CIVICA RESEARCH Open Science | Warsztaty o publikowaniu w czasopismach

Data wydarzenia:
30.11.2022, 11:00 - 11:45
CIVICA zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych na warsztaty poświęcone procesowi publikowania w czasopismach.

Warsztaty odbywają się w języku angielskim w ramach programu CIVICA Research Open Science. Poniżej opis i program seminarium (w języku angielskim).

CIVICA Research is delighted to present the Open Science initiative, its ongoing training programme, webinars and further selected resources to promote and facilitate Open Social Science practices within and across the alliance. Researchers, academics, and all members of CIVICA universities interested to attend the next training session/s are invited to sign up.

This workshop will introduce you to the journal publishing process and landscape. You will consider your motivations for publishing, learn how to choose and evaluate journals for your research and develop a publishing strategy for your next articles.

Hosted by The London School of Economics and Political Science.

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