
SAGE Journals provides access to the following electronic versions of journals published by SAGE:
- Alternatives (2019- )
- The American Economist (2019- )
- The British Journal of Politics and International Relations (1999- )
- Communication Research (1999-1999)
- Comparative Political Studies (2019- )
- Compensation & Benefits Review (2019- )
- Economic and Industrial Democracy (2019- )
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (2017, 2019- )
- European Journal of Communication (1999-1999)
- European Journal of Cultural Studies (2019- )
- European Journal of Industrial Relations (2019- )
- European Journal of International Relations (1999-1999)
- International Communication Gazette (1999-1999)
- International Migration Review (2019- )
- International Review of Administrative Sciences (2000, 2019- )
- International Small Business Journal (2019- )
- International Social Work (2000-2000)
- Journal of Industrial Relations (2005-2006, 2019- )
- Journal of Management Education (2000, 2019- )
- Journal of Marketing (2019- )
- Journal of Marketing Research (2019- )
- Journal of Sports Economics (2019- )
- Management Teaching Review (2019- )
- Marketing Theory (2007-2007)
- Media, Culture & Society (1999-1999)
- Political Insight (1999- )
- Political Studies (1999- )
- Political Studies Review (1999- )
- Politics (1999- )
- The Review of Black Political Economy (2019- )
- Review of Radical Political Economics (2019- )
- Social Science Information (1999-2000)
Access to the database is possible only in the university network, i.e. at the university and via remote access, for authorized users, who are students, PhD students and employees of the Warsaw School of Economics.