
The Library of the Warsaw School of Economics is a unique institution among the country's economic libraries. Both the fate of the Library and its collections are unique.

The book collection of the Library survived the most tragic moments, was not destroyed or dispersed during World War II, it survived the conflagration of the Warsaw Uprising, which is unusual in the history of the capital city.

Currently, the Library of the Warsaw School of Economics is the largest economic library in Poland. The book collection within its walls has nearly one million volumes. Among the books and periodicals there are many prints published in the 19th century and special collections. Compared to other subject libraries, Library has an exceptionally rich collection of old prints - books published between 1500 and 1800.

Several thousand works from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are the most valuable part of the SGH Library collection. In addition to numerous works of humanities, among the old prints there are works on economic, social and legal topics, as well as works of geography, nature, philosophy, albums and maps. The oldest book is the commentary by the eminent German humanist, theologian and reformer Simon Grynaeus to Aristotle’s On the World, published in 1533 in Basel. The economic and social thought is presented, among others, by the Treaty on Trade issued in 1558 - the work of the French lawyer Charles Molinaeus, a pioneer in revising the stance on the prohibition of charging interest, Jan Baptista Lupi Comments on usury from 1577 or a work by Claudius Salamasio entitled The Book of Usury, issued in 1638.

In 2012, digitization works were started in order to present to a wider audience the oldest part of the collection, dating from the 16th century, and the 17th century old prints showing economic and social issues.

The digitization of the collection is part of the research work financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name “National Program for the Development of Humanities” in 2012-2015 under the title: Warsaw School of Economics - Intellectual and architectural heritage as an element of the cultural identity of Warsaw and Poland.

Old prints from the 16th century

No. Description Year Catalog number ON-LINE ACCESS
1. Aristotelis, De mundo Bazylea : Ioan. Valderum, 1533 53.467 FULL TEXT
2. Epitome Adagiorum post novissimam  D. Erasmi Rot. ;  exquisitam recognitionem per Eberhardum Tappium  ad numerum adagiorum magni operis nunc primum aucta / D. Erasmus Roterdamus
Köln : Ioann. Gymnicus,
1542 54.667 FULL TEXT
3. Aristotelis et Xenophontis oeconomica, ab Jacobo-Lodoico Strebaeo
Paris : Michel de Vascosan Publisher
1543 90.271 FULL TEXT
4. Poemata . Pythagorae, et Phocylidis cum duplici interpretatione viti Amerbachij
Strasbourg : Crato Mylius
1545 53.468 FULL TEXT
5. De origine et rebus gestis polonorum libri XXX. Adiecta est in fine, eiusdem autoris funebris oratio, Sigismundi, Regis vitam compendiose complexa / Marcin Kromer
Bazylea : Officina Joanisis Oporini
1555 12.556 FULL TEXT
6. ​Tractatus commerciorum, et usurarum, redituumque pecunia constitutorum /  Carolus Molinaeus
Lyon : Theobaldus Paganus
1558 56.172 FULL TEXT
7. Iacobi de Belviso apparatus in usus et consuetudines feudorum
Köln : Maternus Cholinus
1563 21.089 FULL TEXT
8. Statuta i przywileje koronne z łacińskiego języka na polski przełożone / Jan Herburt
Kraków : Szarfenberger Mikołaj
1570 137.330 FULL TEXT
9. Chronica, sive historiae Polonicae compendiosa, ac per certa librorum capita ad facilem descriptio : authore magnifico viro  / Joannes Herburtus de Fulstin
Basileae : Officina Oporiniana
1571 60.911 FULL TEXT
10. Ioannis Baptistae Caccialupi, Docta et elegans repetitio in c. de feudi cognitine in usibus / Caccialupi Giovanni Battista
Coloniae : Bircmannus & Th. Baumius
1571 21.090 FULL TEXT
11. ​Tractatus de feudis, omnibus civilibus practicis commodissimus / Iacobinus de Santo Georgio
Köln : Theodorus Bauchius
1575 21.091 FULL TEXT
12. Lupus Johannes B., De usuris et commerciis illicitis commentarii quatuor
1577 73.066 FULL TEXT
13. ​Iura Municipalia Terrarum Prussiae et leges ad eas terras privatim pertinentes
Dantisci : Rhode Jakub
1578 127.998 FULL TEXT
14. Guagnini Alessandro, Rerum polonicarum tomi tres, quorum primus omnium Poloniae Regum
Francofurti: Ioan. Wecheli
1584 130.436 FULL TEXT
15. ​C. Cornelii Taciti, Opera quae exstant
Leyde : Officina Plantiniana
1588 55.745 FULL TEXT
16. Der Kayserlichen Stadt Bresslaw Statuta und Ordnungen, auffs new umbgefertiget, vormehret und gebessert
Bresslaw : Johan Scharffenberg
1588 40.561 FULL TEXT
17. Vom Wucher. Eine notwendige Unterrichtung an alle Handelssleute, Leiher und Borger. Jetzt auffs newe obersehen / M. Dionysium Runavv
Toruń : Andreas Koten
1589 55.802 FULL TEXT
18. Petri Bellonii Cenomani medici De neglecta Stirpium Cultura, atque earum cognitione Libellus : edocens qua ratione Silvestres arbores cicurari et mitescere queant
Antverpia : Christophorus Plantinus
1589 53,356 FULL TEXT
19. De mercatura decisiones, et tractatus varii, et rebus ad eam pertinentibus in quibus omnium authorum praecipue Benuenuti Stracchae
1593 136.941 FULL TEXT
20. Statuta y metrika przywilejow koronnych językiem polskim spisane y porządkiem prawie przyrodzonym a barzo snadnym nowo zebrane przez Stanisława Sarnickiego
Kraków : w Drukarni Lazarzowey
1594 136.048 FULL TEXT
21. ​Statuta Regni Poloniae in ordinem alphabeti digesta. A Ioanne Herburto de Fulstin, tum Succamerario Premisliensi et S. R. M. Secretario, post vero Castellano Sanocensi, et Capitaneo Premisliensi. Propter exemplarium inopiam recussa 
Zamość : Martinus Lenscius
1597 12.470 FULL TEXT
22. ​Dictoruvm factorvmqve memorabilivm libri nouem / Valerius Maximus
Francofurti : Typis Wechelianis
1601 52.521 FULL TEXT
23. ​Juris Provincialis quod Speculum Saxonum uulgo nuncupatur libri tres . Juris Municipalis Maydeburgensis liber uulgo Weichbild nuncupatus / Mikołaj Jaskier
1601-02 14.834 FULL TEXT
24. Promptuarium Juris Prouincialis Saxonici, quod speculum Saxonum / Mikołaj Jaskier
1601 14.835 FULL TEXT

Old prints from the 17th century

No. Description Year Catalog number ON-LINE ACCESS
1. Tomasz Morus, De optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia …
Frankfurt : Petrus Kopfius
1601 54.982 FULL TEXT
2. ​Aleksander Gwagnin, Kronika Sarmacyey europskiej, w którey się zamyka królestwo Polskie, ze wszystkiemi Państwy, Xięstwy, y Prowincyami swemiKraków : Drukarnia Mikołaja Loba 1611-12 12.440 FULL TEXT
3. Sebastian Petrycy, Ethyki Aristotelesowey, to iest iako sie każdy ma na swiecie rządzic, z dokladem ksiąg dziesięciorga, Pierwsza częsc, w ktorey pięcioro ksiąg…
Kraków : Drukarnia Macieja Jędrzejowczyka
1618 12.563 FULL TEXT

Constitucie Seymu Walnego Koronnego Warszawskiego, roku Pań. MDCXXXI
Kraków : Drukarnia Andrzeja Piotrkowczyka

1631 38.193 FULL TEXT
5. Claude Salmaise, De usuris liber
Leiden : Officina Elseviriorum
1638 55.266 FULL TEXT
6. Anzelm Gostomski, Oekonomia abo gospodarstwo ziemianskie, dla porządnego sprawowania ludziom politycznym dziwnie pożyteczne Kraków : Drukarnia Krzysztofa Schedla 1644 52.614 FULL TEXT

Thomas Hobbes, Elementa philosophica de cive
Amsterdam : Ludovicus Elzevirius

1647 54.558 FULL TEXT
8. Wojciech Kojałowicz, Historiae Lituanae pars prior
Gdańsk : Jerzy Förster
1650 7.646 FULL TEXT
9. Wawrzyniec Gabler, Elegidia epidictica, Quorundam in Europa Regum, Principium, Comitum, aliorumque clarissimorum Virorum, qui in Civitate Dantiscana et extra Illam olim vixerunt et … 1653 29.088 FULL TEXT
10. Johann Harpperecht, Operum Johannis Harpprechti jurisconsulti et antecessoris in laudatissima Tubingensi Academia Ordinarii . T.3 Frankfurt : Joannus Beyerus 1657 1.797-3 FULL TEXT
11. Johann Harpperecht,Operum Iohannis Harpprechti jurisconsulti et antecessoris in inclyta in Academia Tubingenfi Ordinarii. T.4
Hanoviae : Joannus Beyerus
1657 1.794-4 FULL TEXT
12. Joachimus Hagemeierus, Jachimi Hagemeieri de Foedere Civitatum Hanseaticarum commentarius
Frankfurt am Main : Joannus Beverus
1662 21.662 FULL TEXT
13. Edward Coke, The fourth part of the Institutes of the laws of England
London : Printed by J. Streater,
1671 607.450 FULL TEXT
14. Jakub Kazimierz Haur, Oekonomika ziemianska generalna Punktami Partikularnemi, Interrogatoryami Gospodarskiemi, Praktyka Miesięczna Modelluszami abo Tabulami Arithmetycznymi obiaśniona
Kraków : Drukania Krzysztofa Schedla
1675 12.215 FULL TEXT
15. Kazimierz Jan Woysznarowicz, Orator polityczny weselnym y pogrzebowym aktom służący
W. Gorecki
1677 12.010 FULL TEXT
16. Johann Adolph Kirchbach, Q.D.B.V. Res Prussorum, praeside Conrado Samuele Schurtzfleisch, publice expendit Johannes Adolphus Kirchbach Wittebergae
Christianus Schrödterus
1678 28.019 FULL TEXT
17. ​John Temple, The Irish Rebellion ; or, an History of the Beginnings and First Progress of the General Rebellion raised within the Kingdom of Ireland, …
London : A.M. and R.R.
1679 22.352 FULL TEXT
18. Hugo Grotius, Hugonis Grotii de Jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturae et gentium, item juris publici praecipua explicantur…
Jena : Johannus Theodorus Fleischerus
1680 17.524 FULL TEXT
19. Pierre Bizot, Histoire metallique de Republique de Hollande
Paris : Daniel Horthemels,
1687 12.154 FULL TEXT
20. Stanisław Solski, Praxis nova et Expeditissima Mensurandi Geometrice, qua suis distantias, altitudines, et profunditates …
Kraków : Officina Francisci Cezary, S.R.M.
1688 21.668 FULL TEXT
21. Hugo Grotius, Hugonis Grotii de Jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus jus naturae et gentium, item juris publici praecipua explicantur… Amsterdam : Janssonius-Waesberges 1689 17.736 FULL TEXT
22. Szymon Starowolski, Reformacya Obyczaiow polskich potrzecie wydana, y przydatkami od authora rozszerzona. Wszystkim stanom Oyczyzny naszey, teraźnieyszych czasow zepsowanych, barzo potrzebna … Warszawa : Collegium XX. Scholarum Piarum 1692 21.749 FULL TEXT
23. S. C. Irson, Abrege metodique familier et raisonne des changes e’trangers contenant les raports ou comparaisons que les monoyes, les poids & les mesures des villes les plus celebres de l’Europe ont entr’elles
Paris : Estienne Chardon
1694 55.532 FULL TEXT
24. Augustyn Kołudzki, Promptuarium Legum et Constitutionum Regni Poloniae ac Magni Ducatus Lithuaniae …
Poznań :  J. T. Keller
1695 12.180 FULL TEXT
25. ​William Lowndes, A report containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins
London : Printed by C. Bill
1695 56.431 FULL TEXT
26. Charles Davenant, Discourses on the Publick Revenues, and on the Trade of England
London : James Knapton
1698 58.423 FULL TEXT
27. Charles Davenant, An essay upon the Probable Methods of making a People Gainers in the Ballance of Trade
London : James Knapton
1700 58.397 FULL TEXT
28. James Harrington, The Oceana of James Harrington, and his other works. Som wherof are now first publish’d from his own manuscripts
London : Booksellers
1700 12.104 FULL TEXT
Old prints from the 18th century
No. Description Year Catalog number ON-LINE ACCESS
1. John Locke, The works of John Locke in three volumes : the contents of which follow in the next leaf, with alphabetical tables. Vol.1
London : A. Churchill a. A. Manship
1722 12.266-1 FULL TEXT
2. John Locke, The works of John Locke in three volumes : the contents of which follow in the next leaf, with alphabetical tables. Vol.2
London : A. Churchill a. A. Manship
1722 12.266-2 FULL TEXT
3. John Locke, The works of John Locke in three volumes : the contents of which follow in the next leaf, with alphabetical tables. Vol.3
London : A. Churchill a. A. Manship
1722 12.266-3 FULL TEXT
4. Jakub Kazimierz Haur, Wybor oekonomij ziemiańskiey, polityczney, gospodarskiey, żołnierskiey y lekarskiey, naprzód ze Składu albo Skarbcu znakomitych sekretów Oekonomij ziemiańskiey …
Warszawa : Drukarnia Collegium Soc. Jesu
1730 14.147 FULL TEXT
5. Władysław Łubieński, Swiat we wszystkich swoich częściach większych y mnieyszych to iest : w Europie, Azyi, Afryc[e] y Ameryce, w monarchiach, krolestwac[h], xsięstwach, …
Wrocław :  Akad. Societatis Jesu
1740 12.181 FULL TEXT
6. Stanisław Leszczyński, Głos wolny wolność ubespieczaiący
1749 14.240 FULL TEXT
7. Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, Staatswirthschaft oder Systematische Abhandlung aller … T.1
Leipzig : Verlegts Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf
1758 62.181-1 FULL TEXT
8. Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, Staatswirthschaft oder Systematische Abhandlung aller… T. 2
Leipzig : Verlegts Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf
1758 62.181-2 FULL TEXT
9. Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, Gesammelte politische und Finanzschriften. T. 1
Kopenhagen and Leipzig: Rothensche Buchandlung
1761 128.182-1 FULL TEXT
10. Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, Gesammelte politische und Finanzschriften. T. 2
Kopenhagen and Leipzig: Rothensche Buchandlung
1761 128.182-2 FULL TEXT
11. Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, System des Finanzwesens
Halle : Zu finden in der Rengerischen Buchhandlung
1766 81.107 FULL TEXT
12. Victor de Riquetti Mirabeau, Les économiques.
Amsterdam : Lacombe
1769 14.123 FULL TEXT
13. ​Adam Smith, An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations., Vol.1
1776 13.845-1 FULL TEXT
14. ​Adam Smith, An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations., Vol.2
1776 13.845-2 FULL TEXT
15. ​Adam Smith, An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations., Vol.3
1776 13.845-3 FULL TEXT
16. Piotr Maleszewski, O związkach i przystosowaniu wzaiemnym rolnictwa, rękodzieł i handlu.
Warszawa : Nakł. i Drukiem Michała Grölla
1786 21.857 FULL TEXT
17. ​Jan Ferdynand Nax, Wykład początkowych prawideł ekonomiki politycznej z przystosowaniem przepisów gospodarstwa narodowego do …
Warszawa : Drukarnia P. Dufoura
1790 55.372 FULL TEXT
18. Tadeusz Czacki, Refleksye nad uszkodzeniem dla kraiow polskich wynikaiącym z zaniedbywania handlu, … 1790 30.616 FULL TEXT
19. Hugo Kołłątaj, Ostatnia przestroga dla Polski.
Warszawa : Michał Gröll
1790 28.391 FULL TEXT
20. Hieronim Stroynowski,  Nauka Prawa Przyrodzonego, Politycznego, Ekonomiki Polityczney y Prawa Narodów
Wilno : w Drukarni Królewskiey
1791 54.828 FULL TEXT