CIVICA Library | Students’ Reflections on Using Artificial Intelligence in Written Assignments

Data wydarzenia:
12.12.2023, 11:30 - 12:30
CIVICA Library zaprasza na webinarium „Students’ Reflections on Using Artificial Intelligence in Written Assignments”. Wydarzenie odbędzie się w języku angielskim, poprowadzi je dr Krista Lepik.

Dr Krista Lepik will present her study on how students reflect on the usability of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots in terms of searching, evaluating and presenting information. This approach is particularly interesting because it is based on users» practices.

She will focus on the benefits and problems of using AI chatbots in the writing process from the students’ point of view. The study is based on reflective assignments submitted by 34 students and an analysis of the following practices:

  • Close reading
  • Open coding (semantic level)
  • Extraction of the ‘key’ theme at the semantic level
  • Designing and refining the thematic map
  • Writing the report/paper

Cécile Touitou, Head of the Foresight Unit at Sciences Po Library, will moderate this event.

A Zoom link will be sent to participants upon registration.

Suggested preparation before the event: Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, “Practical AI for Teachers and Students”. This is an introductory series of five short videos on the use of generative AI for students and teachers.

Dr Krista Lepik, Lecturer in Computer Science at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu Estonia.

Her main research areas are media and information literacy, the impact of accelerating social time on knowledge work and information practices, as well as museum and library communication. In 2023, she conducted workshops and lectures on the use of artificial intelligence for librarians and at various schools. Her previous presentations on this topic include:

  • A workshop on “The coming of artificial intelligence into students home assignments: what should a librarian know?” held at the librarians’ summer academy; and,
  • A presentation “How AI wrote a short literature review” at the seminar on How ChatGPT transform learning and teaching held at the University of Tartu.

Since April 2023, Dr Lepik has been a member of the working group created by the University of Tartu rectorate to observe AI-related developments and suggest appropriate solutions including guidelines on using AI chatbots in education.

The CIVICA Library comprises the ten CIVICA Alliance partner libraries. Members share best practices and deliver excellent services for all library users across the Alliance. For more information, please contact

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