Erasmus+ internships (outgoing students)

Information about student internship opportunities abroad within the Erasmus+ program

Students of SGH Warsaw School of Economics may pursue internships in Poland and abroad in accordance with the “Rules and regulations of student internships at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Internships abroad with funding from the Erasmus+ KA131 programme

Recruitment for placement trips with Erasmus+ KA131 funding is on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted.

SGH students and graduates who wish to obtain the co-financing of an internship abroad from the Erasmus+ KA131 programme must meet not only the requirements of the “Rules and Regulations of Student Internships at SGH”, but also those set out in:

Internships for the recent graduates

Funding is also available for recent graduates, who may undertake an internship within 12 months of defending their thesis.

Important! To qualify for an internship as a graduate, you must complete the application process before graduating.

  • A complete application package, signed by all required parties, must be submitted to the International Centre (CWM) before the thesis defense.
  • Documents must be submitted no later than one month before the scheduled defense date.
  • After the defense, a certificate of thesis defense must be provided to CWM, after which the internship may begin.

IMPORTANT! The maximum duration of the internship for which the student may receive funding is 6 months - the minimum duration of the internship is 2 full months (60 days). 

Before departure


It is up to the student to find the host institution.


The following documents should be submitted no later than a month prior to commencement of the internship. The documents should be completed electronically and – in case of files longer than one page - printed double-sided:

  • Contact form (filled-out electronically) – signed by the student
  • Confirmation form of accepting the student (filled-out electronically) –  signed by employer (signature & seal) and by the student
  • Learning Agreement for Traineeships – filled out electronically, signed by employer (signature & seal) and by the student
  • Request for exchange – filled out electronically - signed by student
  • Language certificate (minimum B2) – language proficiency can be confirmed by a commercial certificate, a high school diploma in a foreign language (the same as the language of the internship or the language used in the host institution), a CNJO competence test or a certificate of the final exam in the compulsory language examination issued by CNJO at a level not lower than B2. In case the internship is carried out in more than 1 foreign language at an equivalent level, student should deliver the proof of language proficiency also for the other language(s)
  • Financial agreement (sent to the student by email, two copies printed on both sides. Each copy nust be signed)
  • A copy of the EKUZ (European Health Insurance Card - EHIC)
  • Accident and civil liability insurance (NNW and OC)* - provided by SGH for a period of 4 weeks for FiR students, for other fields of study for a period of 3 weeks (insurance is provided to students only for the first internship in each cycle of study); for the remainder of the internship, the student is required to buy insurance on his/her own. A copy of the insurance must be provided together with the application documents.
    * CAUTION! The university does not provide third-party and accident insurance for Erasmus+ recent graduates! Recent graduates are required to purchase accident insurance and third-party liability insurance on their own and deliver their copies (with the original available for inspection) to International Center along with other documents.
    The scope of the third-party liability insurance must cover damages caused by the participant at the place of the internship.
    Before signing the contract, please read the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and sign the declaration at the Educational Support Office or at International Center.
  • ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT FOR RECENT GRADUATES - certificate from the Dean’s Office about the positive defence of the thesis (the only application document submitted after the defence!)

Additional documents:

  • annexes to the Learning Agreement

IMPORTANT! The maximum duration of the internship for which the student may receive funding is 6 months - the minimum duration of the internship is 2 full months (60 days). Therefore, all documents, i.e. the financial agreement, Learning Agreement for traineeships, Confirmation form of accepting the student and the exchange request, must have the same dates confirming only the financing period (minimum 2-month, maximum 6-month internship period).

Upon return
  • required signatures: I. Student; II. Employer (with company seal)
  • The internship syllabus - internship syllabuses for particular majors can be found in the USOSweb course catalogue
  • Erasmus+ survey in MobilityTool (link to the survey sent to the email address after the end of the internship)
  • Descriptive report sent to a contact person at International Centre
    • report template
Erasmus+ – financial information

Scholarship rates for internships to program countries witihin the Erasmus+ KA131 2023 project that is currently carried out by SGH Warsaw School of Economics:

  • 820 EUR: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
  • 820 EUR: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy
  • 750 EUR: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary

Students with a confirmed degree of disability may apply for additional funds. Applications for additional funds should be submitted by mobility participants to the university Erasmus coordinator. Additionally, the granted amount of co-financing (exceeding the rates specified in the tables above) will be settled as actual costs, i.e. cost requiring documenting in the form of financial evidence. Costs should be tailored to real needs related to the type of disability and cost-effective.

Before departure, 70% of the scholarship due is paid, the balanced payment is received by the student after return and the settlement of mobility.

Mobilities of persons with fewer opportunities in Erasmus+

In the Erasmus+ KA131 program, “individual support” as well as additional funds granted in connection with the difficult financial situation and/or disability of students going to study or internship will be granted from the Erasmus+ program funds.

Co-financing in the form of a flat rate may be granted to:

  • students leaving for studies and/or internships, who have the right to receive a social scholarship confirmed by the university, in accordance with the university regulations; students with disabilities who have a disability certificate, going to study and/or internship;
  • graduates leaving for internships, who have the right to receive a social scholarship confirmed by the university, in accordance with the university regulations; graduates with disabilities who have a disability certificate, who are going to an internship.

The grant is awarded by the university as part of the grant amount available to the university on the basis of a financial agreement for the implementation of activities, signed with the National Agency (NA).

For more information please get in touch with your contact person at SGH International Centre.

A grant in the form of real costs (based on a separate application submitted to the NA) may be awarded to:

  • students with disabilities who have a disability certificate, going to study and / or practice;
  • graduates with disabilities who have a disability certificate, who are going to internships.

The grant is awarded by the university as part of the grant amount available to the university on the basis of a financial agreement for the implementation of activities, signed with the National Agency (NA).

For more information please get in touch with your contact person at SGH International Centre.


Useful info

International Center – new office

Building S, Batorego Street 8,
room 2.14, 2nd floor (accessible only by elevator, no access from the staircase)

  • we encourage you to contact International Centre staff via MS Teams
  • in-person consultations are held during office hours by appointment with the contact person [at least one day in advance], and confirmation is received


  • Karolina KULCZYCKA
    Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden)
    tel.: +48 22 564 98 44
  • Marta TYMIŃSKA
    Erasmus+ for studies and placements (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey)
    tel.: +48 22 564 78 23


Office hours:
MONDAY: 10.30 - 13.00
TUESDAY: 9.30 - 13.00
WEDNESDAY: 12.30 - 14.30
THURSDAY: 9.30 - 13.00
FRIDAY: no office hours

At times other than those specified, students are admitted only by appointment (by phone or e-mail at least one day in advance).

Funded by European Union