Applications templates and application deadlines – Graduate Studies

Some applications addressed to the Deans of Master's Studies shall be submitted on the templates.

To submit application via USOSweb you should log in and choose: Student’s section.

Information about the time of delivering to the Graduate’s Dean Office confirmation of sick-leave, which shall be the attachment to the application of keeping the date of exam:

Confirmation of sick-leave shall be send to the Student’s Support Person within 3 days starting on the next day after being prepared by the medicine doctor via email sent from SGH mailbox.

Applications shall consists of:

  • data of the person: student’s number, semester of the studies the student is on, correspondence address, telephone number,
  • indication of the demand,
  • signature  of the person submitting application.
Deadlines for submitting applications

All the dates are in Polish Local Time

Apllying for prolonging the exam session

  • Spring 2023/24  by  26th of September, 2024

The exam session can be prolonged till 9th of October, 2024

 Information about sick leave or other reasons which prevented from participating in the exam ought to be sent by email to the Student’s Support Person (from SGH mailbox) within 3 days from the day of their occurrence. It should be confirmed by the attached document confirming the reason of absence.

Apllying for conditional enrollment for the next semester

  • Spring 2023/24 by 9th of October, 2024

Students who had permission to extend the session: 14 days from the date of passing the exam within the extended period.

Applying for repeating the semester

  • Spring 2023/24 by 9th of October , 2024

Submitting master’s seminar declaration (USOSweb)

  • (for students who start their seminar in the Fall semester of 2024/2025 including QEM and double diploma students)
  • by 24th of September, 2024

Applying for transfering the courses from studied at SGH  (for students of semesters 2nd and higher)

by 11th of Seprember, 2024

Applying for transfering the courses from studied at SGH  (for students of 1st semester)

by 6th of Seprember, 2024

Applying for prolonging master’s thesis submission (USOSweb):

  • for students who finish their studies in Spring semester of 2023/2024 by 10th of September, 2024

Applying for the resumption of studies in Fall semester of 2023/2024

by 11th of September, 2024  (does not concern the students who have lost her/his status in Sprring semester of 2023/2024)

Applying for transfer to SGH

  • application submitted in Spring semester of 2023/2024 by 30 of June, 2024

Applying for long-term leave in the Fall semester of 2023/20234

by 24th of September , 2024

Applying for changing major

  • application submitted in fall semester of 2023/2024 by 15th of June, 2024

Applying for changing the mode of study

  • application submitted in fall semester of 2023/2024 by 15th of June, 2024

Applying for possibility of taking subjects in the individual mode
(under condition that the course is in the lecturer’s offer for the given academic year, and the course was not opened to be conducted in the normal mode or the group has been terminated)

  • for auntumn semester by 11th of September, 2024 (Exchange students till  17th of October)

Applications available in VDO

  • information about exams collision,
  • application for prolonging examination session,
  • application for conditional enrollment for the next semester,
  • application for repeating semester,
  • application for retaking a semester,

Please notice that the answer to the application submitted in Virtual Deans Office will be send via VDO.

Application for changing surname or other personal data

According to the Rules and Regulations of Study, student needs to inform the school about all changes in the personal data that are important for the studies, especially: name, surname, permanent address, correspondence address. In the case of not informing about new permanent or correspondence address, delivering letters or decisions on the address in Poland given to the school before shall be taken as effective  and  will have legal effect. The statement about changing personal data shall be submitted personally to the Student’s Support Person within office hours showing the original document confirming the changes. In the case of changing phone number or correspondence address you can send the confirmation via Post or as scan sent from SGH mailbox.

Applications templates