Wydarzenie odbędzie się w języku angielskim w ramach cyklu „CIVICA Societies in Transition, Crises of Earth Seminar Series”. Poniżej opis i program seminarium.

From a global perspective, the EU is under the pressure of the crises related to population changes, the ageing of the European population, still dynamic population growth in African countries and the tendency of its Eastern Neighbour – Russia, to keep its influence in Eastern and Central Europe despite its demographic collapse. Climate change can trigger additional pressure on population movement from South to North and the source of new political conflicts on scarce resources like water or farmlands in the future. How the EU should adapt to this unstable and less secure environment with huge migration flows.
From a local perspective, citizens of Europe need to adapt to climate change by changing their habits and consumption behaviour. How fast is this process? What are the factors that influence the awareness of the climate change challenge?
- Short welcome and introduction: Paweł Strzelecki (Institute of Statistics and Demography SGH)
- Presentation: „Demography, war and climate change – about the roots of the challenges for EU migration policy” by Paweł Strzelecki (Institute of Statistics and Demography SGH)
- Presentation: „Consumers» behaviour in the time of climate crisis: a case of the CEE countries” by Marcin Kawiński and Wojciech Godlewski (Department of Social Insurance SGH)
- Discussion: Q&A session

Paweł Strzelecki is a professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (deputy director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography). His scientific interests focus on the interconnections between the labour market (labour supply, human capita) and demography (population ageing, population projections, migration flows).
List of publications by Pawel Strzelecki
Marcin Kawiński is a professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (head of the Department of Social Insurance). His professional interests focus on using insurance in personal finances and the institutionalisation of the insurance market.
List of publications by Marcin Kawiński
Wojciech Godlewski is an MA student at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. In the academic year 2021/2022 he served as a chairman of the SGH Student» Union. Recently, he is engaged in the project of assessment of the impact of climate change on private consumption in Poland.
Please register to join the event online.

SGH, al. Niepodległości 162, building G, room 151
online (MS Teams)
CIVICA, Institute of Statistics and Demography (SGH)