This double degree program is available to full-time master students of SGH and EUV within the following study programs at SGH:
- Finance and Accounting (finanse i rachunkowość) [in Polish]
- International Business [in English]
- Management (zarządzanie) [in Polish]
as well as – at EUV:
- International Business Administration.
- European University Viadrina
European University Viadrina (EUV) contributes to the development of Polish-German relations, exchanges with Central and Eastern Europe and endorsing a joint European identity. Viadrina European University is closely cooperating with several European and non-European universities within the framework of two-folded or multi-folded agreements (enabling the student to obtain two or more diplomas or degrees, following a given country’s legislature).
Since the year 2000, SGH students have studied at EUV through the Erasmus exchange program.
- Program structure
- The intended period of study for the double degree is two years (4 semesters).
- Double degree students will spend their first year at their “home institution”, the second year at the “host institution”.
- Double degree students will have access to courses and enjoy the same rights and obligations and be subject to the same rules and regulations as the regular graduate students in the corresponding master study track of the “host institution”. They should have access at the “host institution” only for the parts of the study program that will be carried out under the responsibility of the “host institution”.
- Study plan
- Master thesis
- While at EUV, SGH students must successfully complete a Master’s thesis seminar of 20 ECTS at SGH and 24 ECTS at EUV.
- The Master thesis shall be supervised by one supervisor and co-tutored by a co-supervisor.
- The double degree students shall choose one supervisor from either institution, the co-supervisor has to come from the respective partner institution.
- The language of the Master thesis should be English.
- Part of Master thesis completion is the defence of the thesis. Members of the host institution are invited to attend the defence. In preparation of the thesis defence, a double degree candidate has to write a thesis summary in English. The defence will be conducted mainly in English.
- Full-time students of their home university will be able to enroll in courses of at the host institution enumerated in the study program and - upon completing them - will receive a Master degree at the host institution. Degrees received at home and host institutions are separate and independent from each other. Should the student fail to complete courses at either of the institutions, it is possible to obtain a single degree at either home or host institution.
- Upon successful completion of the Double Degree Program, partner institutions will award the following titles:
- Magister in Management or
- Master of Science in International Business or
- Magister in Finance and Accounting
- and at EUV: Master of Science in International Business Administration in the following study paths:
- Marketing and Management – M&M
- Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation – FACT
- Finance and International Economics – FINE
- Information and Operation Management – IOM.
- Upon completion the Master Double Degree Program, the student will receive two diplomas, two grade transcripts and diploma supplements. Each of the institutions should issue a diploma certificate and transcript of grades for the workload completed by the student there.
- The diploma supplement should contain detailed information about the rules and regulations as well as double degree credit transfer.
- Admission criteria
- Requirements for SGH students wanting to study abroad at EUV:
- Students from SGH must have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent before going to EUV.
- In order to receive the EUV Master’s degree, students from SGH must obtain in total at least 120 ECTS credits, either at their home university or at EUV.
- SGH students must study at EUV for at least two semesters and successfully obtain at least 60 ECTS credits. The respective study scheme in the field of study “International Business Administration” at EUV together with the study tracks is documented in the annexes to the agreement.
- It has to be pointed out that the aforementioned regulations are based on the present curricula in EUV and SGH. The regulations, however, are subject to change if the curriculum changes in any of the institutions.
- Requirements for EUV students wanting to study abroad at SGH:
- Students from EUV must have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent prior to coming to SGH.
- In order to receive the SGH Master’s Degree, EUV students must obtain at least 120 ECTS credits, either at their home university or at SGH.
- EUV students must study at SGH for at least two semesters and successfully obtain at least 60 ECTS credits.
- Candidates for the Master Double Degree Program will be selected by their home institution according to selection criteria jointly defined and agreed on by SGH and EUV. Each institution will have access to all written application documents and selection reports on the procedures for double degree. Each institution has the right to send a representative with advisory status to selection interviews of partner institution for the Master Double Degree Program. Joint selection interviews by both institutions are encouraged. Double degree candidates must fulfil all admission requirements of the partner institution, including language proficiency requirements.
- All double degree candidates must provide evidence of a satisfactory language proficiency according to the requirements of the Common European Framework (CEF):
- SGH students:
- German B2 (or higher) and English B1 (or higher) for all Tracks except General and IOM
- English B2 (or higher) for General or IOM Track
- EUV students:
- English B2 (or higher),
- English B1 (or higher) and Polish B2 (or higher)
- SGH students:
- According to the Rules and Regulations of selection for international programs and exchanges at SGH, all students accepted for double diploma programs are not allowed to apply for any other exchange or program that involves mobility abroad in the given academic year. It especially refers to Erasmus, PIM and bilateral exchanges and international programs like CEMS MIM.
- Selection and Application
Documents required from the SGH candidates to double degree program include (all documents should be prepared in English):
- A motivation letter addressed to Selection Commission to double degree program between European University Viadrina and SGH Warsaw School of Economics (in English, max. 1 page)
- CV of the Applicant
- Copy of the BA diploma
- Official course transcript or diploma supplement with grades received (in English)
- Document certifying fluency in English and German
- The first draft of the study program (preferred field of study/study path, list of academic interests, etc.)
Application documents should be delivered to Ms. Agnieszka Kühnl-Kinel PhD by e-mail:
Contacts at SGH Warsaw School of Economics:
- Academic contact: Prof. Marcin Jamroży, email:
- Program manager: Agnieszka Kühnl-Kinel PhD, email:
Contacts at European University Viadrina:
- Torsten GLASE / Sarah KREBS, email:
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of International Affairs
European University Viadrina