The subject of the conference is to summarise the first four years of the lump sum on corporate income in Poland from a legal and economic perspective and to look at the future of the distributed profits taxation model in Poland and worldwide. The conference will present, among other thingstopics, the conclusions of economic research conducted at the Warsaw School of Economics and by the Tax Foundation from the USA, as well as the perspective of representatives of the tax administration and business, including those from countries where the distributed profits tax operates, in particular Estonia and Latvia. As the key note speaker is expected to be Mr Daniel Bunn, President of the Tax Foundation.
Partial conclusions were developed in the first stage of research carried out at SGH at the request of MEiN – a task called: “Tax on divided profits, the so-called “Estonian” CIT as a target model for taxation of corporate income in Poland.
SGH, al. Niepodległości 162, building C, auditorium I
SGH Institute of Finance