PhD student Union

The PhD student Union is the only representation of all doctoral students at SGH. The PhD student Union represents the interests of doctoral students, defends their rights, works towards integrating the community of doctoral students at SGH, expresses opinions of the doctoral community, and participates, through its representatives, in decision-making in matters concerning doctoral students.

The board of PhD student Union

The Board is the executive body of the PhD student Union. It manages the work of the PhD student Union and represents it outside.

Previous terms of office
  • 2024: Przemysław Brzuszczak, Jolanta Bartoszewska, Andrzej Nowakowski, Daria Powichrowska
  • 2023: Jolanta Bartoszewska, Andrzej Nowakowski
  • 2022: Jolanta Bartoszewska, Monika Piosik, Adam Zawadzki
  • 2021: Patrycja Szczepańska, Patrycja Fatyga, Karolina Bolesta
  • 2020: Mirosław Łukasiewicz, Karolina Zubel, Radosław Sadowski
  • 2019: Jan M. Janiszewski ,Mirosław Łukasiewicz, Joanna Karaś
  • 2018: Jan M. Janiszewski,Teresa Długosz, Joanna Karaś
  • 2017: Mateusz Bereziewicz,Teresa Długosz, Piotr Maicki, Jan M. Janiszewski;
  • 2016: Łukasz Hnatkowski, Piotr Maicki, Łukasz Sobczak;
  • 2015: Michał Masior, Katarzyna Negacz, Marta Dobrzycka, Daniel Wieteski, Anna Grudecka;
  • 2014: Katarzyna Negacz, Andrzej Metelski, Dominik Łężak, Paulina Malesa, Katarzyna Obłąkowska-Kubiak;
  • 2013: Tomasz Chróstny, Katarzyna Negacz, Piotr Brudnicki, Marta Pachocka;
  • 2012: Piotr Brudnicki, Karol Piekut, Paweł Sawicki.

The council of PhD student Union

The Council is the body that adopts resolutions of the PhD student Union. It has all the competences that are not reserved for other bodies of the PhD student Union.

Previous terms of office
  • 2024: Przemysław Brzuszczak, Andrzej Nowakowski, Daria Powichrowska, Krzysztof Karwowski, Marcin Kozak, Mikołaj Wiśniewski
  • 2023: Jolanta Bartoszewska (Doctoral School), Przemysław Brzuszczak (Collegium of Business Administration),  Andrzej Nowakowski (Collegium of Business Administration, Włodzimierz Petryk (Collegium of Economic Analysis)
  • 2022: Jolanta Bartoszewska (Doctoral School), Jakub Bronicki (Doctoral School), Przemysław Brzuszczak (Collegium of Business Administration), Weronika Muszyńska (Doctoral School), Andrzej Nowakowski (Collegium of Business Administration), Grzegorz Otczyk (Collegium of Management and Finance), Włodzimierz Petryk (Collegium of Economic Analysis), Monika Piosik (Doctoral School), Marek Szyl (Collegium of Management and Finance), Aleksandra Tołczyk (Doctoral School), Adam Zawadzki (Doctoral School)
  • 2021: Bartosz Fraszka (Doctoral School), Grzegorz Otczyk (Collegium of Management and Finance), Jakub Zaleski (Collegium of Management and Finance), Karolina Bolesta (Doctoral School),Katarzyna Dembowska (Collegium of Business Administration), Klara Życka (Doctoral School), Krystyna Kacprowska (Szkoła Doktorska), Patrycja Fatyga (Collegium of Socio-Economics), Patrycja Szczepańska (Doctoral School), Przemysław Brzuszczak (Collegium of Business Administration), Włodzimierz Petryk (Collegium of Economic Analysis), Żaneta Czyżniewska (Doctoral School).
  • 2020: Krawczyk Artur (Collegium of Economic Analysis), Pawelczyk Jakub (Collegium of Economic Analysis), Petryk Włodzimierz (Collegium of Economic Analysis), Fatyga Patrycja (Collegium of Socio-Economics), Zubel Karolina (Collegium of Socio-Economics), Brzuszczak Przemysław (Collegium of Business Administration), Kawko Marcin (Collegium of Business Administration), Tyczyna Eugeniusz (Collegium of Business Administration), Dylik Justyna (Collegium of Management and Finance), Łukasiewicz Mirosław (Collegium of Management and Finance), Otczyk Grzegorz (Collegium of Management and Finance), Sadowski Radosław (Doctoral School), Szczepańska Patrycja (Doctoral School), Życka Klara (Doctoral School)
  • 2019: Artur Krawczyk (Collegium of Economic Analysis); Jakub Pawelczak (Collegium of Economic Analysis); Włodzimierz Petryk (Collegium of Economic Analysis); Patrycja Fatyga (Collegium of Socio-Economics); Karolina Kamińska (Collegium of Socio-Economics); Karolina Zubel (Collegium of Socio-Economics); Aleksandra Balwierczyk (Collegium of World Economy); Joanna Karaś (Collegium of World Economy); Jan M. Janiszewski (Collegium of Business Administration); Marcin Kawko (Collegium of Business Administration);Eugeniusz Tyczyna (Collegium of Business Administration); Magdalena Kołton (Collegium of Management and Finance); Paweł Ogrodnik (Collegium of Management and Finance); Jakub Zalewski (Collegium of Management and Finance).
  • 2018:Teresa Długosz (Collegium of World Economy); Jan M. Janiszewski (Collegium of Business Administration); Joanna Karaś (Collegium of World Economy); Magdalena Kołton (Collegium of Management and Finance); Maryna Lassota (Collegium of Management and Finance); Włodzimierz Petryk (Collegium of Economic Analysis); Alan Rynio (Collegium of World Economy);Maciej Rząca (Collegium of Management and Finance); Eugeniusz Tyczyna (Collegium of Business Administration).
  • 2017: Piotr Maicki, Teresa Długosz, Jan M. Janiszewski, Mateusz Bereziewicz, Joanna Karaś, Magdalena Kołton, Dominik Łężak, Grzegorz Pawłowski, Jakub Zaleski;  
  • 2016: Łukasz Drozda, Piotr Górski, Łukasz Hnatkowski, Łukasz Janikowski, Dominik Łężak, Piotr Maicki, Piotr Międlar, Katarzyna Negacz, Paweł Pisany, Wojciech Saba, Justyna Szambelan, Piotr Witak;
  • 2015: Marta Dobrzycka, Paulina Malesa, Anna Matuszewska, Andrzej Metelski, Kamil Mieszkowski, Katarzyna Negacz, Paulina Spałek, Anna Para, Joanna Waszczuk, Mateusz Wawrzyniak, Daniel Wieteski, Wiktor Woytowicz, Aleksandra Żebrowska;
  • 2014: Monika Dargas-Miszczak, Małgorzata Karaś, Andrzej Metelski, Katarzyna Negacz, Tomasz Niedziólka, Michał Niwiński, Anna Para, Marta Ryżewska, Marcin Szlezak, Daniel Wieteski, Aleksandra Żebrowska;
  • 2013: Piotr Brudnicki, Tomasz Chróstny, Monika Harach, Andrzej Metelski, Katarzyna Negacz,Tomasz Niedziólka, Anna Para, Marta Ryżewska, Paweł Sawicki, Daniel Wieteski;
  • 2012: Piotr Brudnicki, Magdalena Nawrot, Marta Ostrowska, Monika Harach, Karol Piekut, Michał Wit-Gurdziński, Paweł Sawicki, Marietta Supronowicz, Rafał Osiński.

11th District Election Committee

Members of the 11th District Election Committee (for all doctoral students at SGH):

  • Marta Brzozowska-Katner – Chairperson
  • Maja Kowalewska – Vice Chairperson
  • Weronika Daniłowska – Secretary


  • Piotr Wąsowski

Revision Committee

  • Jakub Bronicki
  • Łukasz Kołodziejczyk
  • Jakub Wisła

Budget of the of PhD student Union

The funds required for the operation of the PhD student Union are provided by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Decisions regarding the distribution of these funds are taken by the Board of the of PhD student Union (paragraph 23 of the Rules of the of PhD student Union hereinafter: “the Rules”). The Chairperson of the of PhD student Union presents a draft proposal for the distribution of funds to the PhD student Union (paragraph 24 of the Rules). The University has the right to determine how the allocated financial resources should be used by the PhD student Union (paragraph 3, section 3 of the Rules).

The doctoral students’ activity fund

The Doctoral Students’ Activity Fund is used to finance academic activities, teaching, publishing, sport and cultural activities carried out by doctoral students, as well as cooperation and networking within the doctoral community, and the operation and activities of the PhD student Unionat SGH.

Academic language courses for doctoral students

Language courses for doctoral students are organised by the PhD student Union on an as-needed basis. Detailed information about available courses, fees and timing is distributed annually via e-mail.

Workshops for doctoral students

Workshops for doctoral students have been organised by the PhD student Union for many years, turning it into a long-standing tradition. The workshops aim to support and improve the competences of doctoral students.

