In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Studies, it’s not possible to transfer to SGH to the first or second semester of first-cycle studies, or from part-time studies conducted in weekend mode to full-time studies.
Students who want to transfer to full-time studies conducted in English (International Economics, Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems, Management, Global Business, Finance and Governance), must have all the transferred courses completed in English.
In case of transfers from foreign universities, the documents must be translated into Polish by a certified translator. In case of English studies, this requirement applies only to the secondary school leaving certificate.
Regulation no. 60 of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 04 August 2022 defines the rules of organising admissions to studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics by transfer from other domestic or foreign universities.
The Dean’s Office doesn’t make the decision on conformity of programmes before submission of the set of documents by the candidate. Candidates should compare their curriculum with the programme of studies at SGH.
A candidate for transfer to SGH is required to submit a complete set of documents:
- application (Appendix 1 to Regulation No. 60 of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 04 August 2022),
- personal questionnaire (Appendix 2 to Regulation No. 60 of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 04 August 2022),
- a list of grades for all courses passed by the candidate and the number of ECTS credits allocated to each course, certified by the university from which the transfer would take place,
- syllabuses of all courses passed by the candidate, certified by the university from which the transfer would take place, containing the following information: the name of the course, the number of teaching hours, the number of ECTS credits allocated to it, and the course programme,
- a certificate from the university from which the transfer would take place, confirming the candidate’s student status,
- a certificate from the university from which the transfer would take place, confirming that the candidate has passed all required courses in the previous course of study and has passed the semester preceding the semester in which the candidate would like to start studies at SGH,
- a statement by the candidate that they have fulfilled all obligations under the regulations in force at the university from which the transfer would take place.
These documents must be originals or copies certified on the spot, that is at the Undergraduate Studies Office at the SGH. In case of transfers from foreign universities, the documents must be translated into English for studies in English or into Polish for studies in Polish.
A necessary condition for transfer to the SGH Warsaw School of Economics is that the differences in the programme do not exceed half of the ECTS credits necessary to pass the semester of studies at the SGH.
The complete documentation should be submitted in the Undergraduate Studies Office, room 7.
The complete documentation concerning transfer to SGH should be submitted (on working days during office hours) :
- for winter semester 2025/2026 until 4th July 2025 (Friday),
- for spring semester 2025/2026 until 8th January 2026 (Thursday).
We don’t accept application documents submitted by e-mail.
Undergraduate Studies Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 98 55