SGH Students (of all study levels), travelling abroad to study as part of exchange programs (Erasmus +, PIM, bilateral agreements), didactic programs (CEMS, double diploma programs, Polish-German Academic Forum) or on an individual basis (Freemover, summer schools) are obliged to comply with the “Regulations for student and doctoral mobilities” (Rector’s Order No. 51 [Annex 1] of 11.10.2017)
The documents included in the following sections are binding for all students going abroad to complete their study period and are determined by the Rector’s order:
- Mobility procedures for a.y. 2024/2025
- Learning Agreement
Please follow the below instructions:
In the case of one-year exchange, LA should be prepared separately for each semester. The program should contain 30 ECTS per semester. If you have a surplus for already completed courses at SGH (minimum 6 ECTS), you can choose courses for a minimum of 24 ECTS. However, you need to follow the requirements of the partner university (if 30 ECTS is obligatory, then you should choose courses for 30 ECTS). In the case of trimester exchange (3 months), the program in LA can be for 20 ECTS.
NOTE - students going to universities that do not use the ECTS system should convert their credit points in accordance with the information in the file “Grade conversion table and rules”.
In case of doubts with choosing the courses in LA, please contact:
- Katarzyna Smolińska at Undergraduate Studies Office
- Monika Wąsowska at Graduate Studies Office
In technical matters, please send a request to
Please monitor the document approval process by the Dean.
- Exchange request form / Mobility form
After filling in the LA in USOS, please submit the Mobility Form with the Commitment (and, if applicable, the Language Declaration) by the application in USOSweb system.
Bachelor students are required to select the option for language courses.
- Language declaration form (only for some Bachelor students) - if neither of the two answers in the Application applies to your situation, please attach a language declaration, one for each language.
- Letter of Acceptance /Letter of Enrollment/ - document issued by the host university
In case of the Erasmus+ program Letter of Acceptance must contain full dates of stay (the beginning of the semester with the Orientation Program or the pre-semester language course till the end of the first examination session).
Letter of Acceptance can be issued on the template from the partner university or on the attached form (Erasmus+ program only).
- Insurance
During your exchange (including the time of travel) you must have insurance covering the costs of treatment abroad (EHIC in force in EU countries or commercial one outside the EU) and accident insurance (eg ISIC, Euro 26 or other commercial).
We suggest students to obtain additional insurance covering the loss of stolen property; in case of going to “exotic” places students should get acquainted with information on mandatory vaccinations.
Proof of insurance must be sent to the contact person in International Centre by e-mail before the start of exchange.
Confirmation about being selected for exchange abroad which is necessary to obtain EHIC and/or visa will be issued on student’s request after he/she delivers all required documents.
- Accordion title
Accordion content.
- Erasmus+ – documents for participants
Students selected for mobilities for study within the Erasmus+ program will receive funding specified in the financial agreement signed between the student and SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Financial agreements will be sent to students by e-mail to an account in the SGH domain.
Scholarship rates for study mobilities within the Erasmus+ KA131 2023 project that is currently carried out to universities in program countries:
- EUR 670: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
- EUR 670: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Malta, Portugal, Spain
- EUR 600: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
Mobilities of persons with fewer opportunities in Erasmus+
In the Erasmus + KA131 program, “individual support” as well as additional funds granted in connection with the difficult financial situation and/or disability of students going to study or internship will be granted from the Erasmus+ program funds.
Co-financing in the form of a flat rate may be granted to:
- students leaving for studies and/or internships, who have the right to receive a social scholarship confirmed by the university, in accordance with the university regulations; students with disabilities who have a disability certificate, going to study and/or internship;
- graduates leaving for internships, who have the right to receive a social scholarship confirmed by the university, in accordance with the university regulations; graduates with disabilities who have a disability certificate, who are going to an internship.
A grant in the form of real costs (based on a separate application submitted to the NA) may be awarded to:
- students with disabilities who have a disability certificate, going to study and / or practice;
- graduates with disabilities who have a disability certificate, who are going to internships.
The grant is awarded by the university as part of the grant amount available to the university on the basis of a financial agreement for the implementation of activities, signed with the National Agency (NA).
For more information please get in touch with your contact person at SGH International Centre.
Travel top-up depending on the distance calculated in a straight line from the SGH location to the partner university or Green travel top-up (for two-way travel by sustainable means of transport, i.e. train, bus) + travel days
Rates in the project Erasmus+ KA131 2024:
- 100-499 km: 180 EUR (210 EUR for green travel + 2 travel days);
- 500-1999 km: 275 EUR (320 EUR for green travel + 4 travel days);
- 2000-2999 km: 360 EUR (410 EUR for green travel + 6 travel days);
- 3000-3999 km: 530 EUR;
- Mobility procedures for a. y. 2024/2025 - Settlement of the mobility
Procedures on Student’s Return
All documents should be delivered to SGH International Center no later than 1 month after the end of stay on exchange (i.e. 1 month from the end date on the Letter of Confirmation or the end date of the first exam session).
Student should deliver all the required documents; after receiving the transcript of records, International Centre will enter the grades on the course approval form.
Settlement of Study Abroad – Required Documents
- Course approval form – complete with the personal information, subjects completed during exchange and number of ECTS
- Learning Agreement signed by all 3 parties: the student, SGH (Dean) and the host university
- Changes to Learning Agreement [if applicable] signed by all 3 parties: the student, SGH (Dean) and host university
- Transcript of records – usually sent by host universities or available for students to download from systems after the end of mobility period
- Course equivalent proposal form [if aplicable] signed by the academic supervisor; should be submitted directly to the Dean’s Office
- Confirmation of Stay (Erasmus+ KA131) - the dates in this document should stated the real period of stay. This document should not be signed earlier than 5 days before the final date stated in the Letter of Confirmation
Document- Student report – only electronic version (pdf file – 3-5 pages); please do not include any personal data in the report
DocumentAll the above-mentioned documents (with the possible exception of Transcript of records, which may be issued a few weeks later) should be sent to the program contact person at International Centre. We expect only digital version of all documents.
- Erasmus+ on-line survey to be completed at the European Commission platform - you will receive a link to the survey by e-mail. The survey is mandatory for student participating in Erasmus+ program
- Additional information
- International Centre – contacts
International Center – new office
Building S, Batorego Street 8
room 2.14, 2nd floor (accessible only by elevator, no access from the staircase)- in-person consultations are held during office hours
- Karolina KULCZYCKA
Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden)
tel.: +48 22 564 98 44
e-mail: kkulcz(at) - Marta TYMIŃSKA
Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, UK)
tel.: +48 22 564 78 23
e-mail: mtymin(at)
PIM and bilateral agreements:
- temporary: Karolina Kulczycka / Marta Tymińska
Polish-German Academic Forum
Building S, Batorego Street 8
room 3.01, 3rd floor (accessible only by elevator, no access from the staircase)- Galina WANDEL
tel.: +48 22 564 93 86
e-mail: gwandel(at)
Office hours:
MONDAY: 10.30 - 13.00
TUESDAY: 9.30 - 13.00
WEDNESDAY: 12.30 - 14.30
THURSDAY: 9.30 - 13.00
FRIDAY: no office hours
- Mobility procedures – Undergraduate Studies
Outgoing student mobilities are regulated by RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR STUDENT AND DOCTORAL STUDENT MOBILITY annexed to the Rector’s Order no.51 of October 11, 2017 . Every student is obliged to study the mobility regulations as all of them are applicable.
The student submits the following documents accordingly:
- Departure application via USOSweb system (exchange requests)
- Student’s commitment via USOSweb system (exchange requests)
- Learning Agreement via USOSweb system
- Language declaration - applies to students who will not complete their language courses before departure:
- In line with the agreement between SGH Foreign Language Office and the Bachelor Dean’s Office, students should submit a language declaration (one for each foreign language learned), together with the mobility documents (via USOSweb system, exchange requests).
- Students who have already completed their foreign language courses (or plan complete it in the semester preceding the mobility) should mark the following option in the Departure application: “I declare that I have passed the final foreign language examinations” or “I declare that I plan to pass the final foreign language examinations by the end of the semester preceding the mobility period” (as applicable).
- Students who plan to complete one of their foreign language before and the other one after departure should follow point 2 for courses taken before departure and point 1 for courses taken after departure.
A complete set of documents should be submitted one month before departure at the latest. Documents may be approved by the Dean for Bachelor Studies only upon thorough review, which requires time to complete the appropriate procedures.
The Dean does not approve enrollment to courses previously completed at SGH, i. e. courses that have the same content.
In doubtful cases, the student may be asked to provide the course syllabus from the foreign host university.
If, for substantive reasons, a student wants to study a course with the same name as the one studied at SGH, but covering more extensive material, the syllabus of this course should be attached.
If it is difficult to select courses from the Bachelor’s studies offer at a foreign/host university, it is possible to take courses within the Master’s studies offer at a foreign/host university. Enrollment for master courses requires consent by the SGH Dean for Bachelor Studies as well as the receiving university.
Semester declaration
Before departure, the student accepts a blank declaration of courses for the semester of departure in the Virtual Dean’s Office. Any courses included in the accepted declaration will be removed declaration at a later date during the semester of departure. There are two exceptions to the afore-mentioned rule:
- foreign languages – in case of students who request to transfer a grade from the previous semester or take an exam according to the completed language declaration;
- bachelor seminar – provided that the student obtained the dean’s consent to complete the bachelor seminar during the mobility semester (in accordance with the RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR STUDENT AND DOCTORAL STUDENT MOBILITY).
Foreign languages
The student is obliged to inform the lecturer about the participation in the exchange.
More information above, under DOCUMENTS - LANGUAGE DECLARATION
Cancellation of mobility
A student who resigns from the mobility is obliged to inform about it both International Centre, the partner university and Bachelor Dean’s Office (a separate application via USOSweb).
Bachelor seminar
According to the RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR STUDENT AND DOCTORAL STUDENT MOBILITY, a student may complete the bachelor seminar at SGH during the mobility semester. This requires a positive opinion of the thesis supervisor and the consent of the Dean (an application to this effect should be submitted via the USOSweb system).
We would like to remind you that the bachelor seminar lasts one semester and, in accordance with the Rules and regulations of studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, it may be taken during the 5th or 6th semester of studies.
Completion of the bachelor seminar in the fifth semester of studies means that the thesis must be submitted by the end of this semester, and the defense will be possible only after obtaining the discharge (which also requires settling the student mobility.).
Changes to Learning Agreement/During Learning Agreement
Changes to Learning Agreement - changes to the curriculum (LA) declared before departure should be reported (according to the applicable procedure) within 1 month of the start of the semester at the host university:
Bachelor students -fill Changes to LA in USOSweb system.
In the case of block system classes and the associated delay in reporting changes, please inform the International Centre and the Bachelor Dean’s Office (Ms. Katarzyna Smolińska) via email.
After obtaining the Dean’s approval for the submitted changes, the Changes to LA document must also be approved by the receiving university.
We recommend the quickest possible exchange programme settlement (especially in the case of last semester students, as at least 10 days before the Bachelor thesis defence, students’ exchange settlement files and certificate of completion of studies are submitted to the officer in charge of Bachelor defences).
The exchange settlements must be made not later than one month after the end of the semester, according to the SGH academic year schedule.
If the above deadline cannot be met (e. g. because the semester at the host university ends much later), the student must submit an application to the Dean of the Bachelor Studies for permission to an extension of the exchange settlement deadline, suggesting a new deadline (which should also be properly justified).
All courses passed during the exchange period that were included in the learning agreement approved by the partner institution and SGH will be transferred to the student’s account in accordance with the name of the course and the ECTS number in line with the transcript of records. The SGH International Centre will convert the grade obtained abroad to the SGH grading scale.
All courses passed abroad will be classified as electives at SGH by default. Provided that these courses match learning effects of a course/courses offered by SGH in the category of basic, major or major-related courses, the student may apply for recognition of equivalents (exemption from the obligation to complete the matching courses at SGH). In such a case, the procedures described below will be applied accordingly.
Course equivalents
Students who wish to have a course equivalent for a course completed abroad, should fill in a form, in which course equivalents within the SGH course offer should be suggested.
Only courses within the SGH Bachelor studies offer from core and major and major related courses may become equivalents (subject to exemption from completion at SGH). Equivalents are suggested by students.
Course equivalents must be positively opinioned by the course coordinator (for basic courses) or Head of the programme council of the fields of study (for major and major related courses). It is the student’s responsibility to contact the course coordinator or Head of the programme council of the fields of study in order to obtain an opinion about course equivalents. The documents to be submitted to the course coordinator / Head of the programme council of the fields of study should include the syllabus of the course completed abroad.
A course taken abroad should have an ECTS number equal to or higher than its equivalent at SGH.
The student submits the course equivalents approved by the course coordinator/ Head of the programme council of the fields of study along with the syllabus of the course abroad to the Bachelor Dean’s Office via the USOSweb system no later than on the day of submitting the remaining documents for the trip abroad to International Centre (course equivalents submitted after this deadline will not be accepted).
The final decision regarding acceptance of equvalents rests with the Dean for Bachelor Studies.
If a student has been granted permission to accept a course equivalents as a course taken abroad, the original course is entered into the SGH electronic system with the ECTS number awarded at the foreign institution. In the USOS system, the student is then exempted from completing a substitute for a course taken abroad as part of a foreign exchange.
Extension of the exchange
The student should provide consent for such an extension by the host university. The Dean’s consent is also required to extend the period of study abroad for the next semester (an application with such a request should be submitted through USOSweb).
After obtaining the Dean’s approval on the application, the student will have to prepare an Departure application and a Learning Agreement for the next semester via USOSweb system. Final approval to extend the exchange is conditional upon completion of the previous semester on exchange.
More information on the international Centre’s website.
Failed courses
Students who fail a course/courses during the mobility period are obliged to submit an application to the Bachelor Dean’s Office: REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL ENROLMENT / REPEATING OF SEMESTER, RECOGNITION OF REPLACEMENTS FOR SUBJECTS FAILED ON EXCHANGE AND SUBSCRIPTION TO SUBJECTS THAT ARE REPLACEMENTS.
The application should be submitted to the Bachelor Dean’s Office at the time the mobility documents are turned in by the International Centre staff member.
SGH replacements for courses failed at a partner university should have a total ECTS number equal to-the total ECTS number assigned to courses actually failed during the mobility period. When such a choice is not possible or difficult, it is possible to choose substitutes with a higher total number of ECTS (the fee in this case, however, is calculated only for the ECTS credits corresponding to the courses failed during the exchange).
Additional information
According to the Study Abroad Regulations, settlement documents are verified, accepted by the Dean for Bachelor Studies and entered into the virtual system (USOS) within 2 weeks of submitting the original Learning Agreement along with Changes to LA, Transcript of records and the Exchange Settlement Form by the International Centre.
Please contact International Centre if you have any questions regarding the transfer of documents.
We would like to remind you to check the billing entered into the USOS system.
Contact Undergraduate Studies
Ms. Katarzyna Smolińska
ph. 564 98 56
e-mail: ksmolin@sgh.waw.plContact International Centre
- Karolina KULCZYCKA
Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden)
tel.: +48 22 564 98 44
e-mail: kkulcz(at) - Marta TYMIŃSKA
Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, UK)
tel.: +48 22 564 78 23
e-mail: mtymin(at)
PIM and bilateral agreements:
- Mikołaj STAWICKI
tel.: +48 22 564 97 60
e-mail: mstawick(at)
- Mobility procedures – Graduate Studies
Outgoing student mobilities are regulated by Rules and Regulations for Student and Doctoral Student Mobility annexed to the Rector’s Order no.51 of October 11, 2017. Every student is obliged to study the mobility regulations as all of them are applicable.
Before the Mobility
The complete set of documents needs to be submitted at least one month before departure. The documents may be approved by the Dean of the Graduate Studies only after thorough verification, which requires time to complete the appropriate procedures.
The student submits the following documents accordingly:
- Travel application - via the USOSweb system as an attachment to the application,
- Student’s commitment - via the USOSweb system as an attachment to the application,
- Learning Agreement - via the USOSweb system.
Master’s Seminar
Students of the third and fourth semester are obliged to complete a master’s seminar at SGH Warsaw School of Economics during the mobility semester via distant learning. The student has to obtain the promoter’s consent for this form of cooperation.
Semester declaration
In the case of acceptance of the declaration with the declared courses or automatic enrollment for compulsory courses in a semester when student takes part in the mobility, one should apply for the removal of subjects in the semester during exchange and transfer of the implementation of compulsory subjects to the semester after the exchange. On this basis, the subjects will be removed from the declaration during the away semester.
The above rule does not apply to the master’s seminar.
NOTE: Courses compulsory for the semester when student takes part in the mobility should be completed by the student in the semester preceding the mobilityat the latest.
Learning Agreement (LA)
During their stay at a host university, a student is obliged to complete at least 30 ECTS per semester. It is possible to complete a smaller number of credits, no less than 24 ECTS credits per semester, provided that the student has an appropriate surplus of ECTS credits in the semester preceding the mobility. This surplus must be equal to or greater than the difference between the required minimum (30 ECTS) and the declared number of ECTS credits.
In the case of students going to a hostuniversity for one trimester, the student is obliged to declare not less than 20 ECTS credits, if they have a surplus of points equal to the difference between 30 ECTS credits and the declared number of credits.
The Dean does not consent to the declaring in LA courses already completed at SGH - i.e. those with the same substantive content. In case of doubt, the student may be asked to provide the syllabus of the course from the host university.
If, for substantive reasons, the student wants to complete a course with the same name as the one taught at SGH but covering a broader area, during the mobility, the syllabus of this subject should be presented.
The minimum number of ECTS credits for subjects related to the field or profile of studies at SGH cannot be lower than 18 ECTS.
Cancellation of the Mobility
A student who resigns from the mobility is obliged to inform about it both International Centre, the host university and Graduate Studies Office (a separate application via USOSweb).
During the mobility
The deadline for submitting changes to the Learning Agreement is a maximum of 30 days from the start of the exchange.
In the case of classes in the block system and the related delay in reporting changes, an employee of the International centre and the Graduate Studies Office should be informed about this fact by e-mail.
Changes to the Learning Agreement/Learning Agreement During Mobility
Changes to Learning Agreement - changes in the curriculum declared before departure (LA). If you need to make changes, please contact Graduate Studies Office employees by e-mail. After unlocking the possibility of making changes, Master’s Students complete the Changes to LA form in the USOSweb system.
After obtaining the Dean’s consent to the proposed changes, Changes to LA must also be approved by the host university.
Extension of the mobility
The student needs to provide a consent of the host university to extend the mobility.
The consent of the Dean of the Graduate Studies is also required to extend the period of study abroad for the next semester (an application with such a request should be submitted via USOSweb).After obtaining the Dean’s consent for the extension of the exchange, the student prepares the application for mobility and the Learning Agreement for the next semester via the USOSweb system.
The condition to obtaining the final consent to prolong the mobility is passing all the courses in the previous exchange semester.
We suggest settlement of the mobility as soon as possible, especially during the last semester, because without the settlement of the outgoing semester, the student cannot graduate or take the master’s diploma exam.
The mobility ought to be settled in Graduate Studies Office within one month from the end of the semester according to the organization of the academic year at SGH.
If the above deadline cannot be met (e.g. due to the late end of the semester at a host university), the student is obliged to submit an application to the Dean of the Graduate Studies with a request to extend the deadline for the settlement of the exchange, specifying the proposed date of settlement of the exchange and justification of the request.Course Equivalents
Students who wish to have a course equivalent for a course completed abroad, should fill in a form, in which course equivalents within the SGH course offer should be suggested.
Only courses within the SGH Graduate Studies offer from core and major and major related courses may become equivalents. Equivalents are suggested by students.
Course equivalents ought to be accepted by Head of the Programme Council of the Fields of Study (for major and major related courses). It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Head of the Programme Council in order to obtain an opinion about course equivalents. The documents to be submitted to the course coordinator / Head of the programme council of the fields of study should include the syllabus of the course completed abroad.
A course taken abroad should have an ECTS number equal to or higher than its equivalent at SGH.
The student submits the course equivalents form approuved by the Head of the programme council of the fields of study along with the syllabus of the course abroad to the Graduate Studies Office via the USOSweb system no later than on the day of submitting the remaining documents for the trip abroad to the International Centre (course equivalents submitted after this deadline will not be accepted).
The final decision regarding acceptance of equvalents rests with the Dean of Graduate Studies.
If a student has been granted permission to accept a course equivalents as a course taken abroad, the original course is entered into the SGH electronic system with the ECTS number awarded at the host institution. In the USOS system, the student is then exempted from completing a substitute for a course taken abroad as part of an exchange.Failed Courses
In case of failing of the course(s) during the mobility, the following applications should be submitted to Graduate Studies Office:
- Application for conditional continuation of studies in the next semester and repetition of the course(s) (if no more than two courses have been failed),
- Application for repeating a semester (if more than two courses have been failed),
- Application for recognizing substitutes of courses failed during the mobility and registration for the courses offered at SGH items that are substitutes.
Substitutes from SGH offer for courses failed during the mobility should have a total ECTS number equal to the total ECTS count of the failed courses.
When such a choice is impossible or difficult, it is allowed to choose substitutes with a greater total number of ECTS (the fee for repeated courses is charged only up to the amount corresponding to the number of ECTS points for subjects actually failed during the mobility).Additional Information
Pursuant to the Rules of Mobility, settlement documents are verified, accepted by the Dean of Graduate Studies and entered into the system (USOS) within 2 weeks from the transfer of the originals of the Learning Agreement along with Changes to LA, Transcript of records and the Settlement Form by the International Centre.
In case of doubts, please contact the International Centre.
We remind you about the need to check the grades entered into the USOS system. Any concerns should be urgently reported to Graduate Studies Office.
Contact - Graduate Studies Office
Academic matters related to the implementation of the mobility [incl. Learning Agreement]
tel.: 22 564 78 18