Wojciech Trzebiński, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Markets, Marketing and Quality, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He graduated in mathematics at the University of Warsaw (2002). He gained a doctoral degree in management at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (2014), based on a dissertation on individual determinants of customer quality perception. His main research areas concern survey and experimental consumer behavior research, including customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty, consumer response to marketing and health communication and new technologies (including AI), and the specificity of Central European markets. He teaches research methods, marketing research, service quality management, and consumer behavior. He has been engaged in business practice for years, as a banking industry manager and then as an independent consultant and trainer.
Email: wtrzebi@sgh.waw.pl
2014 – PhD. (management), SGH Warsaw School of Economics
2002 – MA (mathematics), University of Warsaw
Industry experience:
2003-2016 – Pekao SA, Unicredit Group
2003 – Delloite & Touche, A&A
Research areas:
- customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
- marketing communication (advertising, product presentation), eWOM (online reviews) – consumer response
- new technologies, Artificial Intelligence (chatbots, recommenders) – consumer response
- healthcare products and services, health communication – consumer response, quality of life perception
- Polish and Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) specificity – consumer behavior
- marketing and consumer research – quantitative and qualitative methods
Courses taught:
- Marketing Research
- Survey Methods
- Customer Behavior
- Service Quality Management
- BA theses supervisory (PL, EN)
- MA theses supervisory (PL, EN)
Selected papers:
- W. Trzebinski, B. Marciniak, E. Kulczycka (2023). Online recommenders’ anthropomorphism improves user response to hedonic and benefit-based product appeals through the recommenders’ perceived ability to learn. PLoS ONE, 18(6), e0287663. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0287663
- W. Trzebinski, T. Claessens, J. Buhmann, A. De Waele, G. Hendrickx, P. Van Damme, W. Daelemans, K. Poels (2023). The effects of expressing empathy/autonomy-support by a COVID-19 vaccination chatbot: an experimental study in a sample of Belgian adults. Journal of Medical Internet Research Formative Research, 7, e41148. https://formative.jmir.org/2023/1/e41148
- W. Trzebiński, P. Gaczek, B. Marciniak, (2023). Is it better to communicate product information abstractly or concretely? The role of consumer product expertise and shopping-stage mindset, Journal of Product & Brand Management 32(2), 273-285. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JPBM-05-2021-3470/full/html
- W. Trzebiński, B Marciniak (2023). Meaning or Importance? E-commerce Consumers Interest in Product Features Presented in Online Offerings: The Role of Self-Relevance and Information Processing, Journal of Internet Commerce, 22(2), 224-243. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15332861.2022.2042116
- W. Trzebiński, B. Marciniak (2022). Recommender system information trustworthiness: The role of perceived ability to learn, self-extension, and intelligence cues, Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 6, 100193. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451958822000276
- W. Trzebiński, B. Marciniak, P. Gaczek (2022). Self-relevance diminishes the effectiveness of importance and trustworthiness cues in consumer response to online product-related messages, Cogent Social Sciences, 8 (1), 2065151. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311886.2022.2065151
- W. Trzebiński, B. Marciniak (2022). There is no smoke without fire: How frequency information and the experience attribution make negative online restaurant reviews more harmful, PLoS ONE, 17 (7), e0271357. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0271357
- J. Trzebiński, A. Potocka, W. Trzebiński, M. Krzysztoń (2021). Willingness to Vaccinate against COVID-19: The Role of Assumptions on the World’s Orderliness and Positivity, Journal of Loss & Trauma, 26(8), 697-713. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15325024.2021.1928430
- W. Trzebiński, J. Trzebiński (2022). Do Optimists Like Vaccines? The Effect of Perceived Vaccine Novelty and Beliefs in the World’s Positivity and Orderliness on the Attitudes toward COVID-19 Vaccinations—The Case of European Young Adults. Vaccines, 10(3), 379. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/3/379
- W. Trzebiński, R. Baran, B. Marciniak (2021). Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Make Consumers Shop Alone? The Role of Emotions and Interdependent Self-Construal, Sustainability, 13(11), 6361. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/11/6361
- W. Trzebiński (2022). How Perceiving Vaccines as “Natural” Shapes Vaccination Attitudes: A Worldview Perspective. In: Entrepreneurship, Economic Development and Public Policy in the Post-Pandemic World, (eds.) Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, M., Pietrasieński, P, Marciniak, B., SGH Publishing House, 29-35. https://cor.sgh.waw.pl/handle/20.500.12182/1034
- W. Trzebiński, R. Baran, M. Fira, B. Marciniak (2021) Advertising premium offers in the pandemic era: the role of emotions in the consumer response, in International Conference on Research in Advertising 2021, European Advertising Academy. https://cor.sgh.waw.pl/handle/20.500.12182/991
- W. Trzebiński, B. Marciniak, J. Leonhardt (2021) Abstract versus Concrete Product Information: Theoretical and Practical Considerations. In: Entrepreneurship, Economic Development and Public Policy – How Can Nevada Help and Inspire Poland, How Can Poland Help and Inspire Nevada, (eds.) Paweł Pietrasieński, Marcin Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa https://cor.sgh.waw.pl/handle/20.500.12182/1031
- W. Trzebiński, S. Doroszewicz, B. Marciniak (2021). Is it worth focusing on product details? How consumers use abstract product information in direct response to product alternatives, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 18, 659 – 670. https://wseas.com/journals/articles.php?id=241
Selected research projects:
- “The European and Polish identities of Polish consumers: consequences for marketing” (2023), team member, PI: R. Baran, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “Consumer response to AI-generated product communication” (2023), PI, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “The effects of collectivism on consumer attitudes toward vaccines” (2022), PI, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “ Artificial Intelligence in product presentation: influence on consumer decision making” (2019-2020), PI, funding: Polish National Science Center (NCN)
- “The persuasiveness of joint and separate presentation of product alternatives” (2020), PI, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “Consumer behavior in the pandemic context” (2020), team member, PI: R. Baran, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- „Consumer experience attribution and its consequences on consumer attitudes” (2018), PI, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “Mechanisms of using product attribute information in consumer attitude formation” (2018), team member, PI: B. Marciniak, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
- “Mazovia Global” (2021), ), team member, PI: M. Wojtysiak-Kotlarski, funding: Polish National Centre of Research and Development (NCBiR)
- “Cognitive representation of products and consumer decision making” (2017), PI, funding: Polish Ministry of Education and Science, SGH KZiF
Service to profession:
- academic editor – PLoS ONE Social and Behavioral Sciences
- reviewer:
- European Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
- Computers in Human Behavior Reports
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- BMC Psychology
- Digital Health
- International Conference on Research in Advertising (European Advertising Academy)
- Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (Academy of Marketing Science