CIVICA | Turniej futurEU 2024 – koniec zapisów

Data wydarzenia:
26.01.2024, 8:00 - 23:59
FuturEU to platforma dająca młodym obywatelom głos w sprawie reformy Unii Europejskiej. Jest inicjatywą kierowaną przez studentów założoną w 2019 r. przez studentów studiów magisterskich z Hertie School (członka CIVICA). Ma ona na celu przyczynienie się do kształtowania przyszłości Unii Europejskiej poprzez zaangażowanie studentów w debatę publiczną.

Turniej odbywa się w języku angielskim. Zachęcamy do rejestracji grupowej lub indywidualnej. Wszystkie ważne informacje poniżej. 

futurEU x CIVICA. Eurovisionaries. A contest for tomorrow's Europe. #registernow. CIVICA logo & futurEU logo.

Gear up for an exciting opportunity to shape the future of the European Union in this year’s #futurEUCompetition! Whether you consider yourself a (euro)visionary or aspire to become one, this is your chance to make a difference.

About futurEU Competition 2024

2024 marks the 10th time European citizens head to the polls. What values will they prioritize? Who will they elect? It’s up to you to define the narrative! From crafting an election program to undergoing a democratic vote and transforming your ideas into a policy proposal – this competition empowers you to lead change.

To celebrate the elections, which will take place on the 9th of June 2024, sixteen days after the finals, the futurEU Initiative is organizing a special edition. Teams from diverse backgrounds and perspectives converge, contributing fresh ideas and solutions to propel Europe into a new era. The competition’s unique format challenges participants to think beyond conventional boundaries, fostering collaboration and dialogue that transcend geographical and political divides. The participants will have to navigate the complexities of a post-Brexit era and grapple with the challenges posed by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Join use in embracing the possibilities and bridging the gap between students.


Don’t wait! Register now for the revamped futurEU competition. 

Registration is open to all students and PhD researchers of the CIVICA Alliance. You can register with a team or individually and find a team later!

The deadline for individual registrations is 26 January. On 30 January, there will be a networking event for individual registrants to meet each other and find a team! Team registration deadline is 5 February.

Unleash your creativity and be part of shaping the EU’s future. 

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Hertie School, Berlin


