, v. 16, No. 2, 2009.
- A. Rutkowska, Development of industrial parks in Poland and the role of public authorities (against the background of the experience of highly developed countries), Monographs and Studies no. 480, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw 2001.
- A. Rutkowska, Urban industrial area as an environment for locating companies (on the example of Służewiec Przemysłowy), Monographs and Studies no. 472, Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warsaw 2000.
- dr Ewa Taylor - cooperating employee
Professional interests:
spatial economy, environmental protection economics, ecological conditions of business activity
Research specialization:
geography of environmental threats and pollution, conditions of eco-development in Poland, environmental protection instruments in the environmental management system.
- E. Taylor, Natural conditions of economic activity, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Economic geography of the European Union, PWE, Warsaw 2011, 2nd edition revised.
- E. Taylor, Local location products, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Glocalization, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- E. Taylor, B. Szmyt, Ecologization of management in an enterprise, [in:] J. Toruński, H. Wyrębek (ed.), Sustainable development of regions, Wydawnictwo Studio Emka, Siedlce 2010.
- E. Taylor, Progressive city management, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Program concept of the course of studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- E. Taylor, Ecology of cities, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Program concept of the course of studies: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- E. Taylor, Environmental management in cities, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), The concept of the study program: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- E. Taylor, Nature, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009.
- J. Chabiera, P. Miller, E. Taylor, Analysis of the conditions for implementing the environmental management system in the Polish economy, [in:] J. Nowakowski, A. Skowronek-Mielczarek (eds), Poland in the European Union - development strategy, prospects and problems, KZiF, SGH, Warsaw 2005.
- E. Taylor, Geographical environment (World). Geographical environment (Poland), [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Revision of economic geography, ed. 6th revised edition, PWE, Warsaw 2004.
- E. Taylor, Pollution of the geographical environment and its protection, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Economic geography of Poland, 6th revised edition, PWE, Warsaw 2004.
- dr Barbara Trzcińska - cooperating employee
Professional interests:
world economy, spatial economy, analysis of business location, human resources.
Research specialization:
local and regional conditions of enterprise functioning, spatial structure of industry.
- B. Trzcińska, Risk of locating enterprises in special economic zones, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Risk of locating enterprises in Poland, Cedetu, Warsaw 2014.
- B. Trzcińska, Contemporary image of the Polish industrial sector, [in:] N. Pazio, K. Santarek (ed.), Management of an industrial enterprise in the era of market turbulence, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2014.
- B. Trzcińska, International conditions, [in:] D. Niedziółka (ed.), Green energy, Cedetu, Warsaw 2012.
- B. Trzcińska, Exploitation of natural resources, K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009 and 2013.
- B. Trzcińska, Level of development and its consequences, K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2009 and 2013.
- B. Trzcińska, Electronic iconographic annex to the textbook, K. Kuciński (ed.), Economic geography, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warsaw 2013.
- Level and structure of the economy, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.) Poland in Europe. Geographical and economic outline, PWE, Warsaw 2011.
- B. Trzcińska, Integration processes in Europe, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Economic geography of the European Union, PWE, Warsaw 2011, 2nd edition revised. B. Trzcińska, Good management as a condition for city development, [in:] K. Kuciński, Curriculum concept of the field of study: City management, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- B. Trzcińska, City management as a subject of research and teaching, [in:] K. Kuciński, Curriculum concept of the field of study: “City management”, College of Business Administration, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 2010.
- B. Trzcińska, Tourism as a stimulator of the development of the world economy, Tourism and Health, no. 3, WSHiFM, Warsaw 2010.
- B. Trzcińska, Tourism in revitalized post-industrial facilities, “Tourism and Health”, no. 2, WSHiFM, Warsaw 2009.
- B. Trzcińska Differences and similarities, [in] K. Kuciński (ed.), Geography, a compendium in outline and tasks, Difin, Warsaw 2007.
- B. Trzcińska The first sector of the economy, (co-author K. Kuciński), [in] K. Kuciński (ed.), Geography, a compendium in outline and tasks, Difin, Warsaw 2007.
- B. Trzcińska Energy resources, [in:] Energy in times of crisis, K. Kuciński (ed.), Difin, Warsaw 2006.
- B. Trzcińska, Unemployment in rural areas, [in:] H. Godlewska (ed.), Unemployment in the Polish countryside, SGH, Warsaw 2003.
- B. Trzcińska, The Polish food industry towards integration with the European Union, [in:] K. Kuciński (ed.), Polish enterprises towards European standards, SGH, Warsaw 2003.
- B. Trzcińska, Regional connections of fruit and vegetable industry enterprises with horticultural production, [in:] I. Fierla (ed.), Regional aspects of the development of selected types, SGH, Warsaw 2003.