Rules of the SGH Doctoral School

The rules of education in the SGH Doctoral School are precisely defined in the "Regulations at the SGH Doctoral School”

Profiles and educational programs in SGH Doctoral School

Education is conducted in two profiles:

  • “Implementation Ph.D.” profile

Education is provided for doctoral students participating in the “Implementation Ph.D.” program, announced in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Communication of May 29, 2019, regarding the announcement of the “Implementation Ph.D.” program and the call for applications.

  • General Academic Profile

Education is conducted for all other doctoral students. Classes can be conducted in Polish and English.

Education in the Doctoral School includes educational program and implementation of the Individual Research Plan.

The educational program in the Doctoral School is implemented in three disciplines and four programs

Admission FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025


The IPB includes:

  1. Basic Information (including the indication of the supervisor/assistant supervisor, form, and language of the doctoral dissertation),
  2. Outline of the Doctoral Dissertation, containing the following elements:
    • Topic and justification based on a literature review with the identification of the research gap.
    • Objectives, theses, hypotheses, or research questions of the doctoral dissertation.
    • Description of the research method.
    • Estimated budget with an indication of available sources of funding.
    • Form of the doctoral dissertation.
    • Proposed structure of the doctoral dissertation.
    • Preliminary bibliography.
  3. Planned Research Budget
  4. Sources of Research Funding
  5. Study Plan for Elective Subjects, divided by semesters, offered by the Doctoral School in a given education program.
  6. Schedule of Research and Doctoral Dissertation Implementation, divided into semesters.

Submission of the IRP by the doctoral student, evaluation by the committee, and opinion by the supervisor are carried out in the computerized system.


Doctoral students commencing their studies at the SGH Doctoral School should, within 14 days of starting their education, submit a statement to the Science Department regarding their possession of an ORCID electronic researcher identifier.


According to § 14 of the Doctoral School Regulations, starting from the academic year 2023/2024, a doctoral student should submit a request for the appointment of a supervisor(s) promptly after commencing education, but no later than November 15 of the respective academic year.

The request should be accepted by the proposed supervisor. It must be submitted in hard copy to the Doctoral School Office.

After the appointment of a supervisor (issued by the dean of the SGH Doctoral School), an assistant supervisor may be appointed upon the supervisor’s request.

Overseas travels

Doctoral students have the opportunity to apply for overseas trips through exchange programs and foreign internships, as well as benefit from various scholarship opportunities.

Schedule for qualification for the Erasmus+ program for doctoral students for the academic year 2023/2024:

  1. From January 8 to January 22 (during the Doctoral School Office’s working hours) – doctoral students of the SGH Doctoral School applying for overseas travels under exchange programs and foreign internships coordinated by the SGH International Cooperation Center submit the required documents to the Doctoral School Office.
  2. Until January 29, 2024 – The decision of the Vice-Dean of the SGH Doctoral School for internationalization regarding the approval of the participation of the doctoral student of the SGH Doctoral School in the qualification for overseas trips will be made, and by February 1, 2024 – the transfer of documents by the Doctoral School Office to the International Cooperation Center.
  3. The decision to qualify the doctoral student of the SGH Doctoral School for the exchange is made by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation.
  4. The final decision on the acceptance of the doctoral student is made by the partner university to which the student applies.

For more information:


Schedules of classes and course assessments are available in the USOS system at the following address: 
Access is possible after logging in with the domain login:

Doctoral student report

Submission of a doctoral student report after the first or third year, along with the promoter’s opinion, should take place by October 10, and for doctoral students after the fourth year – by October 20. Doctoral students in the second year submit a report no later than a week before the end of the second year and no earlier than three weeks before the end of the second year.

Major examinations

A doctoral student who started doctoral education in the academic year 2021/2022 or later takes major examinations in the fourth semester. Each major examination has two sessions, one in March and the another in May. The student selects only one session, which becomes the mandatory examination date.

The doctoral student is entitled to a retake examination for one major examination. The retake examination takes place in September. The detailed schedule and organization of major examinations are determined by the dean. Only verbal assessments, “satisfactory result” for a positive evaluation and “unsatisfactory result” for a negative evaluation, are issued for major examinations. Failure to participate in a major examination without a justified reason results in receiving an “unsatisfactory result.”

Major examinations are not included in the academic year settlement.

Examinations according to educational programs, valid for doctoral students starting their doctoral education from the academic year 2021/2022.


Economics and Finance in the scope of Economics:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics

Economics and Finance in the scope of Finance:

  • Finance and Banking
  • Risk in Finance

Management Science and Quality:

  • Organisations’ management mainstreams and conceptions
  • New trends in marketing

Political Science and Administration:

  • State and its institutions
  • State and its policies


The evaluation is conducted after the fourth semester of education in the SGH Doctoral School but no later than three months from the commencement of the fifth semester.

The committee assesses the implementation of the Individual Research Plan (IPB), particularly based on the doctoral student’s submitted report, the supervisor’s (or supervisors’) opinions on progress in preparing the doctoral dissertation, an interview with the doctoral student, and other documents submitted by the doctoral student.

In the case of a suspension of education in the Doctoral School, as mentioned in § 23 of the Doctoral School Regulations, the evaluation period is shifted by that duration. 


According to Article 204(1) of the Higher Education and Science Act of July 20, 2018, the education of a doctoral student is completed by submitting a doctoral dissertation.

In accordance with § 27 of the Doctoral School Regulations, the completion of education in the Doctoral School is based on achieving learning outcomes for qualification at level 8 of the Polish Qualifications Framework (PRK) and meeting the conditions specified in Article 189 of the Act, as well as those determined based on Article 192(2) and (3) of the Act. Upon the request of a person who has not completed education in the Doctoral School, a certificate of the course of education is issued.

The procedure for awarding the doctoral degree is specified in Resolution No. 567 of the SGH Senate dated September 18, 2019, regarding detailed rules and procedures for awarding the academic degree of Doctor or Doctor Habilitatus.

The unit responsible for the administrative and organizational support of scientific councils and the implementation of activities related to procedures for awarding academic degrees is the Office of Scientific Councils.

Extending the deadline for submitting a doctoral dissertation

According to §24 of the Regulations of the Doctoral School, the Dean may, upon the doctoral student’s request, extend the deadline for submitting the doctoral dissertation.

The deadline may be extended due to:

  • long-term illness of the doctoral student or a family member,
  • participation in a research grant awarded through a competitive process by a Polish or foreign institution funding scientific research, particularly the National Science Centre, the National Centre for Research and Development, or the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA),
  • a research trip undertaken by the doctoral student as part of the Individual Research Plan (IRP),
  • other reasons.

The doctoral student must submit a written request no later than September 10 of the final semester of their studies, which must include:

  • personal information (name, surname, student ID number, year of study),
  • the proposed new submission deadline,
  • justification along with an updated IRP,
  • the supervisor’s (or supervisors’) opinion on the progress of the dissertation and the doctoral student’s scientific achievements.

The total period of extensions may not exceed 2 years, but first extension cannot be longer than 12 months. During the extension period, the doctoral student retains all rights as a doctoral student.

The following documents should be attached to the request:

  • the supervisor’s opinion,
  • the entire doctoral dissertation if it is a monograph; or a certificate of article submissions to a publisher in the case of an article-based dissertation,
  • documents long-term illness issued by a specialist doctor and/or a document confirming the role of principal investigator in a grant, such as the grant agreement,
  • a detailed plan for completing the remaining tasks related to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation, approved by the supervisor.

SGH Doctoral School Office
ul. Madalińskiego 6/8, room 35
02-513 Warsaw,
+48 22 564 73 15
+48 22 564 71 15
+48 22 564 71 30