Priorities of the Value-Based Marketing Unit within the research and teaching areas have changed as the environment and the role of marketing have changed. In the first period, research priorities included the subject of the impact of institutional changes associated with the market transformation of the economy on the marketing behavior of companies. Another direction of research was the analysis of the competitive positions of companies and the marketing activities used by these companies to defend themselves against domestic and foreign competition, In the course of empirical research, the degree of institutionalization of marketing in companies and the pace of change in this area were analyzed.
Subsequently, the topics undertaken by the team of employees of the Value-Based Marketing Unit evolved into an analysis of the market determinants of the restructuring processes of Polish enterprises and the impact of institutional solutions of the financial system on the behavior of enterprises. In parallel, research was conducted on selected aspects of the marketing-mix concept.
Currently, due to the need for refocusing, the research and teaching work of the staff of the Value-Based Marketing Unit focuses on value marketing, management through customer value, customer portfolio management, marketing knowledge management, socially responsible marketing and the formation of corporate reputation, and value strategies in the areas of products, pricing, distribution and communication with the market. At the same time, in the area of scientific research and teaching is the problem of using the Internet and modern technologies in marketing.
Employees of the Value-Based Marketing Unit participate in statutory research, conduct their own research, or perform expert studies on behalf of economic practice (e.g. expert studies performed on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Polish Telecommunications, the Association of Polish Banks). The Unit’s employees also actively participate in national and international scientific conferences. Their work has resulted in numerous book publications, articles in Polish and foreign languages, as well as theses for doctoral and postdoctoral degrees.