CIVICA research | FAIRness of Open Research Data

Data wydarzenia:
28.02.2023, 11:00 - 11:30
CIVICA zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych na webinarium.

Webinarium odbywa się w języku angielskim w ramach programu CIVICA RESEARCH. Poniżej informacje o wydarzeniu.

Open science has been prioritized by the European Council for the environment of research and education. Data expression through specific languages, reusing research data, and annotation with discoverable metadata are all required components of the FAIR principles. The shift towards open data forced the development of new methods for processing data in various environments and using various technologies (description and storage standards, platforms and repositories, security issues, publishing formats, usage and citation requirements). As a stand-alone characteristic, FAIRness guarantees adherence to the principles of open access, interoperability, reuse, adding value, and encouraging new research.

Speaker: Dr Silvia-Adriana Tomescu, Librarian, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration.

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CIVICA Research
