Short mobilities

Szkoły letnie i zimowe

Studenci SGH mogą brać udział w szkołach letnich i zimowych organizowanych zarówno przez uczelnie partnerskie SGH jak i przez inne uczelnie na całym świecie. Studenci biorący udział w takich szkołach mają możliwość uzyskania punktów ECTS za kursy realizowane w ramach programu.

Central Europe Connect – joint certificate program (CEC)

The Joint Certificate Program #centraleuropeconnect gives bachelor’s students the opportunity to study at three different locations and strengthen their expertise in Europe’s fastest-growing region together with international students from WU and EUBA partner universities.

Central Europe Connect – joint certificate program (CEC)

The Joint Certificate Program #centraleuropeconnect gives bachelor’s students the opportunity to study at three different locations and strengthen their expertise in Europe’s fastest-growing region together with international students from WU and EUBA partner universities.

Central Europe Connect – joint certificate program (CEC)

The Joint Certificate Program #centraleuropeconnect gives bachelor’s students the opportunity to study at three different locations and strengthen their expertise in Europe’s fastest-growing region together with international students from WU and EUBA partner universities.

Summer and Winter Schools

Information about summer and winter schools abroad available to SGH students.

Central Europe Connect – joint certificate program (CEC)

The Joint Certificate Program #centraleuropeconnect gives bachelor’s students the opportunity to study at three different locations and strengthen their expertise in Europe’s fastest-growing region together with international students from WU and EUBA partner universities.

CIVICA Engage Track

CIVICA Engage Track is an undergraduate program run jointly by universities associated with the consortium of the European University CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program (BIP)

Erasmus+ Blended intensive programs are short, intensive programmes that use innovative learning and teaching methods, including online cooperation.