Rector and Vice Rectors
Professor Piotr Wachowiak, PhD
Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of its Institute of Management. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Organisational and Management Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Chairman of KRUE (Conference of Rectors of Economic Universities) and Chairman of KRUW (Conference of Rectors of Warsaw Universities). A graduate of the Faculty of Domestic Trade at SGPiS (legal predecessor of the SGH) in the field of organisation and management. Involved in business practice for 33 years: his roles included Deputy Director of the Management Board of the Żoliborz District in Warsaw and the Chancellor of SGH. He specialises in CSR and people management in organisations. An author and co-author of academic publications on topics such as HR policy, measurement of intellectual capital and knowledge management in enterprises, as well as negotiations and ESG.

Vice Rector for Development
Professor Dorota Niedziółka, PhD
Vice Rector for Development at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Department of Economic Geography. A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, where she also obtained a doctoral degree based on her dissertation „Linking customs infrastructure with technical infrastructure in Poland” [Powiązanie infrastruktury celnej z infrastrukturą techniczną w Polsce]. Her post-doctoral dissertation (habilitation) was devoted to the regionalisation of energy markets. Member of the SGH Senate and the Senate Programme Commission. Her research focuses on energy security, energy markets, business destinations, economic geography, regionalisation and globalisation.

Vice Rector for Research
Professor Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, PhD
Vice Rector for Research and Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Member of the Committee on Demographic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and leader of the Polish research group at SHARE 50+ (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe). In 2008–2009, she served as an undersecretary of state in the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; she was also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and a member of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. In 2007–2009, she was a Vice Chair of the Social Protection Committee (SPC) of the Council of the EU. In 2010–2017, she managed projects at the Educational Research Institute (IBE) in preparation of the implementation of the Polish Qualifications Framework. Her areas of specialisation include demography, pension systems, the labour market, social policy, health and education.

Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs
Professor Krzysztof Kozłowski, PhD
Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Head of the Institute of International Studies (SGH). A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science and the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, where he also received his doctoral degree. He defended his postdoctoral thesis on „The Middle Kingdom and the New Silk Road: Post-Soviet Central Asia and Xinjiang in the policy of the PRC” [Państwo Środka a Nowy Jedwabny Szlak: Poradziecka Azja Centralna i Xinjiang w polityce ChRL] at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His research focuses on political theory, methodology of sciences and game theory. He is also interested in the ‘grey zone’ in politics, organised crime and terrorism. An author of numerous publications on Central and East Asia.

Vice Rector for International Relations
Professor Jacek Prokop, PhD
Vice Rector for International Relations and Head of the Department of Business Economics. A graduate of the Foreign Trade Faculty of SGPiS and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the US (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA), where he also received a doctoral degree. Between 1991 and 1998, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. He defended his habilitation (postdoctoral) dissertation on „Contribution to the theory of assuming control over joint-stock companies” [Przyczynek do teorii przejmowania kontroli nad spółkami akcyjnymi] at SGH and received the Minister of Education Award for it in 2003. His research focuses on microeconomics, analysis of market structures (industrial organisation), cartels and market monopolisation, as well as mergers and acquisitions. In addition to his academic work, he has been involved in the practice of business; between 1998 and 1999 he was employed as a principal consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington, DC (USA), and from 2004 to 2015 he was an independent member of the Supervisory Board of Pekao Pioneer PTE S.A. in Warsaw. Since 2021, he has served on the board of Partnership for International Management, where he is responsible for the region of Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Authorities of undergraduate studies
Professor Teresa Pakulska, PhD
Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Deputy Dean of the Doctoral School at SGH between 2019 and 2024. From 2010 to 2024, she headed the Doctoral Studies at the Collegium of Business Administration. A graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, where she also received her doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. Research interests: internationalisation of enterprises, competitive strategies of transnational corporations in the digital economy, and innovation in the economy. An author and co-author of more than 150 scientific publications in foreign corporate expansion, equity and non-equity investment of transnational corporations and their impact on the development and competitiveness of the economy, e.g: Platformisation of transnational corporations, Non-Equity Modes as International Business Strategy, Transnational Corporations and Global Search for Resources.

Deputy Dean
Professor Krzysztof Falkowski, PhD
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. He is a graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, where he also earned his doctoral degree in Economics and a post-doctoral degree in Social Sciences (Economics and Finance). Member of the SGH Senate from 2016 to 2019, and from 2020 to 2028. From 2020 to 2024, the Rector’s Representative for the Rights and Obligations of Students and Doctoral Students. His research work focuses on international competitiveness and innovation of economies, development economics, and sustainable development. Participant in many national and international scientific research projects (carried out in cooperation with Ghent University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Glasgow, to name but a few). His published scientific output includes more than 110 scientific publications in Polish, English, Arabic and Russian.

Deputy Dean
Izabela Buchowicz, PhD
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Head of the Educational and Scientific Policy Unit. A graduate of SGPiS (legal predecessor of the SGH), she obtained her doctoral degree at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She has participated in multiple international, national and local research projects, such as Qualifications recognition support for Ukrainian universities, and Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. In 2021, she completed the Crisis Leadership in Higher Education programme at Harvard University. Her research focuses on education, governance in education, education policy, education in public policy, and human capital.

Deputy Dean
Anna Decewicz, PhD
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Graduate in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems in the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, assistant professor in the Institute of Econometrics, conducts didactic classes in the field of econometrics, operations research and applications of Markov models. Tutor of numerous bachelor’s and master’s thesis. In the years 2016-2020, the Vice-Dean of Master’s Studies, from 2020 the head of the Department of Probabilistic Methods in the Institute of Econometrics.

Deputy Dean
Olga Mikołajczyk, PhD
Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She holds a degree in Finance and Banking from the SGH. She started her professional career at the Institute of Finance (previously: Department of Finance) and has been working there continuously. An active participant in the life of SGH and its community, she has served, among others, as a member of the Scientific Council of the Collegium of Management and Finance, and has also organised multiple academic conferences for finance specialists under the auspices of the Institute of Finance. Her research focuses on issues such as venture capital and business financing, with particular emphasis on innovative ventures and the activity of business angels in Poland and abroad.

Authorities of graduate studies
Professor Michał Bernardelli, PhD
Dean of Graduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Physical Education and Sport Unit. Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies between 2020 and 2024. A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw with two majors: Mathematics and Computer Science. He earned his doctoral degree in mathematics at the same faculty (in applied mathematics). He received his post-doctoral degree at SGH based on his dissertation entitled „The application of hidden Markov models in economics and finance, with particular emphasis on economic sentiment studies” [Zastosowanie ukrytych modeli Markowa w ekonomii i finansach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem badań koniunkturalnych]. For more than 20 years, he has been a consultant, manager and executor of many scientific projects mainly related to econometric modelling and artificial intelligence.

Deputy Dean
Professor Andrzej Zawistowski, PhD
Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of the University of Warsaw, he holds a doctorate in Economics and a post-doctoral degree in History. In his academic work, he researches the political, economic and social aspects of Polish history in the 20th century with a special focus on the history of the People's Republic of Poland. He is the author of dozens of scientific papers and several hundred popular science works, a series of works on the history of the SGH, and educational publications - including school textbooks. Creator of the contents of the historical board game Kolejka, published in more than a dozen languages. Recipient of numerous awards for achievements in academic work, including History Book of the Year (honourable mention 2018), Klio (2019), Historia zebrana (2019) and numerous awards from the Rector of SGH. In 2024, he was nominated for the History Award from “Polityka” weekly. In 2021, SGH students awarded him the title of “Inspiration of the Year”.

Deputy Dean
Joanna Korpus, PhD
Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics from 2020 to 2024. A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the Częstochowa University of Technology, where she earned her doctoral degree in economic science in the field of management. In her academic and research work, she focuses on strategic management, mainly growth and development strategies, sources of competitive advantage as well as mergers and acquisitions. An author of over 80 publications, principal investigator and participant of many research projects, including „Factors determining companies’ vulnerability to hostile takeovers on the Polish capital market” [Czynniki podatności spółek na wrogie przejęcia na polskim rynku kapitałowym], „New thinking in strategic management in business: A look towards the future” [Nowe myślenie w zarządzaniu strategicznym przedsiębiorstwem – spojrzenie ku przyszłości], “Directions of development of quasi-state-owned enterprises – the perspective of M&A processes”.

Deputy Dean
Renata Pajewska-Kwaśny, PhD
Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Professor at the Department of Risk and Insurance at the Collegium of Management and Finance. She graduated from the Domestic Trade Faculty at SGPiS with a major in Organisation and Management. For more than twenty years she has been involved in economic insurance issues, especially the conditions for the development of commercial health insurance. She teaches undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in Insurance, especially health insurance, Corporate Finance and Management. She also supervises various graduate theses in the area.

Deputy Dean
Piotr Maszczyk, PhD
Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Head of the Macroeconomics and Public Economics Unit of the II Collegium of World Economy. A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, he received a doctoral degree in 2007 based on his dissertation entitled „The privatisation process in Central and Eastern Europe: A contribution to theory” [Proces prywatyzacji w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Przyczynek do teorii]. An author and co-author of nearly sixty articles and academic studies as well as numerous expert opinions commissioned by both private companies and public sector entities. His research focuses on economic theory, institutional economics, comparative economics of economic systems, with particular emphasis on comparisons of contemporary models of capitalism and public sector economics. He has won numerous awards and honours, both from the authorities of his alma mater and from students. Honoured with an award from the Minister of Education and Science in 2021 for significant achievements in scientific activities. A committed advocate for economic sciences, he regularly shares his insights as a commentator on radio and television.

Authorities of the Doctoral School
Professor Paweł Wyrozębski, PhD
Dean of the Doctoral School at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Head of Curriculum Board in Project Management at SGH Co-organiser and long-time lecturer of the SGH Postgraduate Studies in Project Management and the Postgraduate Studies in Project Evaluation and Audit. A lecturer in the SGH-WUM MBA programme in health care and the Master of Business Administration Executive (MBA Executive) of the Faculty of Management Engineering at Białystok University of Technology. A certified specialist in project management (PRINCE2®, AgilePM®, Scrum PSM), risk management (M_o_R®), portfolios management (MoP®) and project programs management (MSP®), as well as facilitation (Process Iceberg® Methodology).

Deputy Dean
Professor Małgorzata Bombol, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Doctoral School at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Director of the Institute of Value Management, Collegium of Business Administration. Advisor and expert in consulting, market research companies. She specialises in individual and institutional client research. Her expert activities include researching the market potential of start-up companies, designing, supervising the conduct and analysing the results of market research. The topics of classes and research revolve around the theory of consumer behaviour, building market relationships and professional customer service. An author of more than 140 scientific publications, including those on customer behaviour, lifestyles of the Polish middle and upper classes, experience marketing, digitalisation of consumption and Web 3.0. A science communicator, conference speaker, and commentator for both traditional and digital media. Head of Postgraduate Studies in Music Career Management. Lecturer at the universities of Genoa, Munich, Porto and Lisbon.

Deputy Dean
Professor Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Doctoral School at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Head of the European Union Unit, Institute of International Economic Policy, Collegium of World Economy.

Rector’s Representative
Professor Bartosz Witkowski, PhD
Rector’s Representative for the SGH Doctoral School and Director of the Institute of Econometrics. He holds a degree in quantitative methods and information systems from the SGH. He deals with applications of econometrics, in particular models based on panel data. A co-author of more than ten articles published in high impact journals.

Rector’s Representative
Professor Anna Visvizi, PhD
Rector’s Representative for Doctoral School. Head of the International Economic Policy Unit at the Collegium of Socio-Economics. A professor at SGH, she received her doctoral degree from the University of Warwick (UK) and her post-doctoral degree from SGH. A graduate of the European Studies Programme [Program Studiów Europejskich - PSE] at SGH. An economist and political scientist, she specialises in international economics and politics, with a focus on the impact of technology on economic processes, society and policymaking. In this context, her research work includes topics on smart cities, the processes and mechanisms that determine the creation of innovation, and the competitiveness of the economy.

Authorities of the Collegium of Economic Analysis
Professor Beata Czarnacka-Chrobot, PhD
Dean of the Collegium of Economic Analysis at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Institute of Information Systems and Digital Economy. Her research focuses on software process and product measurement, and she has devoted most of her publications (over 100) to these issues. A member of the Science Studies Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Poland representative at the Common Software Measurement Consortium (COSMIC) International Advisory Council. A co founder and Vice President of the Polish Association for Software Measurement (PSMO). She works as an expert for public administration bodies, consulting firms and IT companies. A winner of many awards, including the Marek Car Award.

Deputy Dean
Professor Robert Kruszewski, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Collegium of Economic Analysis at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science of the University of Warsaw. At SGH, he earned his doctoral degree based on his dissertation entitled „Migration movements of the population in selected models of economic growth” [Ruchy migracyjne ludności w wybranych modelach wzrostu gospodarczego] and his postdoctoral degree based on „Selected models of the multiplier and accelerator interaction: An analysis of chaotic dynamics” [Wybrane modele współdziałania mnożnika i akceleratora. Analiza chaotycznej dynamiki]. In research, he focuses on mathematical economics, in particular dynamic systems, bifurcation theory and chaos theory.

Authorities of the Collegium of Socio-Economics
Professor Piotr Błędowski, PhD
Dean of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Director of the Institute of Social Economy. A graduate of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science at SGPiS (legal predecessor of SGH), where he received his doctorate. He devoted his post-doctoral dissertation (habilitation) to local social policies towards the elderly. Economist, social policy expert and gerontologist. His research focuses on old age from a social and macroeconomic perspective, public policy towards poverty, social assistance and its economic determinants, local social policy and economic aspects of long-term care. He has conducted and headed numerous national and international empirical studies.

Deputy Dean
Professor Marcin Krawczyk, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Collegium of Socio-Economics at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Department of Economic Theory. A graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, where he also obtained his doctoral degree in economic science on the basis of dissertation entitled „James Tobin’s concept of budget deficit and public debt versus Ricardian equivalence theorem” [Jamesa Tobina koncepcja deficytu budżetowego i długu publicznego a ricardiański teoremat ekwiwalentności]. He received his postdoctoral degree in economics on the basis of the monograph entitled „Liquidity trap and monetary accommodation of fiscal expansion” [Pułapka płynności a monetarna akomodacja fiskalnej ekspansji]. His research and academic work focus on theoretical analysis of the effectiveness of expansionary fiscal and monetary policies.

Authorities of the Collegium of World Economy
Professor Mariusz Próchniak, PhD
Dean of the Collegium of World Economy at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics II. A graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, he also obtained his doctoral and postdoctoral degrees there. His research focuses on economic growth modelling and real convergence from the theoretical and empirical perspective, with particular emphasis on the role of institutional factors. He is also involved in research on models of capitalism. An author and co-author of monographs and numerous articles published, among others, in journals listed in the JCR database. Participant of many research projects funded by bodies such as the National Science Centre (NCN) and the National Bank of Poland.

Deputy Dean
Aneta Waszkiewicz, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Collegium of World Economy, Professor at the International Finance Department, member of the Committee on Budget and Finance of the SGH Senate. From 2003 to 2009, she headed the Department of Banking at the Polish Open University and taught there; at the same time, she worked with Oxford Brooks University, and from 2018 to 2019, she taught at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. From 2013 to 2014, she was a member of expert teams evaluating applications in National Science Centre competitions. She specialises in international financial markets and international finance. Her research interests include crowdfunding, alternative forms of start-up financing, innovation in finance, and securitisation.

Authorities of the Collegium of Business Administration
Professor Gabriel Główka, PhD
Dean of the Collegium of Business Administration of Warsaw School of Economics, and Director of the Institute of Corporate Finance and Investment. A graduate of the Faculty of Production Economics at SGPiS (legal predecessor of SGH), he obtained his doctoral and post-doctoral degrees at SGH. His research focuses mainly on the functioning of the real estate market, including its deficiencies, with a particular emphasis on the formation of price bubbles in housing markets, as well as the systems of financing real estate investments and mortgage banking. Author of publications on these topics. Also active in economic practice: previously in the banking sector and currently in the construction industry.

Deputy Dean
Professor Małgorzata Poniatowska-Jaksch, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Collegium of Business Administration at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and the Head of the Competition Strategy Unit at the Institute of Markets and Competition (SGH). A graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics, she also obtained her doctoral and postdoctoral degrees there. Her research interests include: internationalisation of enterprises in digital economy, platform economy and institutional determinants of international business. A co-author of the first Polish publications on sharing economy and platformisation of transnational corporations. A principal investigator in research projects and co-author of expert opinions on business competitiveness in the era of digital economy.

Authorities of the Collegium of Management and Finance
Professor Joanna Wielgórska-Leszczyńska, PhD
Dean of the Collegium of Management and Finance at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of the Faculty of Domestic Trade at SGPiS (legal predecessor of SGH). She received her doctoral and post-doctoral degrees from SGH. Her scholarly work focuses on accounting, in particular accounting in commercial banks and central banks, investment and pension funds, brokerage houses, co-operative credit unions, as well as accounting as an information system to support the management function. She also deals with auditing and notifying the audit of financial statements and on using the outcomes of audits in decision-making. An author of numerous publications on this topic, she is a member of professional organisations of statutory auditors and accountants.

Deputy Dean
Michał Matusewicz, PhD
Deputy Dean of the Collegium of Management and Finance at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of SGH, where he also obtained a doctoral degree based on his dissertation entitled „Poland in the Economic and Monetary Union: Consequences for the economy and enterprises” [Polska w Unii Gospodarczej i Walutowej – konsekwencje dla gospodarki i przedsiębiorstw]. He specialises in finance, international finance, public finance, monetary integration and financial crises. Author and coauthor of multiple publications on finance. Head of the Postgraduate Studies in Taxation.

Administrative authorities
Chancellor - Chief Operating Officer
Marcin Dąbrowski, PhD
Chancellor of SGH Warsaw School of Economics since 2016. Board member of HUMANE absl, founder and editor-in-chief of „E-mentor” (a scientific bimonthly journal). Also with experience in non-governmental organisations, e.g. as a managing director of the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education, president of the Association of Children’s Universities in Poland, chairman of the programming boards of the „Kwartalnik Trzeci Sektor” (quarterly) and the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development. A graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics and two postgraduate programmes in organisation management and project management. His doctoral dissertation was devoted to the application of a strategic scorecard in ensuring organisational efficiency of university operations based on the example of the organisation of distance learning.

Deputy Chancellor
Beata Mierzejewska
Deputy Chancellor of SGH Warsaw School of Economics since 2016, previously working as a project manager and a research and teaching associate. She is able to combine her perfect understanding of the academia with a pragmatic business approach. She gained her experience in business and management by implementing and managing numerous consulting projects for large companies, public institutions and SMEs. An SGH graduate, scholarship holder under the US Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, participant in training and development programmes for managerial staff, including Crisis Leadership in Higher Education organised by the Harvard Kennedy School, and University Management Leaders organised by the University of Helsinki.

Deputy Chancellor
Andrzej Jaszczuk
Deputy Chancellor of the SGH since 2024. Associated with the University since 2017, he has worked as Deputy Head and Head of the Graduate Studies Office (2017), Director of the Promotion and Admissions Office (2018–2020) and Director of the Rector‘s Office (2020–2024). Previously, he was professionally involved with the National Bank of Poland (where he was responsible for education and communication projects), the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the GPW Foundation. Graduate of the University of Warsaw – Faculty of Pedagogy / Adult Education, Postgraduate Studies in Labour Resources Management and Project Management at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Graduate of the Executive MBA programme at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Agnieszka Okrojek
Bursar of SGH Warsaw School of Economics since 2024. For 18 years in the financial industry. She has been professionally connected with SGH since 2011. She’s worked as the Head of Financial Accounting Department and later as the Head of the Project Accounting Department. Participated in a number of training courses on accounting for domestic and international projects and taxes. A graduate of the Economics Faculty at the WSU in Kielce, and the Faculty of Management at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. She completed postgraduate studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics in accounting and obtained an Executive MBA at SGH.

Deputy Bursar
Paulina Mierzejewska
Deputy Bursar at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics since 2024. Her professional career has been closely related to the financial implementation of projects. For more than 8 years at the University, she was involved in tasks within the Project Support - Accounting Office. She is a graduate in Finance and Accounting from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. Moreover, she is a graduate in postgraduate studies focusing on the Mechanisms of the Functioning of the EURO Zone (the University of Warsaw). Additionally, she completed postgraduate studies at SGH in both Internal Audit and Managerial Control in the Public Finance Sector as well as Human Resources and Payroll.