CIVICA Research Open Science| The Role of Energy and Food Demand in Climate Change Mitigation

Event date:
7.03.2023, 14:00 - 17:00


Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Valentina Bosetti (Bocconi University)

Session 1 (60 minutes)

  • Presentation of STEADFAST work package on food demand - Silvia Pianta (European University Institute) Exploring demand-side mitigation: comparing historical dietary changes and climate mitigation scenarios
  • Presentation by Lukas Fesenfeld (University of Bern /ETH Zurich): The role of carbon food labels and experience with meat substitutes in shifting food demand toward planetary health diets
  • Roundtable discussion

Coffee break (20 minutes)

Session 2 (90 minutes)

  • Presentation of STEADFAST Work Package on energy demand - MartaVetier and Aleh Cherp (Central European University)
  • Gregor Semieniuk (University of Massachusetts Amherst): The demands on energy of industrialization: a production-side perspective on generating affluence in developing countries with climate change mitigation
  • Benigna Bozza-Kiss (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA): Energy demand-side solutions in the urban space
  • Roundtable discussion

Type of event:



CIVICA Research
