CIVICA Public Lecture Series Tours d'Europe | Who Gains Entry? Migration Governance in Europe and the Idea of Merit

Data wydarzenia:
26.06.2024, 19:00 - 19:45
The London School of Economics and Political Science i CIVICA zapraszają 24 czerwca na seminarium pt. Who Gains Entry? Migration Governance in Europe and the Idea of Merit.

Wydarzenie odbędzie się w języku angielskim w ramach cyklu CIVICA Public Lecture Series Tours d’Europe.

Who gains entry?

Featuring research from the MERITA collaborative seed project, panellists include an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the CIVICA alliance, spanning over management, sociology, political sciences, economics, and law to investigate shifts in how EU countries think and practice the integration of persons with a migration background.


  • Laurence Romani, Stockholm School of Economics
  • Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics
  • Oksana Mikheieva, Ukrainian Catholic University & ZOiS
  • Borja Santos Porras, IE University
  • Marta Pachocka, SGH Warsaw School of Economics


  • Paul Apostolidis, Professor and School Academic Lead for Student Civic Engagement, Department of Government, London School of Economics

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The London School of Economics and Political Science | online


The London School of Economics and Political Science, CIVICA
