The book collection of the Reading Room consists of about 1,000 current titles. Readers here have direct access to Polish magazines of the past 10 years, and foreign past 5 years, on a free access to the shelves. They can also use magazines from earlier years after placing an order on the slips in the General Reading Room.
In the Reading Room there is an electronic enlarger for the visually impaired - MyReader. It makes it easier for visually impaired people to work with text, it shows an enlarged image of text or other graphic objects (photos, charts, maps) on the monitor screen. This makes it easier for people with limited vision to familiarize themselves with the content of various materials.
In the Reading Room there is an electronic enlarger for the visually impaired - MyReader. It makes it easier for visually impaired people to work with text, it shows an enlarged image of text or other graphic objects (photos, charts, maps) on the monitor screen. This makes it easier for people with limited vision to familiarize themselves with the content of various materials.
- Polish current magazines
The following list includes the titles of Polish journals, subscribed in paper version (available in the Periodicals Reading Room) with information about possible access to the electronic edition.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ż Title on-line access ACCESS RESTRICTION catalog number A ^ Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Administratio Locorum free access none 315.303 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia free access none 315.304 Analizy i Studia CASP free access none 336.005 Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym free access none 335.867 Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists free access none 335.650 Applicationes Mathematicae free access none 310.595 Archives of Environmental Protection free access none 316.263 Argumenta Oeconomica free access none 316.145 Atest. Ochrona Pracy only in paper 303.259 B ^ Bank registration 319.059 Bank i Kredyt free access none 309.168 Barometr Regionalny free access none 335.629 Barometr Zawodów free access none 336.029 Benefit only in paper 335.820 Bezpieczeństwo Pracy only in paper 313.867 Bibliotekarz free access none 309.602 Biuletyn / Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne free access none 335.554 Biuletyn Euro Info free access none 335.530 Biuletyn Głównego Księgowego OIN/CDE password 335.708 Biuletyn Informacyjny / Krajowy Ośrodek Wsparcia Rolnictwa free access none 315.261 Biuletyn Statystyczny / Główny Urząd Statystyczny free access none 310.947 only in paper 335.759 C ^ Ceduła Giełdy Warszawskiej serwer HIKARI password electronic resource Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics free access none 335.662 Central European Review of Economics & Finance free access none 335.896 Coaching only in paper 335.809 Collegium of Economic Analysis Working Papers free access none electronic resource Comparative Economic Research free access none 316.863 Computerworld EMIS IP 310.890 Contemporary Economics free access none 335.755 Control and Cybernetics Infona IP 314.492 Controlling i Rachunkowość Zarządcza only in paper 319.292 Controlling i Zarządzanie only in paper 335.835 Czasopismo Geograficzne free access none 301.007 Czasopismo Skarbowe
(Warszawa: 1926-1939)e-BUW none electronic resource Codzienna Gazeta Handlowa (1932-1939) e-BUW none electronic resource Człowiek i Dokumenty free access none 335.769 D ^ Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services free access none 335.723 Decyzje free access none 316.820 Do Rzeczy only in paper 336.022 Domy Spółdzielcze only in paper 308.563 Doradca Podatkowy only in paper 335.774 Doradca Restrukturyzacyjny only in paper 335.844 Drogownictwo only in paper 311.179 Dziennik. Gazeta Prawna EMIS IP 313.093 E ^ E-commerce & Digital Marketing only in paper 336.059 Econometric Research in Finance free access none 335.909 Econometrics free access none 335.749 Economics and Business Review free access none 335.868 Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów free access none 316.822 Ekonomia XXI Wieku free access none 335.855 Ekonomia i Prawo w Ochronie Zdrowia free access none 335.916 Ekonomia i Środowisko free access none 323.961 Ekonomia Społeczna / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie free access none 335.838 Ekonomika i Organizacja Przedsiębiorstw only in paper 310.676 Ekonomista only in paper 302.305 E-mentor free access none 315.149 Energetyka only in paper 310.735 Engineering Management in Production and Services free access none 319.293 Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review free access none 335.962 Eurologistics free access registration 319.293 Europa Regionum free access none 316.130 Europejski Doradca Samorządowy registration 335.770 Europejski Przegląd Prawa i Stosunków Międzynarodowyc free access none 316.851 F ^ Faktoring only in paper 335.713 Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach free access none 335.656 Finanse only in paper 335.652 Finanse + Controlling only in paper 335.845 Finansowanie Nieruchomości registration 335.538 Folia Oeconomica Cracoviensia free access none 302.334 Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia free access none 335.632 Forbes only in paper 316.858 Forum only in paper 304.297 Forum Akademickie only in paper 318.179 G ^ Gazeta Bankowa only in paper 313.053 Gazeta Bankowa
(Lwów: 1921-1931)e-BUW none electronic resource Gazeta Finansowa only in paper 313.084 Gazeta Samorządu i Administracji OIN/CDE password 313.087 Gazeta SGH free access none 319.089 Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa EMIS IP 313.089 Gazeta Wyborcza only in paper only the current year Geographia Polonica free access none 302.425 Glosa Lex IP 318.197 Głos Banków Spółdzielczych only in paper 335.594 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka Lex IP 310.671 Gospodarka Narodowa free access none 318.139 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi free access none 323.884 Gospodarka w Praktyce i Teorii free access none 319.233 Gospodarka Wodna only in paper 310.225 H ^ Handel free access none 319.111 Handel Wewnętrzny free access none 307.945 Harvard Business Review Polska free access none 314.760 Home and Market free access none 316.149 Hotelarz free access none 318.217 Humanizacja Pracy free access none 309.712 I ^ Informacja o Świadczeniach Pieniężnych z Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych oraz o Niektórych Świadczeniach z Zabezpieczenia Społecznego free access none 335.592 Informatyka Ekonomiczna free access none 335.750 International Journal of Contemporary Management free access none 335.928 International Journal of Management and Economics free access none 313.917 International Journal of Synergy and Research free access none 335.864 Ius Novum free access none 320.021 J ^ Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development free access none 335.811 Journal of Economics and Management free access none 316.853 Journal of Management and Financial Sciences free access none 335.617 Journal of Modern Science free access none 335.889 Journal of Positive Management free access none 335.880 K ^ Kobieta i Biznes. Women and Business free access none 319.210 Koniunktura Gospodarcza Świata i Polski w latach… only in paper 311.825 Kondycja Gospodarstw Domowych free access none electronic resource Koniunktura w Bankowości free access none electronic resource Koniunktura w Budownictwie free access none electronic resource Koniunktura w Handlu free access none electronic resource Koniunktura w Przemyśle free access none electronic resource Koniunktura w Rolnictwie free access none electronic resource Kontrola Państwowa free access none 300.676 Kronika Sejmowa free access none 319.032 Kultura i Rozwój free access none 335.921 Kurier Finansowy registration 335.758 Kwartalnik Historyczny free access none 302.167 Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace free access none 316.198 Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie free access none 319.317 Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula free access none 335.854 Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego only in paper 323.963 L ^ LogForum free access none 335.561 Logistyka EMIS IP 319.084 Logistyka: współczesne wyzwania only in paper 335.876 Logistyka a Jakość only in paper 315.064 M ^ Magiel : niezależny miesięcznik studentów SGH free access none 319.196 Manager: business magazine only in paper 335.573 Marketing i Rynek Lex IP 319.066 Marketing w Praktyce only in paper 319.096 Mazowsze. Studia Regionalne free access none 335.670 Media i Marketing Polska only in paper 313.083 Monitor Podatkowy Legalis IP 318.209 Monitor Prawa Bankowego Legalis IP 335.924 Monitor Prawa Handlowego Legalis IP 335.791 Monitor Prawniczy Legalis IP 318.169 Monitor Spółdzielczy only in paper 303.425 My Company. Polska only in paper 335.830 Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna free access none 315.319 N ^ Namiary na Morze i Handel only in paper 319.296 Nasz Bank only in paper 316.142 Nauka free access 323.975 Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój free access 303.134 Nauki o Finansach. Financial Sciences free access 335.656 Nauki o Zarządzaniu. Management Science free access 335.752 Newsweek. Polska EMIS 314.753 Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy free access 335.914 Nieruchomości Legalis 315.014 Nowa Europa only in paper 335.608 Nowe Książki only in paper 308.733 Nowoczesny Bank Spółdzielczy 335.541 Nowy Przemysł only in paper 315.011 O ^ Olsztyn Economic Journal free access 320.024 Opakowanie only in paper 310.667 Operations Research and Decisions free access 335.709 Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne free access 316.131 Organization and Management. Organizacja i Kierowanie free access 316.383 Organization & Management : scientific quarterly free access 335.747 Outsourcing and More free access 335.773 P ^ Panorama Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie free access none 335.510 Państwo i Prawo Lex IP 300.744 Parkiet EMIS IP 313.072 Personel i Zarządzanie OIN/CDE password 319.073 Personel Plus only in paper 335.771 Polityka only in paper 313.334 Polska Gospodarcza
(R. 1930-1939)e-BUW none electronic resource Polityka Gospodarcza
(Łódz: 1935)e-BUW none electronic resource Polityka Gospodarcza Polski w Integrującej się Europie only in paper 316.842 Polityka Społeczna only in paper 317.957 Polska Gazeta Transportowa only in paper 313.082 Polski Cukier free access none 335.847 Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny free access none 315.269 Poradnik Bibliotekarza only in paper 308.280 Poradnik Gazety Prawnej OIN/CDE password 319.401 Poradnik Handlowca EMIS IP 319.182 Poradnik Restauratora free access none 319.219 Praca i Zabezpieczenie Społeczne Lex IP 308.958 Prace Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania i Przedsiębiorczości z siedzibą w Wałbrzychu free access none 335.910 Pracownik Samorządowy only in paper 335.714 Prawo Asekuracyjne only in paper 323.971 Prawo Pomocy Publicznej only in paper 335.818 Problemy Jakości only in paper 303.188 Przedsiębiorstwo & Finanse free access none 335.734 Przedsiębiorstwo i Region free access none 335.944 Przedsiębiorstwo Przyszłości free access none 335.669 Przedsiębiorstwo we Współczesnej Gospodarce free access none 335.869 Przegląd Biblioteczny only in paper 306.122 Przegląd Ekonomiczno-Społeczny free access none 306.015 Przegląd Ekonomiczny
(R. 1932-1939e-BUW none electronic resource Przegląd Europejski free access none 315.322 Przegląd Geograficzny free access none 305.823 Przegląd Gospodarczy
(R. 1920-1939)e-BUW none electronic resource Przegląd Handlowy
(R. 1927-1939)e-BUW none electronic resource Przegląd Historyczny only in paper 300.917 Przegląd Komunikacyjny free access none 305.239 Przegląd Organizacji only in paper 303.577 Przegląd Podatkowy free access none 315.260 Przegląd Podatków Lokalnych i Finansów Samorządowych only in paper 355.819 Przegląd Politologiczny free access none 335.857 Przegląd Prawa Handlowego Lex IP 319.041 Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny free access none 335.863 Przegląd Sejmowy free access none 323.983 Przegląd Statystyczny free access none 307.591 Przegląd Techniczny only in paper 304.029 Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego Lex IP 303.570 Przemysł i Handel
(R. 1920-1929)e-BUW none electronic resource Przemysł Spożywczy only in paper 311.068 Psychologia Ekonomiczna free access none 335.732 Puls Biznesu wydawca registration 313.080 R ^ Rachunkowość only in paper 310.728 Rachunkowość Budżetowa OIN/CDE password 319.184 Rejent only in paper 335.622 Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Francaise free access none 335.894 Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej free access none 335.859 Rocznik Prasoznawczy free access none 335.739 Roczniki Administracji i Prawa free access none 316.866 Roczniki Biblioteczne free access none 308.515 Roczniki Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych free access none 311.822 Roczniki Naukowe Ekonomii Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich free access none 335.738 Rozprawy i Sprawozdania Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego we Lwowie
(R. 1929-1931)e-BUW none electronic resource Ruch Filozoficzny free access none 300.190 Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny free access none 300.227 Rynek Rolny only in paper 320.929 Rynek Turystyczny only in paper 315.069 Rzeczpospolita EMIS IP 313.036 S ^ Samorząd Terytorialny Lex IP 323.962 Security Forum free access none 335.926 Serwis Prawno-Pracowniczy OIN/CDE password 316.148 Silesian Journal of Legal Studies free access none 335.676 Społeczeństwo i Ekonomia free access none 335.865 Sprawy Międzynarodowe free access none 303.038 StartUp Magazine only in paper 335.826 Statistics in Transition free access none 323.968 Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations only in paper 325.177 Studia Demograficzne free access none 308.825 Studia Ekonomiczne free access none 308.491 Studia Europejskie free access none 316.165 Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów free access none 313.910 Studia Prawnicze free access none 302.433 Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne free access none 301.155 Studia Prawnoustrojowe free access none 335.644 Studia Socjologiczne free access none 307.250 Studia z Polityki Publicznej free access none 335.861 Sytuacja Społeczno-Gospodarcza Kraju free access none 336.061 Szef Sprzedaży only in paper 336.058 Śląski Przegląd Statystyczny free access none 315.324 Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne 335.858 T ^ Tęcza Polska only in paper 335.536 Toruń Business Review free access none 335.915 Transborder Economics free access none 335.920 Transport Manager only in paper 335.846 Trzeci Sektor wydawca registration 316.850 Turyzm free access none 323.964 Tygodnik Handlowy
(Warszawa: 1919-1920e-BUW none electronic resource Tygodnik Powszechny only in paper 313.349 U ^ Ubezpieczenia Społeczne free access none 315.177 Urban Development Issue (d. Problemy Rozwoju Miast) free access none 336.038 W ^ Warsaw Business Journal EMIS IP 310.394 Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology free access none 335.694 The Warsaw Voice EMIS IP 313.056 Wiadomości Matematyczne free access none 314.259 Wiadomości Statystyczne free access none 309.373 Wiadomości Turystyczne only in paper 313.094 Wieś i Rolnictwo free access none 316.251 Wprost EMIS IP 317.547 Wspólnota only in paper 313.026 Współczesne Problemy Zarządzania free access none 335.718 Z ^ Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej free access none 307.570. Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej only in paper 311.646 Zarządzanie i Finanse free access none 335.742 Zarządzanie Publiczne free access none 316.892 Zarządzanie w Kulturze free access none 335.631 Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi dostęp na komputerze w Czytelni Czasopism 315.281 Zeszyty BRE Bank-CASE free access none electronic resource Zeszyty Koniunktury w Gospodarce Polskiej free access none 320.923 Zeszyty Naukowe / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie free access none 335.866 Zeszyty Naukowe PWZS w Płocku. Nauki Ekonomiczne free access none 335.927 Zeszyty Naukowe Turystyka i Rekreacja free access none 335.929 Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas free access none 316.875 Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych Kancelarii Sejmu free access none 316.844 Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości free access none 316.406 Ż ^ Życie Gospodarcze
(Katowice: 1945/46-1980)e-BUW none electronic resource
- Foreign current magazines
The list below includes only subscribed journals in paper version (available in the Periodicals Reading Room) with information about possible access to the electronic edition. In addition, we provide Readers with access to a collection of tens of thousands of other journals, not included in this list, available only in electronic version, a tool enabling them to find a journal in the database is the journal search engine.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Title on-line access ACCESS RESTRICTION ISSN A ^ Academy of Management Journal EBSCOhost IP 0001-4273 Accounting and Business Research Taylor & Francis Online IP 0001-4788 Accounting Organizations and Society SienceDircet IP 0361-3682 Accounting Horizons EBSCOhost IP 0888-7993 Accounting Review EBSCOhost IP 0001-4826 Agricultural Economics Wiley Online Library IP 0169-5150 Alternatives SAGE Journals IP 0304-3754 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics only in paper 1945-7782 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy only in paper 1945-7731 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics only in paper 1945-7707 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics only in paper 1945-7669 American Economic Review only in paper 0002-8282 American Economist SAGE Journals IP 0569-4345 American Journal of Economics and Sociology Wiley Online Library IP 0002-9246 American Statistician Taylor & Francis Online IP 0003-1305 Annales. Historie, Sciences, Sociales only in paper 0395-2649 Annals of Statistics Project Euclid IP 0090-5364 Applied Economics Taylor & Francis Online IP 0003-6846 Applied Economics Letters Taylor & Francis Online IP 1350-5851 Arbeit und Wirtschaft only in paper 0003-7656 Area Development and Policy Taylor & Francis Online IP 2379-2949 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Emerald Emerald IP 1355-5855 ASTIN Bulletin Cambridge Journals Cambridge Journals IP 0515-0361 Atlantic Economic Journal SpringerLink IP 0197-4254 Azija i Afrika Segodnja only in paper 0321-5075 B Baltic Journal of Management Emerald IP 1746-5265 Banker ProQuest IP 0005-5395 Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis only in paper 0340-5370 British Journal of Industrial Relations Wiley Online Library IP 0007-1080 Bulletin for International Taxation only in paper 1819-5490 Bulletin of Economic Research Wiley Online Library IP 0307-3378 Business Economics only in paper 0007-666X Business Process Management Journal Emerald IP 1463-7154 Business Week Global Edition free access 0007-7135 C Cambridge Journal of Economics Oxford Journals IP 0309-166X Canadian Journal of Economics Wiley Online Library IP 0008-4085 Continuum Journal of Media and Cultural Studies Taylor & Francis Online IP 1030-4312 Common Market Law Review ProQuest IP 0165-0750 Comparative European Politics only in paper 0165-0750 Comparative Political Studies SAGE Journals IP 1472-4790 Compensation and Benefits Review SAGE Journals IP 0886-3687 Contemporary Economic Policy Wiley Online Library IP 1074-3529 Contributions to Political Economy Oxford Journals IP 0277-5921 Cost Management ProQuest IP 1092-8057 D ^ Demography ProQuest IP 0070-3370 Dengi i Kredit only in paper 0130-3090 Developing Economies Wiley Online Library IP 0012-1533 Development Policy Review Wiley Online Library IP 0950-6764 E ^ Eastern European Economics M.E. Sharpe IP 0921-8009 Econometrica Wiley Online Library IP 0012-9682 The Econometrics Journal Wiley Online Library IP 1368-4221 Economic and Industrial Democracy SAGE Journals IP 0143-831X Economic Development and Cultural Change only in paper 0013-0079 Economic Geography Wiley Online Library IP 0013-0095 Economic History Review Wiley Online Library IP 0013-0117 Economic Inquiry Wiley Online Library IP 0095-2583 Economic Journal Wiley Online Library IP 0013-0133 Economic Policy only in paper 0266-4658 Economica only in paper 0013-0427 Economics Letters ScienceDirect IP 0165-1765 Economie et Politique only in paper 0424-3218 Économies et Sociétés only in paper 0013-0567 Economie et Statistique only in paper 0336-1454 De Economist SpringerLink IP 0013-063X The Economist ProQuest IP 0013-0613 Economy and Society Taylor & Francis Online IP 0308-5147 Ekonomické Rozhľady only in paper 0323-262X Ekonomika i Matematiceskie Metody only in paper 0424-7388 Ekonomika i Organizacija Promyšlennogo Proizvodstva (EKO) only in paper 0131-7652 Ekonomika i Žizn only in paper 0013-3051 Ekonomist only in paper 0869-4672 Electronic Library Emerald IP 0264-0473 Empirical Economics SpringerLink IP 0377-7332 Enterprise Development and Microfinance Practical Action Publishing IP 1755-1986 Entrepreneurship. Theory and Practice SAGE Journals IP 1042-2587 Environmental and Resource Economics SpringerLink IP 0924-6460 Euromoney EBSCOhost IP 0014-2433 European Economic Review ScienceDirect IP 0014-2921 European Journal of Cultural Studies SAGE Journals IP 1367-5494 European Journal of Development Research only in paper 0957-8811 European Journal of Finance Taylor & Francis Online IP 1351-847X European Journal of Industrial Relations SAGE Journals IP 0959-6801 European Journal of Marketing Emerald IP 0309-8211 European Journal of Political Economy ScienceDirect IP 0176-2680 European Journal of Political Research Wiley Online Library IP 0304-4130 European Management Journal ScienceDirect IP 0263-2373 European Taxation only in paper 0014-3138 Europe-Asia Studies Wiley Online Library IP 0966-8136 L’Expansion only in paper 0014-4703 Explorations in Economic History ScienceDirect IP 0014-4983 F ^ Finance only in paper 0752-6180 Financial Management Wiley Online Library IP 0046-3892 Financial Times ProQuest IP 0370-1766 Finansy only in paper 0869-446X Finanzarchiv IngentaConnect IP 0015-2218 Foreign Affairs EBSCOhost IP 0015-7120 Foreign Policy wolny dostęp none 0015-7228 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung only in paper 0174-4909 Futures ScienceDirect IP 0016-3287 G ^ Games and Economic Behavior ScienceDirect IP 0899-8256 Gender in Management Emerald IP 1754-2413 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice only in paper 1018-5895 Geneva Risk and Insurance Review only in paper 1554-964X George Washington International Law Review EBSCOHost IP 1534-9977 Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication Emerald IP 2514-9342 H Handelsblatt only in paper 0017-7296 Harvard Business Review EBSCOhost IP 0017-8012 History of Political Economy only in paper 0018-2702 Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Hermes-IR 0018-280X Human Resource Management Review ScienceDirect IP 1053-4822 I ^ IMS Bulletin – Institute of Mathematics Statistics Bulletin wydawca 0146-3942 Industrial Marketing Management ScienceDirect ScienceDirect IP 0019-8501 Industrial Relations Wiley Online Library IP 0019-8676 Industrial Relations Journal Wiley Online Library IP 0019-8692 Information Economics and Policy ScienceDirect IP 0167-6245 Insurance: Mathemetics and Economics ScienceDirect IP 0167-6687 Intereconomics SpringerLink IP 0020-5346 International Business Review ScienceDirect IP 0969-5931 International Economic Review Wiley Online Library IP 0020-6598 International Journal of Bank Marketing Emerald IP 0265-2323 International Journal of Emerging Markets Emerald IP 1746-8809 International Journal of Ethics and Systems Emerald IP 2514-9369 International Journal of Forecasting ScienceDirect IP 0169-2070 International Journal of General Systems Taylor & Francis Online IP 0308-1079 International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance Emerald IP 1463-371X International Journal of Industrial Organization ScienceDirect IP 0167-7187 International Journal of Logistics Management Emerald IP 0957-4903 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications Taylor & Francis Online IP 1367-5567 International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management Emerald IP 0960-0035 International Journal of Research in Marketing ScienceDirect IP 0167-8116 International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management Emerald IP 0959-0552 International Journal of Social Economics Emerald IP 0306-8293 International Journal of Systems Science Taylor & Francis Online IP 0020-7721 International Journal of the Economic of Business Taylor & Francis Online IP 1357-1516 International Migration Review Wiley Online Library IP 0197-9183 International Politics only in paper 1384-5748 International Politics Review only in paper 2050-2982 International Review of Administrative Sciences SAGE Jounals IP 0020-8523 International Review of Law and Economics ScienceDirect IP 0144-8188 International Review of Social History Cambridge Journals IP 0020-8590 International Small Business Journal SAGE Jounals IP 0266-2426 International Social Security Review Wiley Online Library IP 0020-871X International Statistical Review Wiley Online Library IP 0306-7734 International Studies of Management and Organization MetaPress IP 0020-8825 International Transport Journal only in paper 2504-4540 Internationale Politik only in paper 0020-8345 Internationale Transport Zeitschrift only in paper 0020-9341 Internationales Verkehrswesen only in paper 0020-9511 J ^ Jahrbücher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik only in paper 0021-4027 Journal of Accountancy EBSCOhost IP 0021-8448 Journal of Accounting Research only in paper 0021-8456 Journal of Agricultural Economics Wiley Online Libary IP 0021-857X Journal of Applied Corporate Finance only in paper 1078-1196 Journal of Applied Econometrics Wiley Online Library IP 0883-7252 Journal of Banking and Finance ScienceDirect IP 0378-4266 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Taylor & Francis Online IP 0735-0015 Journal of Business Economics SpringerLink IP 0044-2372 Journal of Business Research ScienceDirect IP 0148-2963 Journal of Comparative Economics ScienceDirect IP 0147-5967 Journal of Consumer Research only in paper 0093-5301 Journal of Contextual Economics Duncker & Humblot IP 2538-7603 Journal of Development Economics ScienceDirect IP 0304-3878 Journal of Development Studies Taylor & Francis Online IP 0022-0388 Journal of East-West Business Taylor & Francis Online IP 1066-9868 Journal of Econometrics ScienceDirect IP 0304-4076 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization ScienceDirect IP 0167-2681 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control ScienceDirect IP 0165-1889 Journal of Economic Education Taylor & Francis Online IP 0022-0485 Journal of Economic History Cambridge Journals IP 0022-0507 Journal of Economic Issues M.E. Sharpe IP 0021-3624 Journal of Economic Literature only in paper 0022-0515 Journal of Economic Perspectives only in paper 0895-3309 Journal of Economic Studies Emerald IP 0144-3585 Journal of Economic Theory ScienceDirect IP 0022-0531 Journal of Economics SpringerLink IP 0931-8658 Journal of Economics and Business ScienceDirect IP 0148-6195 Journal of Empirical Finance ScienceDirect IP 0927-5398 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ScienceDirect IP 0095-0696 Journal of European Public Policy Taylor & Francis Online IP 1350-1763 Journal of Evolutionary Economics SpringerLink IP 0936-9937 Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences only in paper 0022-1570 Journal of Finance Wiley Online Library IP 0022-1082 Journal of Financial Economics ScienceDirect IP 0304-405X Journal of Industrial Economics Wiley Online Library IP 0022-1821 Journal of Industrial Relations SAGE Journals IP 0022-1856 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Mohr Siebeck IP 0932-4569 Journal of International Business Studies only in paper 0047-2506 Journal of International Economics ScienceDirect IP 0022-1996 Journal of International Money and Finance ScienceDirect IP 0261-5606 Journal of Labor Economics only in paper 0734-306X Journal of Law and Economics only in paper 0022-2186 Journal of Macroeconomics ScienceDirect IP 0164-0704 Journal of Management Development Emerald IP 0262-1711 Journal of Management Education SAGE Journals IP 1052-5629 Journal of Management Studies Wiley Online Library IP 0022-2380 Journal of Marketing EBSCOhost IP 0022-2429 Journal of Marketing Management Taylor & Francis Online IP 0267-257X Journal of Marketing Research SAGE Journals IP 0022-2437 Journal of Marriage and the Family Wiley Online Library IP 0022-2445 Journal of Mathematical Economics ScienceDirect IP 0304-4068 Journal of Monetary Economics ScienceDirect IP 0304-3932 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Wiley Online Library IP 0022-2879 Journal of Operations Management ScienceDirect IP 0272-6963 Journal of Planning and Environment Law only in paper 0307-4870 Journal of Politeness Research only in paper 1613-4877 Journal of Political Economy only in paper 0022-3808 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Taylor & Francis Online IP 0160-3477 Journal of Public Economics ScienceDirect IP 0017-2727 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty SpringerLink IP 0895-5646 Journal of Services Marketing Emerald IP 0887-6045 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development Emerald IP 1462-6004 Jpurnal of Sports Economics SAGE Journals IP 1552-7794 Journal of Structured Finance wydawca IP 2374-1325 Journal of the American Planning Association Taylor & Francis Online IP 0194-4363 Journal of the American Statistical Association Taylor & Francis Online IP 0162-1459 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistic in Society Wiley Online Library IP 0964-1998 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Metodology Wiley Online Library IP 1369-7412 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 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