
EMIS-Region is a website containing extensive economic, financial and political information about Poland and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It enables the use of full texts of press and agency articles, financial statements of public and private companies, as well as various industry analyzes and reports. You can also use stock quotes, statistics and data on individual sectors of the economy as well as macroeconomic data.
Rules for using the database
- SGH students can use the EMIS database only at the University, from computers connected to the network.
- Employees and PhD students can also use home computers via remote access.
- Data export from the database is possible after creating an individual profile on the website
- During the suspension period, students were also allowed to access the EMIS website from outside the university.
- It is forbidden to automatically download data using the so-called robots, searchlights and any other applications that automatically download data.
- The use of the EMIS website is allowed only for educational, scientific and didactic, non-commercial purposes.