Wykład prof. Jamesa Leonhardta pt. „Culture Vaccine Hesitancy”

Data wydarzenia:
26.10.2022, 13:30 - 15:00
Katedra Rynku, Marketingu i Jakości zaprasza na wykład prof. Jamesa Leonhardta z University of Nevada, Reno pt. Culture and Vaccine Hesitancy, podczas którego prof. James Leonhardt zaprezentuje wyniki swoich najnowszych badań.

Wykład prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim.

Streszczenie wykładu

Vaccine hesitancy is not unique to COVID-19 and has been routinely documented across countries. Several factors may contribute to vaccine hesitancy, including demographic (e.g., younger) and sociodemographic (e.g., lower education attainment) factors, as well as beliefs and attitudes. Moreover, there are opportunities to explore vaccine hesitancy through the lens of culture, given the observed variation in vaccination acceptance across counties and cultures.

Our recent work relies on the cultural dimension of collectivism to better understand and anticipate cultural differences in vaccine hesitancy. Across several studies and using different methodologies, we find that a significant amount of the variation in vaccine acceptance across cultures can be accounted for by collectivism. We further find that cultural collectivism limits the threat perceived invincibility has on vaccination intentions. Collectivistic values promote vaccination intentions by increasing empathic concern for those afflicted by the disease.

Global and local promotion strategies designed to enhance the extent to which people consider themselves interdependent and responsible for the well-being of others should help in lessening vaccine hesitancy and the threat of perceived invincibility. Enhancing empathic concern for victims of the pandemic may also increase vaccination rates and can be achieved through the strategic portrayal of victims of the pandemic that have characteristics like those hesitant to accept vaccination.

Informacje o prelegencie

James Leonhardt pracuje na stanowisku Associate Professor of Marketing w College of Business, University of Nevada, Reno. W swoich badaniach James Leonhardt zajmuje się tym, jak technologia, komunikacja i kultura wpływa na zachowania konsumentów i firm w środowiskach tradycyjnych i cyfrowych. Projekty badawcze Jamesa Leonhardta były finansowane m. in. przez Newkirk Center for Science and Society, University of California Chancellors i Daniels Ethics Foundation Initiative. James Leonhardt publikuje m. in. w Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Services Marketing i Marketing Letters.

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SGH, bud. G, sala 316


Katedra Rynku, Marketingu i Jakości
