CIVICA Research Conference – koniec zapisów

Data wydarzenia:
10.10.2023, All day
CIVICA oraz Science Po w Paryżu zapraszają do udziału w konferencji zamykającej projekt CIVICA Research, podczas której zostaną omówione najważniejsze wyniki i osiągnięcia z ostatnich trzech lat.

Wydarzenie odbywa się w języku angielskim, poniżej wszelkie szczegóły w języku angielskim.

The conference will be the closing event for the CIVICA Research project to share the key outcomes and achievements over the last three years. The event will bring together faculty and researchers from CIVICA’s ten leading European universities in the social sciences: Bocconi University, CEU, EUI, Hertie School, IE University, SNSPA, Sciences Po, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, SSE, and LSE. 


The first day of the conference will include a keynote lecture by Philippe Aghion, a poster presentation for PhD and postdoctoral researchers, as well as four panel sessions featuring a selection of the collaborative research projects that were funded under CIVICA and organised around the four core themes of CIVICA:

  • Societies in Transition, Crises of Earth
  • Democracy in the 21st Century
  • Europe Revisited
  • Data-Driven Technologies for the Social Sciences.

The second day of the conference will showcase key capacity building activities completed during the lifespan of the project (on topics such as Open Science, professional networks, and mobility opportunities), along with a plenary session to discuss the policy landscape of funding research within alliances of European Universities.


The CIVICA Research Conference will take place in-person, with the panel and keynote sessions being available for participants to join online. The recordings will remain available for the public on CIVICA’s YouTube channel afterwards.

Deadline for registration

  • in-person: 30 September 2023
  • online: 10 October 2023

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Kategoria wydarzenia:

CIVICA oraz Sciences Po
