Research in the Department of Philosophy

The research carried out in the Department of Philosophy encompasses issues in various fields of philosophy, as well as problem areas common to philosophy and political science.

Past research in the Department of Philosophy included philosophy, ethics and business ethics, as well as logic and the methodology of science. Cooperative surveys were carried out in search of the unified interpretative principle for a variety of philosophical issues - first within the in-house research scheme, then under the statutory research programme. In the 1990s studies focused on the philosophical idea of rationality. In the first decades of 21st century - on moral issues (including business ethics) and the phenomenon of intersubjectivity. 

Currently research is performed within individual projects. Studies focus on topics at the intersection of philosophy and political science, including: political theory, feminism, argumentation, disinformation and propaganda.

Statutory research programme
  • 2014-2020 Intersubiektywność. Źródła, struktury, funkcje (Intersubjectivity. Sources, structures, functions)
    The subject of the research was the phenomenon of intersubjectivity as seen from the perspective of philosophy and political theory. The analyses were focused on various types of structures that intersubjectivity is based upon. Topics of individual research included i.a. the concept of value and its historical development, the issue of the fact-value dichotomy, the concept of egoism and its significance in economics, the idea of order (ordo) in the context of political-economic relations, theories of justification in the light of the analysis of disputes and barriers in interpersonal communication, moral problems in gender relations, the phenomenon of political propaganda and disinformation in official and unofficial communication, the concept of identity and diversity in the context of a multicultural society, the issue of ethnocentrism and the conditions for intercultural dialogue in the face of the phenomenon of migration.
  • 2013 Działanie moralne - uwarunkowania, motywy, racje (Moral action - conditions, motivations, rationales)
    The aim of the study was to analyse the conditions of moral action on the basis of selected philosophical concepts - ancient and contemporary. Issues addressed within the research included i.a. the specificity of moral motivations, the justification of moral beliefs, the ways in which moral motivations shape actions, the relationship between the individual and the community.
  • 2012 Współczesne koncepcje i problemy etyczne (Contemporary ethical concepts and problems)
    The subject of the study was the concepts of ethical action developed in the second half of the 20th century. Analyses included i.a. the historical development of such concepts in the context of influential classical theories of ethical action, various contemporary approaches to this issue, the problem of validity and justification of moral norms.
  • 2010-2011 Uzasadnienie etyki biznesu. Perspektywa humanistyczna (Justifying business ethics. The humanistic perspective)
    The research which was the continuation of the project carried out in 2008. The project aimed at elaborating some aspects of the theoretical and practical model of practising business ethics, based on humanistic reflection, that would be shaping attitudes of ethical sensitivity of business people. Research topics included i.a. social aspects of decision-making in business life, the ethics of responsibility in the context of the problems of business life, the analysis of the mission of universities in terms of the transformation of ethos, codes of good conduct and good practice, the issue of privacy in the light of information technology, the issue of happiness in the context of the evaluation of free market capitalism.
In-house research programme

In the first decade of the 21st century, within this research programme, the studies included the following areas:

Dr hab. Justyna Nowotniak-Poręba, prof. SGH, conducted research on the issue of sensuality in Immanuel Kant’s theory.

Dr hab. Grzegorz Szulczewski, prof. SGH, dealt primarily with issues of economic ethics and business ethics - especially in the light of the concept of rationality and issues of discourse ethics. Other research works focused on views of Martin Heidegger on politics.

Works of dr hab. Jacek Ziobrowski, prof. SGH, focused on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy, also the culture and political system of Switzerland.
