O Instytucie Infrastruktury, Transportu i Mobilności

Institute of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility

The Institute of Infrastructure, Transport, and Mobility was established on 1 February 2019 as a result of the transformation of the Department of Transport operating since 1968. The founder and the first head of the Department of Transport was Professor Marian Madeyski. The second head in the history of the Department of Transport was Professor Romuald Bauer, who held this position between 1977 and 1999. Between 1999 and 2001, the Department was headed by Professor Janusz Ostaszewski. From 2002 till 2018 the head of the Department was Professor Bogusław Liberadzki. Since 2018 the Department has been headed by Professor Wojciech Paprocki who became the head of the Institute of Infrastructure, Transport, and Mobility upon its establishment. From September 1, 2024, the Director is Assoc.Prof. Michał Wolański, Ph.D.

The Institute constitutes of two departments:

  •     Department of Business in Transport (head: Assoc. Prof. Marzenna Cichosz, Ph.D.).
  •    Department of Infrastructure and Mobility Studies (head: Assoc. Prof. Bartosz Grucza, Ph.D.).

Dep. of Business in Transport was established by Prof. Elżbieta Marciszewska, Ph.D. who was also its first head. Dep. of Infrastructure and Mobility Studies was established by Assoc. Prof. Jana Pieriegud, Ph.D. who was also its first head.

The IITiM members participate in national and international research teams that work on:

  •     statutory and own research of the SGH Collegium of Management and Finance,
  •    SGH inter-collegial research,
  •    grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education,
  •    international research projects (including the ones that are conducted under the EU Framework Programmes),
  •    economic expert reports.

The scientific and teaching activity of IITiM members focuses on the field of social sciences in the following disciplines: economics and finance as well as management and quality studies. Their research scope covers issues related to infrastructure design and use (including energy, telecommunications, and transport infrastructure), as well as the development and operation of transport and mobility systems. The subject of research is the analysis of the socio-economic system transformation in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, including the development of intelligent networks for exchanging data between devices. The following paradigms related to the functioning of the market economy are taken into account within the framework of the indicated activity, conducted in Poland and abroad:

  •     ​satisfying the needs of consumers should ensure an increasingly wider usage of solutions that facilitate the sustainable development of the socio-economic system in the region, in the country, in the European Community as well as on a global scale;
  •    economic governance shaped by public authorities at the EU level as well as national and regional levels (self-government) should facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions which display operational maturity and foreshadow the achievement of productivity ensuring a surplus of the total value of effects registered by economic entities and disclosing as external effects over the sum of investment expenditures, the costs incurred during the application of particular solutions and external costs accompanying their usage;
  •    the regulator’s interference in the functioning of the market is indispensable for the creation of suitable conditions facilitating the implementation of projects of high capital intensity, socially and economically needed, whose implementation provides a possibility to create individual facilities and entire systems intended for use for a period of at least several decades.

Broad research done by the Institute provides a solid basis for teaching on all three levels (BA, MA, and doctoral programs). Additionally, the Institute offers also doctoral seminars and postgraduate studies.

The Institute’s staff members have broad business experience as well giving an additional edge to the courses they teach.  The Institute’s employees perform and used to perform numerous managerial and advisory functions in national and international companies operating in Poland and abroad. 
