Authorities and compositon of the Deparment of Market, Marketing and Quality

Scientific and teaching staff:

Head of Department
Professor Radosław Baran, PhD

Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Head of the Department of Market, Marketing and Quality at the Collegium of Management and Finance of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

He performs various organizational functions at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He focuses his research and teaching interests on marketing. In his scientific work, he is primarily interested in the problems of marketing instruments, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing. He is the author of many scientific publications and speeches at conferences.

Professor Paweł Pietrasieński, PhD

Paweł Pietrasieński is the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ Professor in the Department of Market, Marketing & Quality and Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation with the State of Nevada. He co-manages a Triple Helix part of the project “Mazovia – An Accelerator of Global Enterprises” in the Consortium of Mazowieckie Marshal Office, Warsaw Stock Exchange and SGH Warsaw School of Economics, which has been funded by National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) under the GOSPOSTRATEG III grant.    

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Assistant Professor
Joanna Karwowska, PhD

Assistant professor at the Department of Market, Marketing and Quality of the Warsaw School of Economics. She specializes in product and brand strategy, marketing communication with particular emphasis on packaging and its design as an element of the product, and environmental protection issues. She also conducts practical research on the conditions of entry of Polish enterprises (including startups), products and brands into foreign markets. He also teaches classes on design and design history.

Assistant Professor
Beata Marciniak, PhD

Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing, Market and Quality in the College of Management and Finance. Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and the Department of Psychology at SWPS University (Warsaw). Scholarship holder at the Georg August University in Göttingen (Germany). Research and teaching associate at the Department of Market, Marketing and Quality at the Warsaw School of Economics. Head and lecturer of Postgraduate Studies in Marketing and Marketing Strategies at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Assistant Professor
Andrzej Pawluk, PhD

Dr. Eng. Andrzej Pawluk is an Assistant Professor in the Chair of Market, Marketing and Quality at the Collegium of Management and Finance (SGH Warsaw School of Economics).
A graduate of the Lublin University of Technology and doctoral studies at Warsaw School of Economics. He completed his Ph.D. in management at SGH Warsaw School of Economics based on a thesis on employee attitudes towards performance management (PM) (2016).

Assistant Professor
Wojciech Trzebiński, PhD

Wojciech Trzebiński, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Markets, Marketing and Quality, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He graduated in mathematics at the University of Warsaw (2002). He gained a doctoral degree in management at SGH Warsaw School of Economics (2014), based on a dissertation on individual determinants of customer quality perception.

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Assistant Professor
Beata Żelazko, PhD

Assistant Professor at the Department of Market, Marketing and Quality at the Collegium of Management and Finance of the Warsaw School of Economics. Member of the Polish Scientific Society for Marketing and the FaBeRNET - Family Business Research Network. In the years 2015-2022, she focused on the phenomenon of family entrepreneurship. She dealt with the creation and dissemination of knowledge about family business, as well as consulting for family businesses in the area of strategic management.
