- About lending boooks
Why can’t all books be renewed over the Internet?
The deadline for returning a book cannot be extended if it is ordered by another reader, has already been extended twice, the reader has books that are not delivered on time or an unpaid penalty.
Can I borrow a book if I forgot my student ID?
Yes. The basis for borrowing books is a valid student ID or mLegitimation.
Can I share my library card with someone else so that they can borrow books for me?
No. The library card may not be shared with other people.
If I return the books after the deadline and do not pay the fee immediately, will I be charged with penalties?
No, but the account will be blocked until the fee is paid.
Is there an amnesty for the Library’s debtors in the near future?
The SGH library does not redeem the charges for untimely return of books. Only once was the amnesty at the beginning of the introduction of the charges.
I have lost books from the library, what can I do in this situation?
In the event of loss or damage to the borrowed books, the user is obliged to buy a copy of the same title or a newer edition or to hand over, after agreeing with the Library, another book with a similar theme (the book cannot be damaged). If a fee is charged for the late return of a lost book, the reader is obliged to pay the fee.
Why am I not always notified by e-mail about the impending return of the books I have borrowed?
The prompts are sent automatically around 9:00 am every day. If the reader does not receive the e-mail notification, it means that his e-mail address was entered incorrectly, or his e-mail server qualifies the prompts as spam.
If I do not receive the e-mail and return the books late, will I be fined?
Yes. Lack of e-mail notification is not an argument exempting you from fees for late return of books. You can check your account balance online and extend the refund period if necessary (see point 1).
Why do some books with the status “on the spot” have return deadlines?
The persons entitled to borrow books with the status “on the spot” are SGH employees. Students may use them only in the Reading Room.
Can I return the borrowed books by post?
Yes, you can.
Can the borrowed books be extended by phone?
Only employees and PhD students may renew their books by phone. In exceptional circumstances, other users for a short period of time only.
How can you use master’s and doctoral theses?
Students cannot use them. The rules for using diploma theses are specified in the Library Regulations.
- About Reading Room
I am not a student or an employee of the Warsaw School of Economics. Can I use the SGH Library?
Yes. Anyone who accepts the terms of use of the collections specified in the Library Regulations may sign up for the Library (the Reader Card costs PLN 10). However, people from outside the Warsaw School of Economics can use the collections only on site, without the right to borrow them home.
I am a student of another university. Can I therefore borrow books home?
No, students of other universities can use our collections only on site, in the reading rooms.
I am a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. Can I still use the Library (borrow books)?
Graduates, like other people from outside the Warsaw School of Economics, may use the Library’s collections only on site (without the right to borrow home). You should get a free Alumni Card or Reader Card, which costs PLN 10.
I have a Reader Card for people from outside the Warsaw School of Economics. From this semester I started my studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. Do I have to get a new card and pay for it?
In this case, obtaining a new card for the Lending Department is more advantageous than using the Library on the current terms. The Lending Card (encoded on the Electronic Student ID) allows - unlike the Reader Card - to borrow books home.
I lost the Reader Card for people from outside the Warsaw School of Economics. What should I do?
Report the loss of the Card in the General Reading Room. A duplicate card - free of charge - will be issued.
- I am looking for literature on …. Where should I start?
When it comes to books published after 1989, it is best to start with a computer catalog. Search through the subject keyword, gradually narrowing down the search to more detailed issues. Books published before 1989 should be searched for in a traditional card catalog, which, however, contains book descriptions only until 1995. As for journal articles, go from the online catalog to the databases.
Can I order books over the Internet so that they will be waiting for me in the Reading Room?
At the moment - no.
What does it mean that the book is “in development” ( PL ” w opracowaniu” )?
This book has recently found its way into the Library’s collection and before it is made available to the Readers, it must pass the stage of formal, factual and technical preparation. At that time, it is unavailable to readers. Changing the status from “In development” to “On-site” signifies the completion of the development process.
- What does it mean that the book / magazine is in the frame?
The book is handed over for binding due to its poor technical condition. At that time, it is not available to readers. Book binding cannot be speeded up. Magazines, on the other hand, are handed over for binding after collecting a complete year of a given title (most often it is the entire previous calendar year) or - similarly to books - due to poor technical condition. During this time, they are not available to the Readers and it is also not possible to speed up the binding process.
Can I use the electronic databases of the SGH Library at home?
Yes, it is enough to be an employee or a student of SGH.
I can’t log into the database, where can I look for help?
In case of technical problems with logging in, please contact the User Support Department, located in room no. 1 in the Library building (B), helpdesk@sgh.waw.pl, tel. +48225646464.
I can’t find the information I need in the database, where can I look for help?
In case of substantive questions regarding the contents of the databases, please contact the Reference Centre, located in room no. 9 in the Library building (B), infnauk@sgh.waw.pl, tel. +48225649505.
Is it possible to search for journal titles simultaneously in all databases?
Yes, with the A to Z Journal List
Can I use the EMIS database at home?
The EMIS-Poland database is available only on the University network, only SGH employees and PhD students can use its resources via VPN.