Student internship

An internship is an obligatory part of a 1st cycle study programme. It is treated as one of the elective courses and earns 3 ECTS credits.

Students can do an internship in Poland or abroad, after completing the first year of their study programme. The content of the internship should be related to the study programme at SGH and the internship should last at least three weeks and 90 hours. Students should submit a tripartite placement agreement as well as annex  No. 1 and No. 2,  one week before the start of the intership and send them to the Educational Support Team.

E-mail address for sending documents:

As part of the credit pool for elective courses, graduate students may complete an internship and obtain 3 ECTS credits for it. Students majoring in Project Management, International Business and Finance and Accounting, practical profile II degree undergo an obligatory internship.

Students of  Finance and Accounting, practical profile must complete a 3-months internship (min 360 h, 12 ECTS credits). The Internship may be held in two parts or in one 3-months part. Students should complete the internship before the end of 4th semester. Please be informed that insurance for this field of study also lasts for 3 months.

The content of the internship should correspond to the profile of student’s education at SGH. Internships can be completed either in Poland or in another country.

Internships are based on a tripartite agreement between SGH, the student and the host company or institution. The internship may be completed within the framework of the student’s professional work as long as it is possible to implement the educational process and achieve the assumed learning outcomes. Mentioned process is preceded by the conclusion of an agreement on the implementation of the internship.

A student doing an internship outside Poland within a programme coordinated by the International Centre is obliged to fulfil additional conditions required under that programme.

A student who signs a contract with SGH is insured during the internship period and receives an accident insurance certificate. Mentioned insurance for all field of study except FA, lasts 3 weeks.

The decision on crediting the intership undertaken by the internship supervisor in a given field of study designated by the Rector.

Educational Support
room 37, building G
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 92 11, +48 22 564 94 55

SGH career website

Internship offers

Internships abroad