- Accounting Forum
On the initiative of prof. Anna Karmańska, the Director of the Institute of Accounting we inaugurated a cycle of scientific conferences entitled ACCOUNTING FORUM (AF) at SGH.
The AT at SGH is a cycle of scientific and business discussions combined with elements of developing knowledge, education, important for a broad spectrum of participants from the area of practice as well as science. The AF at SGH is a platform to exchange knowledge and experience with regard to scientifically significant issues, valid in business practice, and simultaneously crucial to the science and practice of accounting. The AF at SGH undertakes problems important on the micro, macro and global scale.
- One-Day “Pitching Research” Workshop
This event took place on 23 March 2016 and was connected with a special visit of outstanding professors from Australian universities at the Institute of Accounting: Georg Tanewski (Deakin University), Robert Faff and Allan Hodgson (both UQ Business School, University of Queensland).
- The 10th International Accounting and Finance Doctoral Symposium
The 10th International Accounting and Finance Doctoral Symposium was held in June 2017, and co-organised by our Institute. These workshops intended to serve primarily all our doctoral students who wished to verify their scientific ideas in an international forum. In this jubilee, already 10th seminar, scientists from renowned Universities, such as: Deakin University, Universita di Bologna, University of Leeds, University of Liverpool, University of Strathcklyde, University of Queensland, Prifisgol Bangor University, Skema Business School, Throndheim Business School, Tsinghua University, University of Salamanca, Australian National University, The University of Western Australia, University of Technology Sydney, University of Adelaide, Politecnico di Milano, University of Stirling, University of Liechtenstein, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University of York, University of Economics Prague took part.
- FIIM 2017 Finance, Innovation and Industrial Management
FIIM 2017 Finance, Innovation and Industrial Management (16th May 2017) “Finance and accounting for the future economic world’s development” was the first boutique conference organized at SGH on the initiative of Adam Śliwiński PhD, prof. SGH (head of the Risk and Insurance Department at the Institute of Banking and Economic Insurance) and prof. Anna Karmańska, (director of the Institute of Accounting). The conference was attended by over 110 participants, including 42 managers from Thailand, undertaking the MBA program at Kasetsart University in Bangkok and professors of this university. Also researchers from Great Britain, Australia, Finland, Slovenia, United States of America, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Austria, Israel and Poland took part in the event.
- In the past we organised and hosted:
- Ogólnopolski Zjazd Katedr Rachunkowości “Rachunkowość jako nauka społeczna”, (National Convention of Accounting Departments “Accounting as social science”), Warszaw 23-25 September 2013 r.
- Konferencja naukowa „Rachunkowość - sztuka pomiaru i komunikowania” Warszaw - SGH 14 April 2011
- Konferencja naukowa “Problemy współczesnej rachunkowości” (Scientific conference “The Problems of Modern Accounting”), Warsaw 23 April 2009
- Ogólnopolski Zjazd Katedr Rachunkowości “Polska Szkoła Rachunkowości” (National Convention of Accounting Departments “Polish Accounting School”), Pułtusk 15-17 September 2004
- Ogólnopolski Zjazd Katedr Rachunkowości „Ustawa o rachunkowości a teoria i praktyka rachunkowości” (National Convention of Accounting Departments Law on Accounting and the Theory and Practice of Accounting”), Warsaw - SGH 20-22 September 1995
- Konferencję naukową „Rachunkowość jako system i dyscyplina naukowa – stan i perspektywy rozwoju” (Scientific conference “Accounting as a System and Scientific Discipline. The State and Prospects for Development”), Warsaw – Jachranka 7-9 April 1981
- I Zjazd Katedr Rachunkowości “Rachunkowość jako nauka” (The 1st National Convention of Accounting Departments “Accounting as a Science”), Warsaw 1953
- We co-organised
Konferencja poświęcona pamięci prof. zw. dr. hab. Stanisława Skrzywana (Conference in memory of Professor Stanisław Skrzywan) – 23 May 2003, SGH – the Department of Accounting and the Main Board of the Association of Accountants in Poland (SKWP)
Conference organised by SKWP Regional Branch in Warsaw and Student Scientific Society at the Institute of Accounting of SGH in Warsaw on: “Financial Reporting and its Evaluation Made by Chartered Accountants”